"Come in and invite her out." Lin Ru leaned lazily on the back of the chair and waved at will.

Wang Jing, holding the test report in her hand, looked a little trance. When she heard Lin Ru's words, she was uneasy and guilty. She simply covered her face and sobbed.

"Wuwu... Sorry, it's mom who humiliated you. It's mom who's sorry for you, Wuwu..."

The security guard looked at the wronged sobbing woman in front of him and looked at each other.

"What are you doing! Take people out quickly! " Anger around the West.

The security guard was about to start. Several big men came in from the door and directly took Wang Jing out with her mouth covered. The rest of the room were stunned.

A rush of footsteps approached slowly from far to near. After the door was pushed open, Jiang Yucheng's tall and straight figure appeared in front of the crowd.

It was clear around the West. She left the office with the security guard. Before she left, she squeezed her eyes vaguely towards Lin Ru.

Lin Ru felt helpless.

"Are you okay?" As soon as Jiang Yucheng entered the door, Lin Ru was the only one left in the whole world. His eyes tightly locked Lin Ru, and the concern in his eyes was so strong that he almost addicted Lin Ru.

Before Lin Ru answered, Jiang Yucheng quickly stepped forward and took Lin Ru in his arms.

"I'm fine. Don't worry." Lin Ru patted Jiang Yucheng on the back. "This is my business. Why do I feel you are more nervous than me?"

Jiang Yucheng's eyes were dark, but his voice was very gentle. "Just be fine, Xiao Ru. Will you leave me in the future?"

Lin Ru frowned. Why did she feel that today's Jiang Yucheng was strange, "don't worry, I won't leave you."

Jiang Yucheng hugged very tightly. This look of insecurity made Lin Ru feel distressed for a while.

After a while, Linru felt that her hands and feet were going to be stiff. She pushed Jiang Yucheng's chest, "Hey, are you taking advantage of me? That's enough. "

Jiang Yucheng let go of her and said firmly, "I'll deal with that woman. Leave it alone."

Lin Ru nodded and felt really good to be supported by someone. "That woman's appearance is too strange. Be careful not to be trapped by others."

Jiang Yucheng looked at the worried eyes of the little woman in his arms. His heart was so soft that he bowed his head and kissed Lin Ru's eyebrows. "I know who your man is. Can't you solve such a thing?"

Lin Ru smiled, "do your father know that you are so proud?"

Referring to old Jiang, Jiang Yucheng took a bite on Lin Ru's chin angrily. "We're together. Don't mention him. This is your punishment."

Lin Ru only felt a pain in her chin. She touched it behind her. It was broken. There was an obvious tooth mark.

"You are a dog! Take a bite from me. How can I get out later? " Lin Ru had a sad face. She gnashed her teeth like a cat that had been fried.

Jiang Yucheng loved her best. Her teeth were itchy and wanted to take another bite on her tender face.

"Then bite me." Jiang Yucheng raised his chin and looked selfless. The expectation in his eyes betrayed his mood.

How could Lin Ru make him happy and gouge him out, "you think beautiful!"

She felt the tooth marks on her chin and, still angry, stretched out her tender hand and twisted it around his thin waist.

"What shall we do now? If you go out, you will be found out. It's all your fault! " Lin Ru felt the ambiguous tooth marks on her chin in the mirror, complaining.

Jiang Yucheng sat next to her and touched the tooth marks on her chin. The tooth marks were particularly clear on her smooth chin.

Although he stamped his own seal on the little woman, he couldn't help feeling distressed when he saw the tooth seal.

"Sorry, I'll give you medicine." Jiang Yucheng took out a ointment from his pocket. "This medicine has a strong scar removing effect. After it was applied, it returned in ten minutes."

Lin Ru looked straight. "You were ready!"

Jiang Yucheng pursed his lips and said nothing. His face was as usual. He opened the box and drugged Lin Ru.

The ointment on her chin brought a cool feeling. Lin Ru narrowed her eyes comfortably, like a fluffy cat.

Jiang Yucheng felt the delicate touch under his hands and was reluctant to leave.

"All right." Jiang Yucheng withdrew his hand and his fingers bent slightly unconsciously.

The two snuggled up to each other and sat on the sofa, chatting without a word, waiting for the scar on Lin Ru's face to disappear.

"Jiang Yucheng, if... I was really just the daughter of a nanny, would you still like me like this?" Lin Ru lowered her eyes slightly, and her curled eyelashes trembled slightly.

Jiang Yucheng felt her uneasiness. The broad palm crossed her back and patted twice, "don't worry, no matter whose daughter you are, you can only be me in the future."

Lin Ru nodded slightly, but her tight body didn't relax. She curled up and leaned against Jiang Yucheng, seeking warmth.

Jiang Yucheng held Lin Ru tightly. His voice was low and magnetic, with a solemn meaning, "no one can break us up."

Lin Ru raised her head from his arms and stared at him closely, "what if that person is your father? He doesn't want us to be together... "

Before she finished her words, Jiang Yucheng blocked her lips and lingering lips and teeth. After entanglement, Jiang Yucheng raised his head with a trace of paranoia in his deep eyes, "impossible."

Lin Ru gasped slightly. She looked at Jiang Yucheng for a long time and suddenly smiled, "ha ha... This is what you said. In the future, even if you want to drive me away, I will pester you."


Lin Ru smiled happily, squeezed out a drop of crystal from the corner of her eyes, and hung it on the butterfly like eyelashes, which made Jiang Yucheng's eyes dark.

He would not wronged himself. He turned over and pressed Lin Ru under his body.

On the line, a crisp bell interrupted his movement.

"Honey ~ your cell phone rings. Answer the phone quickly."

Lin Ru's voice is charming and moving. For Jiang Yucheng, it is simply a good aphrodisiac.

The phone rang and urged them. Jiang Yucheng bit Lin Ru's lips with hatred. Then he got up and answered the phone without delay.

He picked up the phone and looked at it. He suddenly looked cold.

He looked back at Lin Ru, who raised a delicate smile at him, and his tight frown was slightly loose.

Jiang Yucheng went to the corner and said in a low voice, "say."

The man at the other end of the phone was scared cold by the low pressure of Jiang Yucheng. He shivered and calmed down before he said, "boss, we have handled that woman. What should we do next?"

Jiang Yucheng frowned. "Let her stay in the hospital first, break her legs, and don't let her get close to Lin Ru."


After Jiang Yucheng made some arrangements, he turned and left. When he returned, Lin Ru had put on her clothes.

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