On the land abandoned by God, the city is magnificent, the fairy aura is swirling, in front of the noon gate of the Forbidden City, Mo Yi walked out and looked back and waved his sleeves... Nothing happened.

"Alas, it's hard to put it out, and it's even harder to put it away. Mo Yi sat down on the spot with a disgraced face to gather his mind, and the majestic city that could not be seen at a glance shook.

The Divine Forsaken Land within a radius of thousands of miles also trembled, and a shadow in the sky could be seen from thousands of miles away, and the divine light rose dimly, and several sects on the edge of the Green Forest by the Divine Forsaken Land suddenly startled.

"Someone crossed?"

"Is there a treasure born in the sky?"

"In this direction... God's Forsaken Land?"

Countless monks from the Ruins period rose to the sky, flying straight towards the land of God's forsaken, and dozens of streamers and rainbows converged on the edge of the sky, and the monks from different sects reciprocated each other with polite and embarrassing smiles.

"Oh, Turtle Monk, I haven't seen you for more than ten years and I thought you were in retreat, why did you have the leisure to go out for a stroll today, could it be that you broke through the realm of phaselessness and came out to breathe?"

"Three-six-three" "Where is the matter, Yinyue Sanren, I have a sect that I have to take care of, where can I be like you, I can go wherever I want to go every day." "

"Okay, okay, you two old immortals, don't pretend, a strange treasure is born, the virtuous live in it, I'll go first!"

"Dog thief! Stop!" X2

Dozens of streamers rushed to the God's forsaken land like a horse race, and when they arrived one after another, they suddenly found that the strange light that illuminated the sky in front of Fang Qian had long disappeared, and all that remained in place was the wilderness and barrenness that had remained unchanged for thousands of years, and the red cliffs on the Gobi Desert were thousands of miles away, and only broken stones and dry plants could be seen.

"Someone preempted it?" The Divine Turtle Monk's temperament couldn't help but get frizzy now, and the divine consciousness of dozens of Returning to the Ruins period monks swept around the ground repeatedly, not letting go of every stone or ant.

"Someone left a message!" Silvermoon fell to the ground and picked up a blank piece of paper.

"What is written?" The Turtle Layman's head drilled over, only to see a few big words left on the white paper: Thank you for your patronage.

"I also found a message here!" someone exclaimed, and everyone jumped over again, only to see that the piece of paper still read: Thank you for your patronage!

"I've been hit!" someone exclaimed again, everyone suddenly thought that they had found a strange treasure, and in an instant the atmosphere was tense, and all kinds of golden visions appeared, but they ran over to take a look, and the guy who was shocked was holding a blank piece of paper in his hand and wrote: Do it again!

Mo Yi rode the blood sword and wandered back to the Qingshan Sect, and when he saw the return of the blood-colored Changhong, the gatekeeper of the Qingshan Sect immediately came over sensibly and handed back the red jade waist card, but Mo Yi noticed that the gatekeeper elder had been looking at the abandoned land of God absentmindedly, and suddenly smiled and asked, "What happened?"

"A stick of incense, there is a divine object born in the land of the gods' forsaken! The majestic shadow almost covers the sky, and there is a treasure light illuminating the sky, it must be a great divine object, the four inner sect elders are ready to go and find out, but the head of the sect master ordered us not to take half a step out of the sect. From time to time, the gatekeeper said, glancing at God's forsaken land.

"Then good luck to those who go to the forsaken land of God to fight for chance. Mo Yi smiled and walked towards the sect.

After entering the Qingshan Sect, Mo Yi did not return to the Sun Moon Cave Mansion, and went all the way to the main peak and entered the main hall, and after opening the door of the hall, Venerable Qingxuan was indeed still meditating on the high platform.

The blue light was like a dream in the haze, and after Mo Yi came in, Venerable Qingxuan opened his eyes and waved his hand to disperse the strange light: "You opened the Forbidden City." "

"Took something. Mo Yi raised his hand slightly, and the wooden box appeared in his hand: "Teacher, have you ever heard of the "Ten Thousand Tribulations Prison Heavenly Demon Treasure Body". "

"It's just a little bit of a smell. Venerable Qingxuan shook his head after meditating slightly.

"It's okay if the teacher doesn't know, but this guy does. Mo Yi said with his blood sword.

"I used to be the sword of the upper realm, and my wisdom was opened early, so it's not surprising that I know some secrets. Venerable Qingxuan bowed: "He is willing to teach you the treasure body?"

"That's a must, and it doesn't depend on our relationship. Mo Yi stuck his sword in the main hall, leaned his left elbow on the hilt of the sword, and said with a smile.

Venerable Qingxuan thought about it and made a move, the blood sword monster on the main hall screamed and was pumped over and landed in front of the main platform, since the very beginning of being educated by Venerable Qingxuan, the blood sword has always had a psychological shadow on this woman, as Mo Yi used him to kill more and more goods, the strength of the awakening was almost thought that he could raise his eyebrows, but the Qingxuan Venerable changed hands and refined the mother fire.

This is still a fart, it doesn't take thirty years to Hedong and thirty years to Hexi, the mother fire burned on him, and it is estimated that the sword body will be burned, and the blood sword feels that this woman is very evil, and she doesn't play cards according to common sense at all, and the mother fire can control this kind of thing, it is the first time in the world, and he can only continue to pretend to be a grandson in front of Qingxuan Venerable in the future.

Without Venerable Qingxuan speaking, the Blood Sword on the high platform honestly recounted the details of the Ten Thousand Tribulations Prison Heavenly Demon Body, the materials and steps of various sacrificial treasure bodies, as well as the accidents and visions that may be encountered, are simply flawless, and every detail has been taken care of. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Venerable Qingxuan pondered for a long time after hearing this, and he didn't dare to let out the blood sword, and Mo Yi in the main hall was also waiting with a smile.

"How many medicine introductions have been collected now?" Venerable Qingxuan asked, looking at Mo Yi.

"The True Dragon Soul, the Wheel Scarlet Jade Grass, and... The elixir of heaven. Mo Yi said.

After a long time, Venerable Qingxuan glanced at the Blood Sword and said, "It seems that you have seen a lot of people and things with your previous master... 0"

"That's a must, my old master is a real genius! Back then, the sword cultivators of the Immortal Realm were in charge of his sects and holy lands, and the ancestors were only worthy of shining my old master's shoes, as the old master's most trusted immortal sword, I knew that these were of course normal. Seeing that the Blood Sword had recognized the Qingxuan Venerable, his old master couldn't help but blow violently.

"Although the artificially listed treasure body list in the immortal cultivation world is not perfect, and there are countless omissions, but Rao is so, the heavenly demon body will inevitably be ranked in the top ten among them, and the blood rebirth and immortality are indeed very admirable and desirable, but..."

"But it's too wicked. Mo Yi said.

Venerable Qingxuan bowed his head: "The treasure body uses the divine object as the medium to sacrifice the flesh and blood of the monk, and the divine object has spirituality, just like the strongest treasure body in the holy mountain, the heavenly holy body. One of the most important central medicines of the Heavenly Holy Body is the Holy White Lotus that can only be cultivated in the Pure Pond of the Holy Mountain, which is extremely positive and pure, and it is precisely because of the Holy White Lotus that every Holy Maiden who cultivates the Heavenly Holy Body is all the Seven Exquisite Hearts, Ice Crystal Jade and Clean Bones, and they are dusty and pure. "

"Even if a village girl cultivates the Heavenly Holy Body, she will become as high and inviolable as every Holy Maiden?" Mo Yi said.

"Yes. Venerable Qingxuan said: "On the contrary, if what the Blood Sword said is true, then the most important thing in the Ten Thousand Tribulations Hell Heavenly Demon Body, which plays a role in integrating all the other medicines, is the extremely evil and non-Dao fetus, if the refining is completed, even if the treasure body owner is restrained, it will appear to be demonic, and everyone who is righteous will be punished." "

"Sounds challenging. Mo Yimo clapped his fists.

"Looks like you're out of your mind. Venerable Qingxuan looked at Mo Yi and said.

"Gluttonous Spiritual Root is the biggest demon seed, even if I don't cultivate the Heavenly Demon Body, few righteous people will let me go. Mo Yi didn't care 4.6 and said: "If you want me to see it, I will go all the way to black, if someone paints the white sheep black, is it a bad seed inside?"

"Then do it. The smile on the corner of Venerable Qingxuan's mouth was fleeting: "After three days, I will help you protect the Dharma." "

"It's just a teacher, can the old medicine really be used? Mo Yi frowned slightly.

"I've found some clues about the fruit of immortality. Venerable Qingxuan waved casually, and the green flame burning above her head dissipated slightly, and Mo Yi saw at a glance that what was wrapped in it was a Heavenly Immortal Fruit: "I am trying to use the mother fire to transform into the "Yang Fire" part of the "Yin and Yang Fire" to purify the evil in it. "

"Is there really an evil in the immortal fruit?" Mo Yi stared slightly at the scarlet fruit that was burning in the flames.

"I don't know, but the yang fire in the yin and yang fire has the effect of dispelling all evil, and whether it can really refine the evil will be known within three days. Venerable Qingxuan looked at the scarlet fruit and said lightly.

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