Martial arts arena.

Wang An and Yinghua staggered again, the bronze giant bell above their heads that suppressed the audience roared, and Yinghua and Wang An snorted and half-knelt on the ground respectively.

Ying Hua gently lifted the clothes on her left abdomen, and saw the purple-black fist marks that were getting deeper and deeper below, her face was gloomy, and Wang An, who was not far away, was even more miserable, a gap was cut from her navel to her lower back, and now she could only cover the wound so that her intestines would not fall out.

"Mortally wounded. Wang An half-knelt on the ground and stared at Yinghua, he knew that he was not comfortable with the other party, because the other party's mana had been "stolen" by him.

It is extremely difficult to fight at the next level, and the monks of the vast period can already spread their mana evenly throughout their bodies, and some attacks with insufficient strength cannot have an effect on the opponent at all, and they may even be injured by the rebound of mana.

However, Wang An's gluttonous immortal path has the property of refining all things, refining the aura of all matter for his own use, which of course also includes the mana of the enemy.

In every hand-to-hand combat, Wang An will fight to refine the large mana used by Yinghua to protect his body, because he knows that Wang An has the strange power of snatching people's flying swords, Yinghua does not dare to easily fight the enemy, which also leads to the fact that he can only choose to be close to Wang An, under the suppression of the bronze bell, he is the peak of the vast period, and he can't kill Wang An, who is slippery and like a yellow eel.

Not to mention, now Wang An seems to have learned a set of boxing techniques and steps from somewhere, using the field as a chessboard, stepping on the stars and Beidou, hovering between the nine stars, the fist is sharp and powerful, and if you don't pay attention, you will be knocked through the weak place of the body's mana, and a large piece of mana will be "dug up".

"Evil Demon Outer Dao!" Ying Hua's eyes became more and more dangerous when he looked at Wang An, this way of snatching people's mana reminded him of some very bad rumors in the immortal cultivation world recently, but because Wang An's law 773 power was extremely neutral and peaceful, there was no evil spirit at all, and even faintly revealed an awe-inspiring righteousness - mana would not deceive people, which made his conjecture self-defeating.

"What is good and what is evil, senior brother, if you hadn't forced her step by step, trying to take away her chance, things would not have come to this point. Wang An took out a pitch-black pill from his sleeve, crushed it and smeared it on the wound on his waist, his face twitched, and his nails rubbed to make a fire, the high-temperature fire flashed on the slender wound, and the stench of burnt rose.

Wang An's face was pale and his head trembled a few times with cold sweat, and the white mana glimmer surged up from his body to dispel the sense of powerlessness, and he reluctantly stood up again and looked directly at Yinghua and said: "The difference between good and evil has never been the difference between positions, and there will be a difference between good and evil in what we do. "

"Do you mean that I am the outer path of the evil demons?" Yinghua's voice was cold, staring at Wang An's murderous intent, and his disciples who longed for him to shirk in the Qingshan Sect all respectfully called him the "Gentleman's Sword", and his Yinghua Yishui Sword was the way of goodness and water, wouldn't it be in line with the artistic conception of a gentleman like water?

Originally, Yinghua had a secret murderous intent for this competition, but now Wang An's words made him completely sprout killing intent!

"His gentleman, my demon, Senior Brother Yinghua. Wang An whispered, his eyes full of determination, he took out countless pitch-black pills from the acceptance ring and sandwiched them between his fingers, and threw the mana all over his body into his hands violently, and the pills bottomed out and burst out of pitch-black thick smoke.

Ying Hua immediately realized that he had seen Wang An's fighting methods during the Great Sect Competition, and the smoke from the Pitch Black Pill in his hand was mostly containing the effect of toxins, and he would not be as careless as those stupid Vast Period peers.

The mind of the blue water sword surged into his heart, and Yinghua slowed down the flow of blood all over his body, and quickly swallowed the detoxification pill and released an eye disease technique into his eyes. It's still noon, the sun is in full bloom, and the martial arts platform is not arranged like a formation for the big competition of the sect, and the black smoke will dissipate after a long time - most likely Wang An is going to work hard, pulling the victory and defeat into a cruel environment to determine the winner with one blow!

The sword momentum of the Bishui Sword continued to carry away on his body, thinking of Wang An's strange means of inexplicably cutting off his mana, Yinghua had no doubt that if he underestimated the enemy, he might really be killed, before Wang An had been relying on strange steps to fight with himself, exchanging injuries for injuries, resulting in his endless Bishui Sword having nowhere to do, but now that he knew Wang An's intentions, he could directly invoke the final killing blow of the Bishui Sword.

The black fog filled the entire martial arts stage, and the disciples in the audience made regretful voices one after another, everyone knew that the next moment was the decisive moment, but outside the black fog, it was difficult to see what was happening inside.

"Can he win?" Chen Yin couldn't help but whisper.

"The odds aren't good. An Zhiming said.

Yinghua is the weakest in actual combat among the four elder inner gates, but it is also a vast peak and has received the true inheritance of the ruins, and the blue water sword has the characteristics of endless, so it is the most suitable for protracted battles, so it can be understood in disguise that Yinghua is the most commendable in the battle is also staying power, which is extremely unfavorable to Wang An, who wants to decide the victory with one blow.

Wang An is now covered in bruises, and his mana has also consumed a lot, it is very likely that even if Wang An's desperate blow is successful, he will not be able to break through Yinghua's defense after releasing his mana in one go!

In the black fog, the white light in Yinghua's eyes flickered, he glanced around, under the illumination of the noon sun, the black fog was difficult to hide, Wang An had already cast that strange pace and constantly moved in the field into a flickering black shadow.

"Come on, come on, you know what you're going to do. Yinghua held the blue water sword in his hand, and his heart was surging with murderous intent squinting slightly, and he only waited for the moment when the flickering black shadow suddenly burst out.

But at this moment, the vision changed abruptly.

The celestial phenomena of the Qingshan Sect changed, black dark clouds suddenly shrouded a radius of thousands of miles, the thunder roared deafeningly, the sun was obscured, shadows covered the earth, and in an instant, the world fell into darkness. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

On the martial arts stage, in the black fog, Yinghua's eyes suddenly went dark, and she completely fell into the situation of reaching out and not seeing her five fingers!

"Damn!" Ying Hua's heart was terrified, he didn't expect this scene to occur at all, and he couldn't help but wonder if this was Wang An's handwriting and layout? If so, will the other party's next nirvana change for it? How should he deal with it?

The countless thoughts and suspicions in his mind only passed by in an instant, and the moment the darkness fell in reality and screamed, Yinghua's body had involuntarily moved according to the original plan.

The vast peak realm mana poured out all over his body, but at this moment, Yinghua's mana was even more concentrated on the purple-black wound on his left abdomen! If there was the only flaw in his body, then it must be this wound, and Wang An's killing blow would definitely come here!

Sure enough, the pale mana in the darkness appeared in front of Yinghua's left! Wang An really seized the darkness of this moment and made a move! A killing blow came straight towards Yinghua's waist!

"Fooled! Now the most powerful defense in my body is here, and your killing blow is already self-defeating!" Yinghua's eyes showed a ruthless look, and the clear water sword in his hand was surging and the killing power was revealed, "Clear as water", the most fierce and swift sword in the blue water sword came out of his hand, and Wang An, who was blocked by the defense, was about to pass through his heart!

However, Yinghua was wrong.

In the black mist, Wang An dragged a bottle of three-legged small tripod in his hand, and a huge amount of mana surged out on the three-legged tripod, yes, Yinghua guessed right, this is indeed a must-kill blow!

Ying Hua watched in astonishment as the three-legged tripod in Wang An's hand smashed through his mana defense, went straight into his left abdomen, and then hit him in two, and the mana that burst out from the three-legged tripod was the same origin as him?

The mana that Wang An used to kill himself was his own mana?

Under the stage, the corners of the mouth of Gongsun Ruoji, who was on the nine-headed golden lion king, raised a cruel arc.

"No... No!" Yinghua took a few seconds to accept the reality of his beheading, and screamed in horror.

"I don't have time to refine your mana in battle. Wang An said softly: "The mana cut from you is stored in the Immortal Ding, just waiting for this blow." "

What Yinghua may not know is that the moment Wang An stood on the stage, he always held in his heart the intention of killing him! At the moment when Yinghua caused trouble to Lin Xian, he was ready to kill his former fearful fellow disciple.

Surprisingly ruthless and decisive.

Yinghua had a sharp pain in his broken waist, and with only half of his body left in mid-air, he swung down the "Clear as Water" that had already been stored in anger, and a clear spring of water gushed out from the blade of the sword, condensing into a line and slashing towards Wang An's neck!

"It's night. Wang An had a hideous and cheerful smile on his face, and the bronze giant bell fell on his head, covering him in it, and it was as clear as water and bombarded the bronze giant bell, only knocking the giant bell and Wang An in it away!

"Forcibly take other people's mana for your own use!Are you the Blood Emperor of Bishan!?Are you the Blood Emperor of Bishan?!" Yinghua fell to the ground and only the upper half of his body struggled in a pool of blood, he stared at Wang An in disbelief and resentful yelling between screams, he couldn't believe that he had fallen like this.

"No, I'm not as good as that guy. Wang An bled and said with a smile: "Compared to me, that guy is the real evil demon alien!"

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