Her movements caught Linru off guard.

The sense of crisis made her subconsciously take a step back to avoid Lin Chun's knife.

But the distance between them was so close that Lin Ru had no room to hide.

Seeing that Lin Ru's abdomen was about to be stabbed by a knife, a big hand stretched out from the side and held the knife stabbing Lin Ru.

Suddenly, blood spilled from the hand with distinct joints and perfect radian, flowed down the blade, and wetted Lin Chun's hand holding the knife.

Lin Ru immediately turned her eyes to the side of her body. She saw a thin bead of sweat oozing from Jiang Yucheng's firm and cold face. His thin lips were slightly pursed and his lip color was white. Obviously, it was not that he couldn't feel how painful the injury on his hand was.

Lin Chun is also stunned by Jiang Yucheng's decisive action. Taking this opportunity, Jiang Yucheng reaches out his other hand and pinches Lin Chun's wrist.

He used his ten fingers to make Lin Chun's bones creak.

Lin Chun's throat let out pain and was forced to loosen the knife in his hand.

Jiang Yucheng shook off the knife held in his other hand. When the blade left the meat, Jiang Yucheng was sharp and frowned slightly.

At the same time, he kicked Lin Chun's abdomen, twisted her pinched hand when she was forced to bend down, and pressed behind her with her other hand.

After pressing Lin Chun, Jiang Yucheng turned his head slightly and said to Lin Ru, "find a rope."

Although Lin Ru was worried about Jiang Yucheng's hand, she did as she said.

She took out a nylon rope from the room. According to Jiang Yucheng, a friend of his failed bungee jumping and destroyed all the equipment angrily. He asked for one when he saw that the rope was good.

Knowing this, Lin Ru was surprised that people like Jiang Yucheng would still use second-hand goods.

At this point, it seems that the rope has a place to play.

Jiang Yucheng tied Lin Chun's upper body with a rope to ensure that she couldn't do it. After holding the unused rope, he pulled Lin Chun closer to the house.

After entering the house, Jiang Yucheng tied Lin Chuncheng to the big desk he usually used to work.

This desk is made of logs and has a lot of weight. Lin Chun can't escape here as long as he doesn't have the ability to resist the table.

Lin Ru looked at Jiang Yucheng doing this. It was Lin Chun who attacked her just now, but now it seems that they kidnapped Lin Chun.

"Jiang Yucheng, what are you doing tying her here..." Lin Ru's tone was a little subtle.

Hearing this, Jiang Yucheng turned and looked at her: "I don't want to call the police now. It's cheaper for her."

Jiang Yucheng's words frightened Lin Chun.

At this time, she was beaten by Jiang Yucheng fat, and she had sobered up.

After the madness and impulse retreat, the only thing left is fear and regret.

"You, what are you doing?" Lin Chunsheng trembled.

Jiang Yucheng ignored Lin Chun's words. He went to Lin Ru, looked at her eyes, floated to his hand, and raised his hand to her.

"It's okay." Jiang Yucheng smiled: "don't you think I can move?"

After he raised his hand, the ferocious wound on his hand poked Lin Ru's eyes.

Because he directly blocked Lin Chun's full blow with his bare hands, and the knife was extremely sharp, the bone could be seen in the edge of the knife.

The flesh and skin on both sides of the wound turned outward, and the blood kept flowing out. The lines in the palm of his hand were clearly visible against the blood.

Lin Ru was distressed and moved. She immediately came forward and carefully held Jiang Yucheng's hand.

"Why are you so stupid?" She couldn't help asking with half blame.

Looking at her uncontrollable worry, Jiang Yucheng was in a happy mood and showed a gentle smile to Lin Ru as if he didn't feel any pain.

"It's okay. Don't worry."

He ignored his wound and wanted to comfort her. Lin Ru's nose was sour. She sucked her nose and hurriedly forced the water in her eyes back.

She took the bandage from the medicine box and wrapped it tightly around Jiang Yucheng's wound to prevent more blood from flowing out.

Jiang Yucheng watched her move all the way. It was not that he didn't want to command, but that his head was dizzy because he lost too much blood.

After Lin Ru tied him up, she looked up at him and found that Jiang Yucheng's eyes were in a trance.

She knew it was time to take him to the hospital.

So Linru put up Jiang Yucheng's arm: "Jiang Yucheng, let's go to the hospital. Watch your feet and don't fall."

Jiang Yucheng answered in a dull voice. Although he listened to Lin Ru and paid attention to the road under his feet, his steps were still not smooth.

In this way, they went downstairs with difficulty. After Lin Ru moved Jiang Yucheng into the car, she drove to the nearby hospital.

Fortunately, it's late now. They don't gamble on the road. They have a smooth journey and arrive at the hospital in about ten minutes.

Jiang Yucheng became even paler in just ten minutes. When Lin Ru got him off the car, he almost fell down.

Jiang moved Rulin into the hospital again.

Fortunately, after entering the hospital, doctors and nurses took over him. After a simple examination, they decided that Jiang Yucheng's injury on his hand was not serious. Just a few stitches.

However, the situation of excessive blood loss is urgent and requires blood transfusion.

At this time, the doctor asked Lin Ru, "do you know the patient's blood type?"

Lin Ru was stunned.

The doctor knew that she didn't know, so he urged: "call quickly and ask if there would be an accident during this period if we had to do the test now and it would take a long time to give blood transfusion."

Lin Ru hears the speech and immediately calls Jiang Yi.

However, Jiang Yi's phone didn't get through and she couldn't get through. Lin Ru had to take the risk and call old Jiang.

Old Jiang is much more reliable than Jiang Yi. The phone was soon connected.

"Hello, Mr. Jiang, this is Lin Ru." Lin Ru's tone was a little anxious.

Old Jiang's voice was cold and cold, much like Jiang Yucheng: "what's the matter?"

Lin Ru spoke quickly: "Jiang Yucheng had an accident and now needs blood transfusion, but I don't know his blood type, so I'll ask you."

"Type ab." After Jiang Lao answered, Linru immediately told the doctor.

Knowing Jiang Yucheng's blood type, they didn't delay any longer. They pushed Jiang Yucheng to the operating room.

Lin Ru followed them. At this time, old Jiang asked with concern, "which hospital is Yucheng now? How is he?"

Lin Ru told the truth.

Old Jiang was relieved to hear that Jiang Yucheng just lost too much blood and had no other problems.

At this time, his voice recovered coldness: "I'll come over now. Don't go. I have something to ask you later."

With that, Mr. Jiang hung up.

Lin Ru put her mobile phone back in her pocket, leaned against the wall outside the operating room and sighed.

Old Jiang is very difficult to deal with. I don't know what kind of difficulties she will face him.

However, Linru didn't forget her current human design.

Anyway, she has lost her memory. She can pretend to be stupid to old Jiang at that time.

Twenty minutes later, old Jiang appeared in the corridor where Lin Ru was.

When he approached Lin Ru, he immediately frowned and asked, "what's the matter with Jiang Yucheng?"

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