Jiang Yucheng chose a villa with a good geographical location. He stood at the door of the villa with Lin Ru, raised his head and looked arrogant and complacent.

"This villa will be our home in the future. Is Gao happy?"

Lin Ru managed to squeeze out a smile. "It looks very good." She hesitated for a moment, nunuo mouth, and finally failed to ask the questions from the bottom of her heart.

Jiang Yucheng was very sensitive. He noticed something wrong with Lin Ru's mood and smiled slightly, "Why are you unhappy? Do you like our new home? In that case, I'll find someone to remove the heavy cover directly. "

"Hello!" Lin Ru noticed Jiang Yucheng's murderous intention and quickly stopped him. "I just lost my mind thinking about the problem just now. I like this house very much and don't need to dismantle it."

"That's good. Let's go in and have a look?" Jiang Yucheng raised his eyebrows slightly, and the anger at the bottom of his eyes suddenly disappeared.

Lin Ru nodded and hesitated for a long time. Then she said, "Yucheng, did you do Lin Yi?"

If it had been before, Lin Ru would never have thought that Jiang Yucheng would do such a thing. However, it doesn't seem strange that Jiang Yucheng can do such a thing now.

Jiang Yucheng frowned and asked her, "why? What happened to Lin Yi? He was sentenced to life imprisonment. What else can happen to this? "

Lin Ru stared at him, "don't you really know?"

"Don't know what?"

"The police station called me and said that Lin Yi was dead. Did you do this?"

Jiang Yucheng chuckled. He looked at Lin Ru with a cold voice. "Do you doubt that I did this?"

Lin Ru felt a chill coming on her face. She took a deep breath and looked at Jiang Yucheng. The worried person in her expression made no secret, "I'm just sure. Since you didn't do it, I'm relieved."

Hearing the speech, Jiang Yucheng's tight body finally eased for a moment, "go, I'll take you to see our house."

With that, he took Lin Ru's hand and walked forward quickly. Lin Ru felt his urgent emotion, so she didn't say much, but just followed his footsteps.

Jiang Yucheng took Lin Ru to turn around his new home. Jiang Yucheng was willing to let Lin Ru go. "I'm sorry just now. Did I hurt you?"

Lin Ru rubbed her wrist. "Can you stop doing this in the future? It's really a little scary for you to become like this." Tell him to come and show me.

Jiang Yucheng frowned, "are you afraid?"

"You've asked this question again. Of course I'm not afraid of you. I just think you're sick? Shall I ask Lu Xun to come and see you? "

Lin Ru's soft voice seemed to be kidding children.

Jiang Yucheng was especially useful. He just felt that the gentle tone was like a hand, gently brushing from his heart.

He took Lin Ru in his arms and put his chin on Lin Ru's head. "Well, ask him to come and show me."

Lin Ru felt happy and nodded again and again, "then I'll call Lu Xun over now?"

With that, Linru took Jiang Yucheng's arm and dragged him towards the room.

Their bedrooms are similar to those in Jiang's old house. Even the toilet is taken from the old house. Lin Ru presses Jiang Yucheng on the bed.

"You have a good rest here now. I'll contact Lu Xun right away..."

However, before Lin Ru's words were finished, Jiang Yucheng pulled her arm over. Lin Ru didn't notice for a moment and fell straight towards Jiang Yucheng.

Jiang Yucheng pressed the back of Lin Ru's head, and the lips touched and lingered.

For a long time, when Lin Ru was almost out of breath, Jiang Yucheng finally reluctantly let her go.

Lin Ru's body softened and leaned against Jiang Yucheng to gasp, "you, if you attack me again in the future, I'll be angry."

Jiang Yucheng chuckled and looked satisfied. "Then I have to coax you well. I can't be angry with me."

With that, Jiang Yucheng supported himself with one hand, half sat up and pressed Lin Ru. This strong action directly imprisoned Lin Ru under her and made her unable to move.

Lin Ru patted him on the arm. "OK, stop it. I have to contact the doctor for you."

Jiang Yucheng stared at her angrily. For a long time, he gnawed her side face and reluctantly let her go.

Lin Ru stood at the door and called Lu Xun.

However, the one who answered the phone was a familiar woman's voice.

"Hello, who are you looking for?"

Lin Ru listened to the familiar voice and thought for a long time before she thought of the woman's name, Yan Ruoxi.

Why did Lu Xun's phone fall back in this woman's hands? Lin Ru suddenly had an extremely frightening guess. She took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down.

"Is Lu Xun there? I'm looking for him. "

Hearing Lin Ru's voice, Yan Ruoxi's voice at the other end of the phone was silent for a moment. Only then did he hesitate to speak, "Lin Ru?"

At the moment, Linru can't wait to get through her mobile phone, shake Yan Ruoxi's shoulder and ask her what relationship she has with Lu Xun. If Yan Ruoxi really has something between them, she feels it's necessary to tell Lu Xun that she'd better break up with Yan Ruoxi.

This woman doesn't deserve him.

Lin Ru frowned and said, "Why are you holding Lu Xun's mobile phone? Give him your cell phone. I have something to ask him. "

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone. Yan Ruoxi said angrily, "when did you get so familiar with Lu Xun? Lin Ru, Lu Xun is busy. Don't pester him again. "

Lin Ru rolled her eyes impatiently. "Call him to me quickly. If you delay the business, are you responsible?"

"Don't call again. I'll hang up."

Lin Ru frowned as she listened to the busy voice on the other end of the phone. Jiang Yucheng finally agreed to find a doctor to see the situation. If this matter is delayed for another period of time, something might happen.

She took a deep breath and called Lu Xun again.

Soon, the phone was connected. Lin Ru couldn't wait to say, "Lu Xun?"

There was a noise over the phone.

Lu Xun didn't expect that when he came out of the toilet, his mobile phone disappeared. He looked around, but he saw Yan Ruoxi standing at the door of his office with his mobile phone in his hand.

He stepped forward and was about to speak, but he saw Yan Ruoxi answer directly at the moment when his mobile phone rang.

"Don't call again. Lu Xun is in the research room. Call again when there's something wrong." Yan Ruoxi was about to hang up, but Lu Xun stopped her.

"Is this my cell phone?" Lu Xun was wearing a white coat and his hair was scattered in front of him. His sharp eyes burst out Ling Rui's light through the broken hair.

Yan Ruoxi was shocked. She forced out a smiling face, "yes, I'm sorry, just now..."

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