The trees were covered with shrubs, but the trees were covered with shrubs.

Xu Xiaoyao knew nothing about the discussion of passers-by.

She pushed her bicycle slowly up the mountain.

There were many thorns and it was difficult to walk, so she made a path.

She walked and stopped.

Finally she arrived at the place.

She put the bicycle away and took out the snakeskin bag: "There are about ten of them, I don't know if they are enough?"

"It should be about the same." Xu Jiajia put the yam she dug out into the snakeskin bag, and continued to dig after putting it in.

Xu Jiajia gave Hu Daya three snakeskin bags: "If you have less, come to me for more."

Hu Daya was grateful: "Sister Jiajia, you are so nice!"

Xu Jiajia pouted. She was not so nice to everyone, but she was willing to make friends with the Hu sisters because they were not as annoying as Hu Yitao and Mrs. Hu.

The five people dug for four hours.

They finally dug out all the yams.

Among the five people.

Xu Jiajia dug the least.

The other four dug about the same amount.

Originally, whoever dug it would own it.

But the Hu sisters took care of Xu Jiajia, the weak chicken, so they had to count according to the number of people.

According to the number of people.

Xu Jiajia was the only one who made money because she dug the least.

"This is not good. You have dug so much. If you divide it by number, you will suffer a loss."

Hu Daya knew that if Xu Jiajia hadn't led the way, they would definitely not find such a good thing: "Sister Jiajia, it's you who suffers, not us!"

After a debate, Xu Jiajia finally agreed to divide the yam by number.

There were ten snakeskin bags in total.

One car was loaded with three bags.

Several people worked together to secure the snakeskin bags with ropes.

The road down the mountain was not easy to walk.

He Hua pushed in front and Hu Daya pulled in the back, so that the car would not lose control and rush forward.

She worked in the fields all year round and had great strength. It was safe for her to pull in the back.

The other three stayed on the mountain.

Xu Jiajia drank some water and rested for a while. She asked Xu Xiaoyao and Hu Erya to watch the yams while she continued to go into the mountains to search for treasures.

Xu Xiaoyao was afraid that she would encounter wild animals, so she held her back and said, "It's very dangerous inside, don't go."

Xu Jiajia knew that Xu Xiaoyao cared about her, so she smiled and said, "I won't go into the mountains, I'll just walk around nearby."

Xu Xiaoyao wanted to go with them, but when she thought of the groups of people she saw when she entered the mountains, she was afraid that they would bully Hu Erya: "Can't I not go?"

Xu Jiajia shook her head, "No."

Xu Xiaoyao: "..."

"You can only go for an hour."

Xu Xiaoyao couldn't persuade Xu Jiajia, so she had to ask for the next best thing.

Xu Jiajia nodded, "Okay--"

Xu Jiajia carried her backpack and military water bottle and continued to walk in.

It hasn't rained these days.

There are not many mushrooms on the mountain.

But as she walked in, she dug up a lot of medicinal herbs, and also shot three pheasants and two rabbits.

Go a little further in.

Xu Jiajia started the scanner.

After a while, she dug out three ginsengs.

One hundred-year-old and two fifty-year-old.

Xu Jiajia planned to keep the hundred-year-old for Old Lady Xu, and the fifty-year-old could be sold, but she would not sell it if the price was cheap.

After digging the ginseng.

Xu Jiajia continued to look for treasures.

As she walked.

Suddenly she heard a cry coming from inside.

She followed the sound.

From a distance she saw a child wrapped in a red swaddling cloth, with fair skin, red mouth, and red and swollen eyes from crying.

She thought it was a girl.

She opened it and saw it.

Then she realized she was wrong.

She lowered her eyes and looked at the child in her arms. In this day and age, girls are usually abandoned, and boys are rare. For a child like this, it may be that something happened at home, or that the enemy stole the child.

Two situations.

Xu Jiajia prefers the latter.

If something happened at home, it would definitely not be left in the deep mountains and forests.

After all, the deep mountains are dangerous, and if things go wrong, the child will be eaten by wild beasts without leaving any residue.

Seeing such a fresh life, Xu Jiajia would definitely not ignore it. She carried the child out of the mountains.

Xu Xiaoyao looked at the child in her arms and was completely confused: "Is this yours? When did you get pregnant? Why doesn't it look like you're pregnant at all?"

Xu Jiajia's forehead was full of black lines. She gritted her teeth and said, "It's not mine. I picked it up."

"What? Picked it up? Who the hell threw such a young child into the mountains? What if it was eaten by wild beasts? Damn it, it's son preference again. As the old saying goes, even a tiger won't eat its own cubs. I think those parents who prefer sons to daughters are worse than animals!"

Because Xu Xiaoyao's original family also preferred sons to daughters, she particularly resonated with it.

Xu Jiajia glanced at the sleeping little guy and said slowly, "It's a boy."


Xu Xiaoyao was stunned: "What? Boy? Isn't it physically defective?"

This was Xu Xiaoyao's first reaction.

After all, very few people abandon boys these days.

Xu Jiajia gave the child a simple checkup and found that his hands and feet were normal. As for other things, she went to the hospital to find out: "A woman's sixth sense tells me that there is nothing wrong with the little guy."

Hehua pushed the cart into the mountain and saw Xu Jiajia holding a child in her arms. She had the same expression as Xu Xiaoyao and asked the same questions: "Is this yours? When did you get pregnant? Why don't you look pregnant at all?


Why did you give birth in the mountains?

Grandma Xu knew you were pregnant, but she asked you to go up the mountain? Come on, come on, get in the car, I'll take you back."

They are really good sisters! They say exactly the same things.

Xu Jiajia couldn't help but twitch her lips: "Even if you don't show your pregnancy, it's impossible not to see that the child is not mine. I picked him up."

"What? You picked him up? Where did you pick him up?"

"I picked him up in the mountains."

After hearing this, Hehua cursed: "Which dog is so cruel to put the child in the mountains? Doesn't he know that the mountains are dangerous?

Not to mention wild animals, there are many poisonous insects."

Xu Jiajia expressed her guess: "I suspect that the mortal enemy of the little guy's parents stole the child and threw him in the mountains, or it could be an enemy spy.

After all, the child has such good skin and is not thin.

If his parents didn't treat him well, he wouldn't have so much flesh on his face."

Xu Xiaoyao and Hehua thought it made sense, and they looked at the child with a little more pity.

"The child is innocent, how innocent."

Carry three bags at a time.

A total of ten bags.

It took four trips to finish the transportation.

Ten bags of yam, two bags per person.

Lotus and Xu Xiaoyao's were also placed at Xu's house, intending to sell them together with Xu Jiajia's.

Hu Daya thought for a while, took out ten kilograms of yam, and planned to sell the rest together with Xu Jiajia's.

When Lotus was delivering the second trip, she told Mrs. Xu about Xu Jiajia picking up the child.

When she saw the clean little guy, she liked him at first sight: "Jia Jia, I will take him to the hospital tomorrow to check if there is any problem with his body."

Xu Jia Jia also had a plan: "Okay."

Xu Jianguo came home from get off work and saw a baby at home. He was confused: "Whose child? It's not another adopted parent, right?"

Old lady Xu rolled her eyes: "No, this child was picked up by Jia Jia. Jia Jia will go to the newspaper tomorrow to see if she can find the child's parents. If she can't find them, we have to raise this child."

Xu Jianguo didn't want to raise someone else's child at all: "Mom, we can't raise it.

Think about it.

Jia Jia will have her own child soon. If you raise this child, who will take care of Jia Jia in the future?"

This question really stumped Old Lady Xu: "Yes, Jia Jia, if you can't find the child's parents, what are you going to do with this child?"

Xu Jia Jia was also confused by the question: "I don't know, just watch it first!"

Seeing the child abandoned in the mountains.

She can't just ignore it.

Hui Niang was overjoyed when she learned that Hu Daya and her sister had dug a lot of yam. She said, “You two are lucky. You dug so many good things on your first trip to the mountains with the army.”

Hu Daya did not dare to take credit for it. “The yam was discovered by Sister Jiajia. We got a great deal. Sister Jiajia also gave us a pheasant.

Mom, let’s stew chicken and yam today. Sister Jiajia said it is very nutritious.”

After joining the army, Hui Niang had gained some experience. She did not think that studying was useless like she did in her hometown. She was not as rigid as before. “Eat. You girls are too thin. You need to eat more.”

Da Ya, I heard from the people in the family compound that Xu Jiajia next door is a high school student. She entered the Public Security Bureau with her own ability. Her two fellow villagers also entered the machinery factory through examinations. They are so outstanding, you should hang out with them more.

However, we can't take advantage of others. "

Hu Daya likes to play with educated people: "Well, Sister Jiajia is a very good person, unlike those educated youth in my hometown who think they are educated people in the city and look down on us in the countryside.

Sister Jiajia doesn't know or understand something, ask her, she will patiently answer, I like her very much. "

Hui Niang touched Hu Daya's head: "It's my mother who is sorry for you. If I had a little ability, you wouldn't be illiterate."

Hu Erya knew that her mother had tried her best. She remembered that her mother secretly saved one dollar to pay for her sister's tuition. When her grandmother, the old pious woman, found out, she beat her mother half to death and said that she was slutty and learned from the city people to send their children to school...

Since then, her mother has never touched money.

"Mom, it has nothing to do with you. It's my father who is not a human being. If he cared more about the family, the five of us wouldn't be illiterate."

In fact, Hu Erya is very

She hated Hu Guang, but Hui Niang told her that she couldn't hate him, because hating one person was too tiring.

"Da Ya, Er Ya, do you still want to study?"

The two sisters' eyes lit up and they said in unison, "Can we still study?"

Da Ya is already sixteen, and she can have a date in two years.

If she is sent to the first grade at this age, someone will definitely laugh at her.

"As long as you want to learn, it's never too late, but you have to withstand the rumors and ridicule from others."

Hu Daya didn't worry about these, but she was afraid that Hu Guang would not agree: "Will Dad agree? If he doesn't give us money, we can't afford the tuition?"

Just as Hu Daya said, when Hu Guang learned that Hu Daya wanted to go to school, he disagreed a hundred times: "You are about to find a partner, and you still go to school, isn't it shameful!"

Hu Erya is a straightforward person, and she says whatever she wants: "It's shameful for you. You earn only 100 yuan a month, but you can't afford to send your daughter to school. If others know that your sister has never been to school, they will definitely say that you, as a father, are irresponsible and incompetent."

Hu Guang was so angry that he wanted to slap Hu Erya. Not only was she not afraid, she also stretched out her face for Hu Guang to hit: "Hit, hit, as long as you are not afraid of your comrades saying that you hit the child, hit hard, it would be best if you can slap me to death!"

After finally getting the chance, Hu Erya risked it.

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