He was silent for a long time before he said, "Yucheng's life has been smooth, but he has been hurt several times because of Lin Ru's affairs, and now he has become so inexplicably..."

The housekeeper bowed slightly. "Sir, I think the opposite of you."

"The young master's car accident may be because of Miss Lin Ru, but if it wasn't for Lin Ru, we're not sure whether the young master can return to his previous state after losing his memory. This time, if it wasn't for Miss Lin Ru, you..."

The picture of the last quarrel between old Jiang and Jiang Yucheng is still vivid. If Lin Ru didn't go in time to stop Jiang Yucheng, maybe the stool had hit old Jiang on the head.

Old Jiang breathed out, "you're right. It's my magic barrier."

"Lin Ru's little girl is an elf, but it's a pity that in her life experience... Whether she is suitable for Yucheng or not, I have to investigate it for some time."

The housekeeper dropped his head and said nothing. In fact, he wanted to tell old Jiang that if the two people were forced to separate, the young master would probably directly overturn the roof.

"You go down and give orders. Whatever Linru wants to do in the future, try to give her convenience. Once she has a problem, she can help."

Since Lu Xun treated Jiang Yucheng, Lin Ru took Jiang Yucheng as an eye protector. She had to keep up when he went there.

"Xiao Ru, I feel good these two days. You don't have to follow me." Jiang Yucheng looked at Lin Ru, who was tying her tie, and his heart became soft into a pool of water.

Lin Ru strongly refused, "it's impossible. I have to be by your side so that you can't be angry."

Jiang Yucheng was in a good mood. "What a good wife and mother. When shall we get married? I can't wait. "

Lin Ru clapped Jiang Yucheng's hand on his waist. "Pay attention to your image. You're a domineering president, not a stickler. We're not in a hurry to get married. There are still many things to be solved."

Thinking of the man hidden behind her, Lin Ru only felt a chill on her back.

Jiang Yucheng touched the goose bumps on Lin Ru's arm, and a dark color flashed in his eyes. "Xiao Ru, let me deal with this matter. You're responsible for beauty."

Lin Ru stood on tiptoe and kneaded the meat on his face. She was distressed, "Why have you lost so much weight these two days? Is it hard for me to grow all the meat? "

Jiang Yucheng smiled and took Lin Ru outside.

This time, Lin Ru and Jiang Yucheng made an appointment with mu Yunfan. Mu Yunfan showed great enthusiasm when he knew that Jiang Yucheng was also present.

The place where the three met was in a cafe not far from the company. At Jiang Yucheng's strong request, he chose a couple cafe and sat together.

When muyunfan entered the door, he saw two people snuggling together, especially Jiang Yucheng's doting eyes. He looked in a trance and walked in front of them unconsciously.

"Here you are. Sit down."

Lin Ru looked bland, as if she were chatting with ordinary friends.

Mu Yunfan's eyes crossed Jiang Yucheng and showed a disgusting expression, "you two chose this place to show your love to me?"

"You can understand that." Lin Ru smiled mildly and looked like she was too angry to pay for her life.

Jiang Yucheng raised his eyebrows and said in a deep voice, "sit down."

This powerful threat swept over and made mu Yunfan tremble. He couldn't help sitting down. After he sat down, he found that Jiang Yucheng was full of the king's breath that people can't disobey today.

"Jiang Yucheng, I was the one who was hurt the most. Why are you so righteous? What do you mean? "

Aware of Mu Yunfan's hostility, Jiang Yucheng suddenly clenched his fist. Seeing this, Lin Ru quickly clenched his hand in his hand, "it's okay, it's okay... Don't be angry."

"Hello!" Mu Yunfan was even more dissatisfied when he heard this, "it should be me who should be angry. Well, it seems that he has been wronged. How did you cheat such a person?"

Lin Rubai glanced at him. "He's my boyfriend. Who are you? Do I know you? Why should I favor you? Sick, isn't it? "

Mu Yunfan, "..." he was speechless.

"If you have anything to do with asking me out, just say it. I'm very busy." Mu Yunfan ordered a cup of coffee, flirted with the waiter and said carelessly.

Lin Ru saw that he was familiar with flirting with women. Suddenly, there was an impulse to announce that the goods were gay to people all over the world, "is the junior superior company yours?"

Lin Ru came straight to the point. When she heard this, mu Yunfan looked stunned, paused, and nodded, "yes, this company is really mine. Why? Do you have an opinion? "

"Then you should know about Lin Yi." Lin Ru looked at him. Her sharp eyes didn't move a bit. She wouldn't miss any expression of Mu Yunfan.

"I don't care who gets the order from the company and how it needs to be implemented. I didn't expect that they actually received a list to separate you two in private. It's very popular with me."

Mu Yunfan's face is hung with a very open smile, like some kind of show off.

"What list do the following people take? You boss don't count? In other words, you are not the boss of this company at all. You are just one of the executors. "

Then Lin Ru showed an unfathomable smile, "Lin Yi is No. 1, Shi Wu is No. 15, how about you? What's your number? "

Smelling the speech, mu Yunfan's face suddenly changed. He stared at Lin Ru, "what else do you know?"

Jiang Yucheng slapped the table fiercely. He clenched his fist and the bottom of his eyes began to look bloody. "You're looking at Lin Ru with this kind of eyes. Be careful I'll gouge out your eyes."

His sudden outburst startled even Lin Ru. She quickly responded and quickly comforted him softly, "it's okay, this dead fag won't cause any harm to us, it's okay, it's okay..."

Jiang Yucheng was comforted by her slowly. Lin Ru was relieved.

Muyunfan felt that he couldn't stay here. Jiang Yucheng's fierce eyes just now made his legs soft. He had no doubt that Jiang Yucheng really wanted to kill him.

Lin Ru saw mu Yunfan's pale face and said with a smile, "Yucheng is not in a good mood and is easy to get angry. Don't be afraid. He's just talking and won't really do it."

Muyunfan obviously didn't believe it. Just now he really felt the killing intention.

"Lin Ru, I tell you, don't think I'll tell you everything if Jiang Yucheng is here. Don't even think about such things!"

Hearing the speech, Jiang Yucheng suddenly became angry, and the blood red that had dissipated floated out of his eyes again.

Lin Ru had to appease again, "don't be impulsive. Think about what you promised me before."

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