Standing at the gate of the quadrangle, there is an ancient and simple atmosphere in front of you. Every brick and tile here contains a strong classical atmosphere. Just standing at the door, people forget the noise of the city and feel quiet in their hearts.

"When did this courtyard come into being? Why didn't I know before? "

Lin Ru took a novel look at the decoration of the quadrangle. In this place full of steel and cement, it is enough to satisfy people's curiosity to have such a building.

"About two or three months."

Jiang Yucheng was not familiar with this place. He looked at the open door and frowned.

Lin Ru was thinking about whether to go in directly. At this time, a woman in a cheongsam came. She didn't apply powder, like a magnolia blooming in the lonely mountain.

"Hello, are they here for dinner?"

Jiang Yucheng held Lin Ru's hand and nodded slightly, "yes."

With a smile on her lips, a standard professional smile and eight teeth, she made an invitation, "please."

They followed behind the woman. The decoration in the courtyard was very exquisite, and the pavilions were cross-linked with each other. There were many flowers and plants in the courtyard in the center of the courtyard, which were neatly trimmed, which was definitely the benefit of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

"Sit down, please. Here is the menu."

The woman took them to a single room in the attic and put the menu in front of them.

Jiang Yucheng ordered some dishes that Lin Ru liked to eat. Lin Ru ordered some dishes that Jiang Yucheng liked. They had a full tacit understanding and smiled at each other.

The woman left with the menu. For a moment, there were only two people left in the whole room.

"The environment of this place is really good." Lin Ru took a deep breath and felt the distinctive freshness. The haze in Lin Ru's heart was blown everywhere.

"If you like it later, I can often bring you here."

Jiang Yucheng took out a notebook from his carry on bag and put it on the table. "However, there are a lot of monitoring in this place. It's strange."

Monitoring is not a new thing in the store now. However, if monitoring is put too much, it will make people feel uncomfortable. After Jiang Yucheng entered the door, he found that almost all corners have monitoring.

Linru stood up and turned around. She found that the concealment of this place was very good, but the diaphragm effect was not good. She could still hear a man's loud voice from time to time in a compartment downstairs when she stood at the window.

"What are you doing?"

Lin Ru turned around and saw Jiang Yucheng sitting at the table, turning on the computer and constantly tapping the keyboard.

This hand speed is definitely not working.

Jiang Yucheng's hand was fast and kept tapping on the keyboard, "I've blacked out the monitoring here. Look, which woman you said is."

Lin Ru poked her head out from behind Jiang Yucheng and saw that the screen was full of dazzling code.

Jiang Yucheng finally typed out a piece of code and pressed the Enter key. As soon as the screen was dark, many surveillance videos popped up the next second. Lin Ru stared in amazement.

"This is all surveillance here?"

Jiang Yucheng clicked with the mouse. Lin Ru saw a flower in front of her, and her eyes focused on the woman in the red skirt, "this, this, this woman..."

"Is it this woman?"

Jiang Yucheng frowned and quickly transferred the monitoring related to the woman. At the moment, she is sitting in the box with a man for dinner.

Lin Ru looked at the woman's charming face and marveled in her heart.

"Her information really doesn't match the real situation."

According to the information above, this woman is a good girl. From primary school to university, she is in good order. Looking at her like this, her every move is full of the smell of red dust. If she is a young lady doing some service work, no one will believe it.

"What information is all false."

Jiang Yucheng quickly tapped on the keyboard with his fingers. The video of the box where the woman was located was enlarged and the voice was a little louder.

Lin Ru looked at the two people in the video attentively.

"Lao Liu, did you deliver the goods last time? Why can't I contact the person in charge? "

Lao Liu is a middle-aged man sitting opposite the woman. He has a square face and upright facial features, which adds a bit of cold and solemn temperament to him.

"He's probably drunk now. He'll get in touch in two days. Don't worry."

"By the way, the limelight is a little tight outside these days. If something happens, we'll call. There's no need to meet like this."

The woman nodded. "This mission failed. I don't know how it will threaten me."

"Failed? Will you fail? "

"I really don't know what's good about Lin Ru. Why put surveillance on her? The boss has some kind of paedophilia? No, there are so many sisters who have slept with the boss, and they don't say the boss can't. "

"Well, well, we can't talk nonsense about such things. If the boss knows, it will be terrible."

"All right."

Lin Ru was sleepy and didn't recognize anything useful.

"These people are really cautious and don't mention the boss behind the scenes." Lin Ru yawned lazily.

At this time, the door of the room was knocked. Jiang Yucheng quickly withdrew from the intrusion website and deleted all the traces of his intrusion.

Lin Ru looked at the door. There were several waiters in cheongsam. She went to open the door, and several waiters poured in.

After putting the dishes on the table, the group retreated with training.

Lin Ru smelled the smell of rice in the air and took Jiang Yucheng to sit at the table. "Come on, try it. The food here smells comfortable and looks delicious."

Jiang Yucheng took the chopsticks handed by Lin Ru.

"That woman is not simple. Don't do such dangerous things in the future, okay?"

Lin Ru nodded indifferently and didn't take his words to heart at all. "I know, I know, eat quickly."

After a meal, the woman had left. Lin Ru regretted Yao shook her head. "I thought I could find some useful clues today. Unexpectedly, I just had a meal."

"I've sent someone to follow up. News will come soon." Jiang Yucheng's voice was soothing, giving Lin Ru an endless sense of security.

Lin Ru's eyes lit up, leaned up and kissed him on the side, and praised him without stingy, "it's good to have you. I don't have to worry about anything."

Jiang Yucheng's lips were slightly hooked. When Lin Ru retreated, he turned around to cover her lips. A fine voice came from the blending of lips and teeth, "this is how to thank..."


Just when Lin Ru was about to suffocate, Jiang Yucheng finally released her. Her body leaned against Jiang Yucheng and breathed heavily.

"Murder your own wife ~"

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