As soon as these words came out, the whole microblog was about to explode. Although Ma Junhao was not well-known in China, at least it was a turtle. Many people had heard his songs. There were more than 10 million fans in the microblog.

"What's the matter with the crew? Is it hard to look down on my Junhao as a turtle? "

"Junhao is so excellent and distressed. You should pay attention to your health. Why is the crew so targeted at Junhao? Is there an inside story? "

"I'm not sure. Junhao, pay attention to your health. Don't be too tired. We love you."

Ma Junhao randomly selected several and replied.

"I'm fine. Don't worry. I love you too."

This sentence can be regarded as a reality of the crew's abuse of him. The online comments are basically one-sided, and people's disgust with the crew has risen to a certain height.

"I won't watch this program in the future. I will resolutely resist it and the Haofan will keep up."

Sitting in the car around the west, looking at these comments, he couldn't help saying, "I'm really drunk. What does Ma Junhao want to do? A person jumps happily on the microblog as if he had suffered much. "

Lin Ru also turned on her mobile phone and turned to Ma Junhao's microblog. It was basically all abuse against the crew. Soon, the director expressed his attitude.

Director Ma Wei: ha ha.

Deputy director Kobayashi: ha ha.

The director and deputy director took the lead in expressing their position, and the two words of contempt were not concealed at all. Then the photographers of more than a dozen crew and various staff expressed their opinions one after another.

The most beautiful photography elder sister: as a shoulder in the photography industry, I almost lost one day today. I waited in the sun for two and a half hours in the morning. Is it easy for me? Well, Ma Junhao, you are the big man. You won.

Little field worker: I don't want to say anything. I'm useless. Who wants to eat human meat? Book below.

Lin Ru turned down and even Chu Jiangyi commented below.

Chu Jiangyi: the crew is very good. I hope someone doesn't make innuendo. Also, I hope you can come earlier tomorrow. It's not easy for the crew.

With Chu Jiangyi's help, the remaining guests spoke one after another.

In less than half an hour, there was basically only a burst of abuse on the Internet. This time it was aimed at Ma Junhao.

Lin Ru frowned at Ma Junhao, who was no longer moving on the Internet, "what does this man want to do? Can you find that your acting career is almost over, so work hard? "

Huanxi didn't understand what Ma Junhao wanted to do. "How do I feel that he doesn't know the usage of microblog? Or does he think we won't use microblog? "

Lin Ru is noncommittal about these two guesses.

With this, Ma Junhao finally came to the shooting site on time the next day. The first day didn't happen, which eased the director's mood a lot.

Jiang Yucheng hasn't come back yet. Lin Ru doesn't want to contact Ma Junhao. She always feels that this man has a deep mind. She is likely to be designed at any time.

However, Huanxi is not here today. Since he accepted Wang Siyuan's business, he is very busy every day. Before leaving, she begged Lin Ru to take good care of Wang Siyuan.

Lin Ru frowned. "Wang Siyuan is not a child. He doesn't need my care at all."

Around the west, he came to Lin Ru's ear and whispered, "Wang Siyuan offended Ma Junhao's goods. If Ma Junhao still wants to shoot Wang Siyuan, the consequences will be unimaginable."

Now, Lin Ru has no reason to refuse.

When she followed the company's team to the shooting site, Ma Junhao came up unknowingly, "Miss Lin Ru?"

Lin Ru turned her head and saw Ma Junhao's smiling face. "What are you looking for me?"

Ma Junhao held a broken lock in his hand and sighed, "my people accidentally locked you in the lounge last night. Are you okay? That Wang Siyuan didn't do anything to you? "

Looking at Ma Junhao's gloating smile, the tyranny in Lin Ru's eyes was fleeting. Soon, she recovered and hid all her emotions in the bottom of her eyes.

"What can happen to me? Ma Junhao, are you sure you accidentally locked me in the lounge instead of deliberately locking me in the lounge? " Lin Ru's eyes were full of cold. She looked at Ma Junhao coldly.

Ma Junhao had some regrets. "Of course, I was careless. Is it difficult for someone to deliberately play these tricks on you?"


Ma Junhao opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Wang Siyuan, "boss, you're ready to shoot. The time may be a little longer. Otherwise, you'd better go to the lounge and have a rest?"

Lin Ru shook her head. "No, I'll watch you shoot here, so that some people don't play tricks."

Hearing this, Ma Junhao's eyes were dark, and the dark light was fleeting.

Over there, the director has begun to shout, "all units are ready and will start shooting soon. Hey, Wang Siyuan, come here quickly."

The director didn't call Ma Junhao. Obviously, he was ready to give up. Ma Junhao looked at the director and frowned slightly.

When Wang Siyuan passed him, he sneered, "we have to hurry over, or the director will get angry again."

Hearing this, Ma Junhao sneered, "what a flatterer."

Lin Ru looked at Ma Junhao, who had already started shooting. Ma Junhao was pushed aside by several others. Basically, she couldn't even show her face. Even the photographer who specially supported Ma Junhao was not dedicated. All the photos taken could be regarded as ugly photos.

Lin Ru sat bored and waited for Wang Siyuan to finish shooting. Before long, a little assistant's voice suddenly came from outside the studio, "Lin Ru, your express, sign for it."

Lin Ru looked around and determined that Lin Ru in the population was herself. Then she walked there with a puzzled face.

"My express? What is it? "

When Lin Ru went out and saw a big bouquet of flowers in the express brother's hand, she was stunned, "is this for me? Who sent it? "

The express brother stuffed the flowers in his hand into Lin Ru, "Miss, the other party sent them anonymously. Congratulations."

So, what's the joy?

Lin Ru took the flowers. There was nothing to mark the identity on the flowers. Lin Ru knew that it was not sent by Jiang Yucheng. If he sent the flowers, he would tell him in advance.

When she was wondering, the cell phone rang suddenly. She took it out and sent her a text message from a strange number.

is it pretty?

Lin Ru frowned slightly, "who are you?"

The other party didn't answer. Soon, he sent a second message: as beautiful as you.

"I'm sick." Lin Ru had a bad feeling in her heart, but she soon put this strange feeling behind her.

Lin Ru thought about it and sent another message, "do we know each other?"

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