"Lin Yi." Lin Ru's indifferent voice suddenly sounded, which finally made Lin Yi regain some sense.

Lin Yi made up his mind, and then he saw Lin Ru standing at the door, "you, you woman! So you did all this! Brother policeman, this woman did all this. You must catch her! "

The policeman stepped forward and knocked on the seat behind Lin Yi with a baton, "be honest."

Lin Yi was frightened by the baton. Hearing the sound, he immediately shrunk. However, the hatred eyes still locked Lin Ru tightly.

"Police brother, I want to talk to him alone."

"Well, be careful. This boy has been dishonest all this time."

After the police left, Jiang Yucheng looked around and determined that there was no monitoring around, so he took off the mask.

When Lin Yi saw Jiang Yucheng, his pupils shrank and a wave of horror sprang up in his heart.

"You, you..."

Lin Ru chuckled and looked at Lin Yi more coldly, "aren't you surprised? In fact, he has already come to me. "

This was completely beyond his expectation. Lin Yi struggled hard, "police! police! The real Jiang Yucheng is here. Come and catch people quickly! Jiang Yucheng is here! "

Hearing this, Lin Ru sneered and said a word of dog blood, "ha ha, you cry. No one will save you if you cry your throat."

Lin Yi was locked up for so many days. He was in poor spirits. He only called twice, and his voice was hoarse. Lin Ru leaned against Jiang Yucheng and looked at him coldly.

"Tut Tut, do you think I'm a stupid woman? I used to play with you, but now it's your turn to be unlucky. This feeling is really cool. "

What is elation? That's it.

Before, I didn't understand why I was inexplicably charged with a crime and got to the police station. Now when I hear Lin Ru's words, what else don't I understand?

"So it's all because of you, both of you? I finally know now, ha ha... "

Lin Yi looks up to the sky and laughs. The despair revealed in his words is amazing.

"So? Lin Yi, if you honestly tell us who the employer behind you is, maybe we can let you go. " Lin Ru's tone was faint.

However, this sentence made Lin Yi look thrilled, "how do you know such a thing?"

Jiang Yucheng held Lin Ru's slender waist and slightly raised the corners of his lips, "are those money comfortable? I heard you often changed trains during that time. " The soothing sound is like the biting wind in the cold winter and December, which makes Lin Yi tremble.

When he looked at Jiang Yucheng's condensed vision, Leng Buding shivered. He seemed to have a premonition of his next fate.

"Jiang Yucheng, boss Jiang, this matter has nothing to do with me. I'm just collecting money and eliminating disasters. Please let me go. I really don't want this."

Lin Ru sneered, "you didn't want to? But I think you've had a good little life these days. There are often beauties in your arms. I don't see where you're being coerced. "


Lin Yi had nothing to say and almost bit his tongue,

Lin Ru looked down at the man and felt a little boring, "your organization is really harmful..."

"You, what you say, I don't understand." There was a flash of panic in Lin Yi's eyes. He didn't dare to look directly at them.

Jiang Yucheng frowned slightly and walked forward slowly for two steps, "Lin Yi, who is that employer."

"We can't disclose this. It's all stipulated. The employer's information must not be disclosed." Lin Yi shrinks his neck. He has no confidence in what he said.

Jiang Yucheng nodded calmly, "let's go."

Lin Ru was hugged by Jiang Yucheng. The two snuggled together and left. Looking at the back of the two without hesitation, Lin Yi was worried, "boss Jiang, did you do this! How do I get out? "

Ling still hopes that he can clarify his identity and doesn't need to go to jail instead of Jiang Yucheng.

Jiang Yucheng turned back and glanced at him lightly, "since you can replace me, then replace it to the end."

This sentence completely knocked Lin Yi to the bottom of the valley.

Lin Yi sat in place for a long time. It was like waking up from a dream and shouted, "I'm not Jiang Yucheng, I'm Lin Yi. I'm not guilty. The person you're looking for is at the door. Come on! Come on, somebody!

His heart rending voice alerted several policemen, led by the male policeman who had brought the two before.

At this time, Jiang Yucheng had put on his mask. The police came to the door of the interrogation room. When they heard Lin Yi shouting constantly, they frowned and smiled, "this man seems to have a brain problem these days."

Lin Ru looked behind her. "Since this man is not him, he has nothing to do with the Chiang family."

So... Don't be afraid of the Chiang family. You can give this man a hard time.

"I hope we can find out when the boss pretended to be Miss Jiang Lin," she said

Lin Ru followed the police to take notes, folded the color box and walked out of the police station with Jiang Yucheng.

When they went out, they saw a lot of women at the door, including familiar faces and strange women. Yingyingyanyan gathered together and made a lot of noise.

"Lin Ru! So you're here, too. "

The one who called her name was a familiar voice. Looking for her voice, Lin Ru found that it was yuan Xiaole.

At the moment, yuan Xiaole's face was very black. When he saw Lin Ru, he strode forward, "do you know something about Jiang Yucheng?"

Lin Ru was stunned. Subconsciously, she looked back at Jiang Yucheng, who stood behind her. "What's the matter?"

Yuan Xiaole sneered, "it seems that you still don't understand. Jiang Yucheng, who is now locked up in the police station, is actually a fake. I'll go special! How dare you play with me! I really want to kill that boy! "

Yuan Xiaole's words were so violent that the women around him took two steps back.

"What did you do at the police station?"

Three women play a play. There are at least a dozen women here. They can play a palace duel play. Lin Ru frowned when she listened to the noise around.

Yuan Xiaole's expression was more painful than Lin Ru. "Can't you see who these women are now?"

Lin Ru looked around. Comparing yuan Xiaole's painful expression, she suddenly realized, "these are all colluded by the fake?"

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