Mortal realm.

The frontier of the country is not in vain.

The sun was shining, the land was desert, and 10,000 captives knelt in front of a thousand-meter-long tunnel, looking down at the dark and deep pit, with cold sweat and tears of fear on their faces.

On the cold and majestic high walls of the city, Wang Jiao, the general of the Yiguo Wolf and Tiger Army, was wearing black iron armor, with a ten-stone heavy bow behind the quiver hanging on his belt, and his eyes were as cold and poisonous as a wolf under the helmet of the golden lion, and a wisp of red tassels flew bright as blood.

"Admiral, the hour is coming. Behind Wang Jiao, the army staff officer reported with an iron helmet at his waist.

Wang Jiao was silent, and glanced up at Shichen, still maintaining an uneasy silence.

While waiting for the order, the army staff officer glanced sideways at the city wall, and the grand appearance of the thousand-meter tunnel captives lined up couldn't help but make people secretly jaw-dropping, and at the same time sighed a lot.

In recent years, I don't know why, like committing the wrath of the sky, the mortal world has encountered locust plagues and droughts that have not been seen for many years, natural disasters and man-made disasters have occurred everywhere, the people are not able to make a living, and the people's hearts are scattered.

The king of Yiguo can't rub a little sand in his eyes, and it doesn't matter if he rebels against the king in a far other place, it is nothing more than adding such a small piece of land to the list of all countries coming to the court in the future, but if there is a little movement around Yiguo, the end will inevitably be the Lang Hu army.

Just like now, thousands of rebel captives are waiting to die.

The country is prosperous, the country is rich and the army is strong, the prestige of the war is prosperous all the year round, and every good year is the tribute of all nations, but where the neighboring countries have evil intentions, the king of the country will descend with the wrath of thunder, and 800,000 iron horsemen will break through the national line with the wrath of the king to boost the prestige of the country.

Among them, 800,000 iron horsemen are also the head of the legendary generalissimo "Wu Anjun", and the tiger charm leads 180,000 iron horsemen to break through the mountains and rivers and calm the world. It is rumored that the general of "Wu Anjun" has already broken through the realm of the great master of martial arts, and he is still tough at the age of 300.

Now this border rebellion is also Wu Anjun led the troops to quell the rebellion, the tiger charm is in hand, the iron cavalry rolls away like a black wave, the stragglers and brave people collapse like a chicken and a dog, and they lose their armor and go away in less than two charges, and the enemy's generals and the fake emperor who dared to lead the rebellion were also cut off and hung on the city, which was dried by the scorching sun and Gobi hot wind, and the smell was shocking.

Now the remaining 10,000 rebel soldiers are just waiting to be beheaded to show the public to deter the border area, but a discerning person like the military staff can see that these rebel soldiers can be called "soldiers", they are simply a group of refugees and peasants who have been bewitched.

"Are you really going to be beheaded?" the military staff officer couldn't help but whisper.

Wang Jiao seemed to hear the muttering of his military staff, glanced at him and said: "The laws and regulations of Yiguo have always been strict, and rebels, regardless of their official position, background, men and women, even if they are relatives of the emperor and the country, as long as they touch the line of death, they will be beheaded and shown to the public. Besides, this is Marshal Mo's order, do you want to intercede for these people? I can help you introduce you to meet the marshal. "

"No, no. The sideburns of the army staff officer broke out in a cold sweat and repeatedly pushed back: "It's just that His Majesty in the capital issued an order that the rebels outside the city should be beheaded at noon, and the marshal will personally supervise it." But now the hour is coming, but the marshal still hasn't appeared..."

"The marshal will not be here today. Wang Jiao said lightly.

"Not coming?" the military staff officer was dumbfounded.

"There was an urgent matter at the marshal's house, and he was escorted by a team of personal soldiers from the Tiger Roaring Battalion of the Wolf and Lion Army, and he hurried back with a whip. Wang Jiao said.

"But the holy decree says..."The army staff officer sweated even more.

"There will be no disapproval of the king's order outside. Wang Jiao looked at the army and said, "You haven't been with me for a long time, and you will learn more truths in the future." "

The army staff was silent, in the army, the military orders the sky, and Marshal Wu Anjun is naturally higher than the sky!

"I heard that the marshal returned home this time because he was worried about the only son in the family. Wang Jiao said suddenly.

"Marshal Mo's only son... South from the Huai River area... Da Shao, Young Master Mo?" the military staff officer noticed Wang Jiao's suddenly indifferent gaze, and suddenly changed his words and said that he was a big Shao, and the cold sweat flowed even more.

Wang Jiao's family is a lifelong friendship with the marshal, the marshal's only son, these veterans are regarded as their own, if anyone's daughter is beautiful, maybe the next day will be sent to the marshal's house to let the only son be in trouble.

The well-known Young Master Mo in the Huaihe River is well known to everyone in the capital, probably because he is the son of the marshal, no one has ever dared to say that Young Master Mo is not.

Everyone knows that Wu Anjun Mo Tianjiao is a ruthless person who protects his shortcomings to the extreme, once in the last dynasty, a civil official participated in a book of Wu Anjun's connivance with his only son as a disaster, and before he could finish reading, he was dragged to the saint by Wu Anjun who was present and beaten half to death, and afterwards the saint was furious, and condemned Wu Anjun and the civil official, the former went home and thought about it behind closed doors for half a year, and the latter stripped the official position and distributed it to the frontier.

Since this incident, no one dares to publicly say that the Mo family is not a word, and even if they want to say it, they will say it secretly in private.

But the problem is that it seems that there has been no news from the Mo family since recent years, and the forces that are at odds with Wu Anjun in the capital have sent countless spies to get some first-hand information, but none of them can get out of Nanli County alive, and all of them were skinned and returned to the heads of those forces by Wu Anjun's private guards.

Since then, the matter of the Mo family has become an unsolvable mystery, no one has seen the young master Mo who used to be in the past molesting the women of the good family, going in and out of the fireworks and wine alleys, I have to say that the streets and alleys of Nanli have been reborn, and the girls dare to dress up and go out to show their cardamom youth.

Many people in the capital suspect that Wu Anjun's only son is dead, but more people suspect that Wu Anjun has something else to do, because after constantly sending spies to his death, they finally discovered that not only the Mo family is gone, but even the Mo family and daughter who were once shocked by the heavens, qin, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry, wine, tea and songs, all kinds of shocking heavens and people, and are as beautiful as fairies, have also disappeared!

The eldest daughter and eldest son disappeared together, and for a while the people in the capital were panicked, thinking that Mo Tianjiao was going to rebel, so he hid his only son and only daughter first and then raised troops to revolt, and conquered the world for his son.

But until today, for the first time, the staff officer of the Xinjiang army here heard the secret news about the marshal's children, and he couldn't help but be puzzled and curious, after all, he also thought that Yiguo was going to change the sky, but now after hearing the rumors and thinking about it, he couldn't help but ask boldly, "Is the eldest son of the marshal sick?" "

"Lord Marshal, is your eldest son sick, do you need to introduce a famous doctor?" Wang Jiao glanced at the military staff officer with disdain after hearing this, shook his head and said, "Don't ask about things that shouldn't be asked. "

The military staff officer was speechless for a while, and said in his heart, Didn't you mention the matter of the eldest son first? aroused the curiosity of his subordinates, and he was not allowed to ask.

"But it's not like it's impossible to say. Wang Jiao was quiet for a while, looking at the Gobi desert in the frontier, and suddenly said, the military staff officer was immediately in good spirits and listened attentively.

"When His Excellency the Marshal said that he was going to leave early, there were many old people in the army who said no, and asked the marshal carefully when the eldest son had happened and whether they could help. Wang Jiao said while reminiscing: "The marshal said that no one can help him in this matter, because it is related to the problem of "above". "


The military staff officer subconsciously looked up at the sky, and after a few seconds of stunned thought, he suddenly reacted, his face changed greatly, and his head hung down deeply without saying a word.

"At this time, we learned that the eldest daughter and eldest son of the marshal had gone to that place when they hadn't been seen for a long time. Wang Jiao looked at the sky and said faintly.

In that place, there are moving mountains and reclamation of the sea, asking about the way of heaven, and borrowing orders from heaven.

The people in that place are people in the fairy road.

That place, called Upper Zero.

The military staff officer always thought that it was a folk rumor and fallacy, but he didn't expect that the general Yiguo in front of him would say so much, immortals have great terror, which is taboo for mortals. The emperor of the previous generation of Yiguo tried to prolong his life but could not do it, and unfortunately died in a beautiful funeral. Today's emperor is also old, and I remember that the previous generation of emperors also began to seek immortals for immortality at this time...

What the emperor wanted but didn't get, the marshal got it, but if he remembered it well, the previous generation of emperors was entrusted with the responsibility of seeking immortals...

Founding marshal, the crime of bullying.

The military staff officer was almost washed in cold sweat, because he knew that he had asked what he shouldn't have asked because of curiosity, and he knew what he shouldn't know.

The city wall was quiet for a long time, and when he saw that the army staff officers were so frightened that they didn't dare to say a word more, Wang Jiao couldn't help but laugh boredly, what is it to bully the king? What is it if you don't report it? The tiger talisman held by His Excellency the Marshal is in charge of the army of thousands of wolves and tigers, and what can the jade seal of his emperor Lao'er be in charge of? Those civil officials who are foaming at the mouth in the court? Or are they the beauties of the harem who only know how to compete for favor?

Wang Jiao couldn't help yawning, took out a token from his waist and threw it down the city wall.

The token landed, and the sun shone on the word, which was vigorous and powerful, and overflowing with murderous opportunities.

Outside the city, the crying shook the sky, and 10,000 cold-faced soldiers waved their steel knives, and in an instant, there was only a dead silence left next door to the frontier. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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