"Madame boss, even if I have only brought an old movie star, no one in this company can match me with the contacts I have accumulated over the years."

Anli is very confident about this. He has been in the entertainment industry for decades. Even if he hasn't brought anyone out after that, he needs to accumulate contacts over the years.

Looking at the man around the west, his teeth itched with anger. "You think the earth will revolve around you. Even if the company doesn't have you, it can't break its production!"

When Rulin turned around, he was not responsible for the breach of contract. "Rulin was not responsible for the breach of contract?"

The person in charge nodded, "the liquidated damages are given. The purpose of his coming today is to want the liquidated damages. Our company has printed the contract. As long as the contract is signed, he will completely break away from the relationship between Party A and Party B with the company."

"I see..."

Anri is now desperate. He thinks the company will never let him go, so he has no fear.

"Landlady, I think there is a lot of room for negotiation now. People go up and water flows down. It's reasonable that I want to leave after such a big thing happened in the company."

Lin Ru nodded approvingly, "you're right."

An Li flashed a touch of ridicule at the bottom of his eyes. Unexpectedly, the landlady was still a soft steamed stuffed bun, just like him.

"That's all right. By the way, I've been in contact with sun he and the director for more than ten years. He promised to give me a female No. 2 play. See who's better in our company."

Lin Ru sneered, "sun he? The director who was rumored a few years ago? Some time ago, a actress was exposed. He is one of the directors of hidden rules. "

"I don't see it. It's a pity that you know such people. I can't see such a director. Hurry to go and harm the artists of other companies."

Anli's face was a little uneasy. He became angry and his face turned red with anger. "How can there be clean people in our circle? Landlady, you're still too naive. You're so young. You don't know these things."

An Li's attitude of teaching the younger generation successfully changed the face of everyone in the company, but he didn't know it himself.

"Hehe, right? But I don't need to know whether my employees will accept the hidden rules. Isn't this kind of thing in my hand? "

Lin Ru smiled calmly and spoke slowly.

This sentence made Ann black. She suddenly realized that she had said a little more just now.

"Well, you can sign now. Your liquidated damages have been paid. Now as soon as you sign, you will be free." Lin Ru pushed the contract on the table to Anli and looked at him.

Anli glanced at the contract on the table and sneered, "so you can't listen to what I just said? I can put my words here now. As long as I have a chance, I can bring out a film emperor! "

Lin Ru looked at him calmly. After a long time, she said with a smile, "well, I want to see how you bring out a movie emperor, use hidden rules, or use some improper ways..."

Speaking of this, Lin Ru's voice said, "I don't want to care about these. Now hurry to sign the contract so that we can get together and get together."

Anli was very angry because she didn't enter the oil and salt, "you, you, how can you..."

Lin Ru pushed forward the contract on the table, "hurry up, I have something to do later. Sign it quickly. Don't waste our time."

"Hoo..." Enrico took a breath and tried to calm himself down. "Landlady, you'd better ask the boss to come. I can't tell you women at all."

The straight man was almost hopeless.

Lin Ru sneered, "I don't need you to teach me what I am. If Jiang Yucheng is not here, I can decide and sign it quickly."

Anri clenched his fist and glared at her. "You'll regret it later."


Anli sneered and signed his name on the contract, "landlady, I know you study design. Things in the entertainment industry are different from your design industry. What's the use of driving me away now? Hehe, let's wait and see. "

He cut around the West and looked at him contemptuously, "you do have a lot of resources in your hand. What are these in exchange for? You don't know in your heart."

Anli's eyes turned to joy, "I'm talking to the landlady. What are you talking about?"

Lin Ru took over the information handed over by the person in charge. She turned it over and her eyes became colder. "It seems that you killed a new artist half a year ago. It is said that the man died miserably."

Hearing this, Anli's eyes twinkled, "does this matter have anything to do with me? I just acted as an intermediary. At the beginning, I didn't find that this woman was sick. Shit, I was cheated. "

"The deceased is great. You are not afraid that she will climb up from the ground to find you if you slander others so much." Lin Ru said quietly.

Anli tightened his clothes, touched his nose and said, "well, I still have two people in my hand. Can I take them away now?"

At this time, the person in charge said, "the contract states that you can't take any artists away when you leave. It was our company that signed with them, not you."

Anli scolded, "every business engages in fraud!"

"I've created a lot of benefits for the company during this time. It's not too much for me to take someone away."

The man's bargaining appearance is completely a market attitude. Lin Ru is a little impatient. "You have to go. Hurry up. Don't make a fool of yourself here. You still want to take people with you, and don't see if others are willing to follow you."

"Well, that's what you said. If they are willing to go with me, they can not pay liquidated damages or anything?"

Listening to the man's words, Huanxi couldn't help sighing, "now I finally know why you can get to this point. It is estimated that all resources are thanks to your shameless posture."

Anli didn't care about this evaluation. "Now that we have agreed, how about going to the hall on the first floor? There are many people there. "

Lin Ru didn't mind the trouble at all. She nodded in agreement. "OK, let's see how generous my boss's wife is."

The party went downstairs and gathered in the hall. They gathered around the West in front of Lin Ru and whispered, "do we really want to give it to him? Won't our company lose more and more? "

Lin Ru's lips were hooked and her eyes glittered. "This time, the company will be completely eliminated and those who are half hearted will go away."

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