"Really, really, absolutely true. Now at this time, how can I lie?"

Seeing Lin Ru turning back, Lin Yi's eyes suddenly brightened and the light of hope burst out from his eyes. Now his ending has been decided. He can only wait for Lin Ru to try his best to reduce his time in prison.

As long as it is not life imprisonment, there are still many possibilities. He still has a lot of assets outside. At that time, he contacted his trusted people and fished himself out.

"There are still many things. If you want to know, help me. As long as you help me so that I can go out early, I can tell you anything." Lin Yi's face almost stuck on the glass.

Lin Ru slowly sat on the stool. Her eyebrows frowned. "What else do you know?"

Lin Yi's eyes are full of pure light. "As long as you're willing to help me get out early, I'll tell you."

Lin Ru sneered, "so, are you threatening me now? But do you think you still have the capital to trade with me? There are some things I can find out myself. "

"No." Lin Yi grinned. The cunning smile made Lin Ru really difficult to be liked. "You don't know how strong the person who wants to deal with you is. Who is Jiang Yucheng? He can quietly get him to the place where birds don't shit. His strength is not as simple as you think."

Speaking of this, Lin Yi's voice gave a pause and then laughed at himself. "The man contacted the people of the Li family and used Wang Jing to separate you from Jiang Yucheng. There are also traces of our organization's involvement in this matter. You can check it."

Lin Ru was surprised. At the beginning, Wang Jing pretended to be her own mother. If she hadn't met Li Qing earlier, she would have been forced to separate from Jiang Yucheng at that time.

What does the man behind want to do?

"Haven't you found anything? The man's means are dark. He knows the weakness of you and Jiang Yucheng. You two can't guard against it. "

Lin Yi suddenly burst out laughing. His eyes widened. "Look, I'm just a small minion. What if you lock me in this place all your life? You still can't find that man. "

"So, please, let me go. As long as I can come out, I will tell you everything I know."

Lin Ru frowned, lowered her head and thought slightly, "I'll think about it first."

When Lin Ru left, Lin Yi changed his previous decadent appearance and exuded strong anger all over.

She has forgotten about Wang Jing. Is this also the work of the mysterious man? What exactly does he have against them?

Lin Ru never knew she knew such a powerful person.

Puzzled, Linru decided to tell Jiang Yucheng about it and discuss it with him.

When she left the police station, Linru was full of thoughts, bowed her head and meditated. She didn't notice the dance passing her.

Here, Shi Wu came to the police station and met Lin Yi.

Seeing Shi Wu coming, Lin Yi was surprised, "Why are you here? Did you come to see my joke? The company has completely abandoned me, but I haven't forgotten what I gave you when I was developed. "

In fact, few people are willing to share your hardships.

Shi Wu has a dignified expression. She looks around and finds several cameras in the corner of this place, which can only restrain her mood.

"I came to tell you that there was an order to get you out."

"What?" Hearing this, Lin Yi's first reaction was not surprise, but panic.

"How does he want to get me out? Didn't the company give me up completely? Why do you suddenly want to get me out? " Lin Yi looked at Shi Wu with a frightened face.

Shi Wushen smiled, "you really think the top is willing to save you. It's not because you know too many things. The top wants to promise to save you in order not to let you say anything."

For a moment, Lin Yi's face turned white, and his voice was a little unstable. He muttered, "I, I... The top already knows... No, it's impossible..."

Seeing his appearance, Shi Wu frowned, "do you have this plan? I can tell you what kind of person the boss is. You don't know. If you really do something betrayal, you've seen the consequences. "

"No, it won't... it won't."

Lin Yi has a white face and looks flustered. He keeps mumbling to himself. He looks a little neurotic.

Shi Wu called him a few times, but he didn't respond.

Seeing this, Shi Wu said impatiently, "I came here today to tell you to stay in prison for a long time. It will find a way to get you out."

After Shi Wu left, Lin Yi was taken back to the prison. As soon as he entered the door, a fat man laughed, "the chicken is back, ha ha... It's your turn to clean the toilet today."

Lin Yi nodded absentmindedly, "Oh." He stooped slowly towards the bathroom.

Several men outside sat in their own positions and did their own things. Lin Yi slowly cleaned up. His eyes were wandering. He didn't know what he was thinking. At this time, a man walked in outside the door and grabbed Lin Yi's collar.

"Ha ha... Boy, you smell like a woman. You still have women to visit." The man took a deep breath in Lin Yi's clothes and looked intoxicated.

"What a pity..."

The man threw Lin Yi out, and his head hit the wall heavily.

Here, Lin Ru walked out of the police station, opened the lock of the car and was about to go up. A flash of light flashed in her mind. She checked the car vigilantly and didn't see any dangerous goods. She was relieved.

She drove past a billboard. The spokesperson on the billboard flashed by. Lin Ru suddenly felt that the spokesperson was familiar.

She stepped back a distance and was a little stunned when she saw the spokesperson on the billboard.

"Is this Yuanchen?"

She didn't expect that Yuanchen was also mixed in the entertainment circle. This advertisement spoke for a high-end luxury and the brand was very famous. It seems that Yuanchen mixed well in the entertainment circle.

"It seems that there are many things I don't know..."

Lin Ru held her forehead with one hand and murmured in a low voice.

Back at the villa, Lin Ru repeated what Lin Yi said to Jiang Yucheng. Listening to her words, Jiang Yucheng's expression gradually condensed.

"He's right. I investigated the last incident and found that there were indeed traces of the involvement of this organization. I just didn't expect that there was another person behind the scenes."

"What? Did you really find the problem? "

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