"Singing is just within the scope of good listening, and I don't know why he can get up in foreign countries." Speaking of this, Huanxi feels a little strange, but these are personal problems. Maybe they are lucky.

Lin Ru nodded, "how's his wind evaluation?"

"Basically, there is no scandal. However, I have heard that there are many people who associate with him. It should be more playful."

Huanxi thought slightly and said all he knew.

Lin Ru wondered, "how do you know so clearly?"

Huanxi smiled triumphantly, "I've been in this business for so long. People in the circle often talk about these things. I know it's nothing."

"Well, it's up to you in the future." For example, she suddenly got the new skills around the West. These gossip are very useful to her.

"What else do you want to know about Ma Junhao? I can tell you. " Huanxi suddenly felt that he was entrusted with a great task and finally found his importance.

Lin Ru patted her on the shoulder. "If only you could find out Ma Junhao's itinerary, for example, when he last returned home, or whether he had met Lin Yi."

Around the west, he was stunned. "Does Ma Junhao have anything to do with Lin Yi? They can't hit each other with eight sticks. "

"I'm not sure." Lin Ru showed a meaningful smile.

"Shall we go to the crew now?" Lin Ru looked at the sky outside the window. There were some white clouds scattered in the blue sky. The weather was very good. It was very suitable for outdoor sports.

Huanxi shook his head, "no, our heart is going to Wang Siyuan's residence. The people's Congress of the crew started shooting early in the morning. To shoot the most real side of the artist, they chose to knock on the door in the morning."

"So suddenly? Did you tell them? " Lin Ru frowned slightly, but she was satisfied when she thought of Wang Siyuan's flawless handsome face.

"No, the shooting in the early morning is completely hidden from us. Even we don't know. However, don't worry. How can our artists be afraid of the lens?"

"Wang Siyuan's face has been said on the Internet that he is the next Su MINGYE."

Lin Ru nodded, "no matter what, the artists in our company can't be bullied unless they really have bad character."

"After the last thing, I know. Now you can't just look at the hardware facilities when signing a contract. You have to look at the software. Even if you look good and your character is not good, it's useless."

Two people, you come and I talk to each other. They are not alone on the road. They soon arrived at Wang Siyuan's residence.

At the moment, when they passed by, there were many cars parked near Wang Siyuan's residence, all of which were the cars of the crew. Lin Ru and Huanxi were relatively low-key and did not attract other people's attention after entering the yard.

However, a camera saw that they looked very good and gave them a lens. Although it was only a flash, it was bright enough.

Lin Ru didn't know this at all. When they entered the room, they saw Wang Siyuan talking to the camera.

Wang Siyuan's human design is a talkative male god. Now he introduces his luggage to the camera. There is no pressure at all.

However, at a glance, he saw Lin Ru who had just entered the door. Suddenly, his eyes lit up and his voice paused. At that moment, Wang Siyuan's bright eyes seemed like a meteor, which was particularly bright and dazzling. The photographer quickly captured this picture.

After entering the door, he whispered to the warmth around the west, "there are all the teams of our company. Do you want to see them?"

Lin Ru looked around the West. The team specially equipped by the company for Wang Siyuan was very dedicated. After a round of shooting, she quickly came forward to replenish his makeup.

Lin Ru frowned, "isn't it plain face on the mirror?"

"Although it is a plain face, but since the mirror must always be able to afford the audience, put some makeup on it." Explain around the West.

After a round of shooting, the director asked Wang Siyuan to arrange the next process. Lin Ru said hello to the company's team and sat aside with Huanxi waiting for the next destination.

"Boss Lin Ru? It's rare for you to come back to our shooting site. "

Someone took the director and pointed to Lin Ru. The director immediately understood and smiled and came forward to greet Lin Ru.

Lin Ru smiled, shook the director's hand and relaxed at the touch, "Hello, we Siyuan. Please take care of us for a while."

Is this a disguised percussion crew? The director smiled with the same face, "of course, but the effect depends on his own efforts."

At this time, Wang Siyuan packed up his things and came over here. He looked at Lin Ru, his cheeks flushed slightly, "boss, you're here too."

"Well, it was very handsome on the camera just now." Lin Ru smiled and praised.

Hearing this, Wang Siyuan blushed, like a layer of beauty, which was very eye-catching.

In front of Lin Ru, she was Wang Siyuan's parent. She didn't think much at all, but when she saw this scene around the west, she had a deep thought in her eyes.

The next stop of the crew is the airport. Before that, the airport has been emptied.

Lin Ru and Huanxi sat alone in a car. They were a little excited. "Soon we will see my idol. How excited."

Lin Ru frowned slightly. Looking at the text message just sent by Jiang Yucheng, she casually replied, "Ma Junhao makes you so excited?"

"Of course not. The key is that there is the film emperor Chu Jiangyi. We haven't seen him since we met last time. The people invited by this crew are really powerful."

Lin Ru typed silently: I should be able to see Ma Junhao today.

Soon, Jiang Yucheng replied: be careful, that man is very scheming.

Lin Ru pursed her lips and went back: I just met him. He shouldn't do anything.

Jiang Yucheng, on the other end of the phone, looked at the night outside and felt a little worried. He thought slightly and typed a string of words: be careful and take all actions until I come back.

Lin Ru lip angle micro hook: OK.

"Lin Ru, are you chatting with your boss? Smile so brightly. " Around the west, sour came forward.

Lin Rubai glanced at her, "it has nothing to do with you. Leave it alone."

"Really, I didn't expect to eat a handful of dog food at this time. Fortunately, I will see my male god soon." Around the west, he held his face happily, and his smiling eyes were almost invisible.

Lin Ru looked out of the window and didn't know what kind of person Ma Junhao was. Why did he target her and Jiang Yucheng? I really can't figure it out.

The car stopped slowly, and a private plane parked not far away.

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