"Lin Ru, I want to discuss something with you." Ma Junhao didn't seem to notice Lin Ru's surprise at all. Instead, he approached Lin Ru and stood not far from her.

"Just stand there and don't move." When Lin Ru saw him approaching, she was alert.

Ma Junhao chuckled, "well, I'll stand here and stay away. Relax. I don't mean any harm to you."

Hearing this, Lin Ru sneered, "if you want to discuss something with me, just stand there and say, don't go any further." Lin Ru walks to the other side of the car and tries to keep a distance from Ma Junhao.

Ma Junhao took a mirror from his bag and looked at it. "Is it difficult that I'm not handsome enough? Why didn't you fascinate you? And you've always wanted to avoid me. "

Lin Ru looked at Ma Junhao's narcissistic look and could not help but Tucao. "Don't make complaints about it, you will grow that way."

"How about we talk about Jiang Yucheng?" Ma Junhao smiled at Lin Ru.

Lin Ru frowned. "What's the matter with Jiang Yucheng? You tell me everything. "

Ma Junhao sneered, "tut Tut, I really don't see it. Miss Lin Ru, you still have such an affectionate side. However, do you think I can unconditionally tell you about Jiang Yucheng?"

"Ha ha." Lin Ru wanted to slap him. "You know what happened to Jiang Yucheng. Don't tease me. You've been abroad since you were four years old. You've come back very few times. Now you say you know what happened to Jiang Yucheng."

"Brother, it's getting late. You'd better wash and sleep."

Lin Ru yawned, looked tired and opened the car. However, as soon as the door opened, Ma Junhao quickly stepped forward and stopped Lin Ru's way before she could sit in.

"You wait."

Lin Ru frowned at him. "What do you want to do?"

Ma Junhao closed the door and completely crushed Lin Ru with the strength advantage of men.

"Are you sure you don't want to hear me?"

Lin Ru shook her head. "No, you are a public figure now. Do you want to do something to me? If so, your entertainment career may have to end."

Hearing this, Ma Junhao suddenly laughed, "it's over when it's over. What's the matter? I didn't want to stay in the entertainment industry for a long time. They forced me to become like this."

Hearing this, Lin Ru frowned slightly, "I don't care about you at all. Tell me your purpose."

"My purpose? Ha ha... What else can I do? Of course... "

Lin Ru pricked her ears to listen, but Ma Junhao's words stopped abruptly. Her eyebrows wrinkled slightly, but she heard Ma Junhao's way“ Do you want to hear a secret about Jiang Yucheng? "

"Sorry, I'm not interested."

Lin Ru frowned slightly, stepped forward quickly and opened the door, but Ma Junhao pulled her out, "did I tell you to go? Lin Ru, don't force me to do it to you! "

Ma Junhao glared at Lin Ru, and the veins on his forehead burst.

Now Ma Junhao's state is very wrong. It seems to break out at any time.

Lin Ru looked at Ma Junhao in front of her and frowned, "are you sick? Why suddenly..."

Before Lin Ru finished, Ma Junhao went to the column next to the parking lot and hit his head hard, "go back, go back quickly. If you come out again, I'll kill you!"

His face suddenly changed. Half of his face showed a look of pain, but the other half smiled grimly. He was like crazy.

Lin Ru looked at the scene and didn't know how to react. At this time, Jiang Yucheng's urgent voice came from behind her.

"Xiao Ru, Xiao Ru!"

Lin Ru looked back and saw Jiang Yucheng, and immediately felt happy, "I'm here!"

Jiang Yucheng quickly stepped forward and held Lin Ru in his arms, as if holding a lost treasure.

"Are you okay?" Jiang Yucheng held Lin Ru and looked her from top to bottom.

Lin Ru smiled and patted Jiang Yucheng on the shoulder, "I'm fine. There's nothing wrong. What's wrong is the man." Lin Ru pointed over there.

Jiang Yucheng looked along the place pointed by Lin Ru. Then he saw that Ma Junhao had almost broken his head. He was crazy hitting his head on the column.

"Shall we stop?"

Jiang Yucheng looked at Ma Junhao warily. The ferocious look on his face had now returned to normal, but now he seemed to have completely changed himself.

"Hiss... Does that madman want to die with me?" Ma Junhao covered his head and leaned against the post to breathe.

He took a deep breath, and the pain on his forehead kept coming, stimulating his senses. The pain through his heart made him a little unbearable.

"Why are you here? Lin Ru? " Ma Junhao barely stabilized his mind, and then he saw the two people standing in front of him.

Lin Ru looked up and Shu tingchuan looked at each other. Then she said, "are you crazy?"

Ma Junhao patted his head. There was a big blue and purple on his forehead, but he seemed to feel it completely. He patted it with his hand again.

"Oh, I remember, that damn bastard ruined everything I had carefully arranged, but I'm already very happy to see you."

What he said was so confusing that Linru didn't know what he was talking about.

Jiang Yucheng frowned at him and held Lin Ru's waist. "Let's go back."

Lin Ru nodded and followed Jiang Yucheng back. However, she looked back. Ma Junhao was still murmuring, talking to herself like a madman.

"Is Ma Junhao ill? How does it feel like a split personality? "

Jiang Yucheng opened the door and let Lin Ru get on. "Maybe, don't pay too much attention to that man. It's not worth it."


When Lin Ru got on the bus, she remembered, "didn't you say you got off the plane at eight? Why did you come so soon? "

Jiang Yucheng said without changing his face, "I drive fast."

"How did you know I was there? Jiang Yucheng, what have you done? "

"Nothing. Don't worry. Leave Ma Junhao's affairs to me. You can have a good rest during this period." Jiang Yucheng turned his eyes and looked at her with deep affection and concentration.

Lin Ru's face was red. She had a slight cough. She was not at ease. "I've been very busy lately. If you let me go again, I'm afraid I'm going to be moldy."

Jiang Yucheng reached out and touched her head. The car was driving fast. Lin Ru looked at the background of the rapid retreat outside the window and was a little flustered. "What's the car doing so fast? Slow down! "

Jiang Yucheng stepped on the accelerator to the end, "Xiao Ru, I miss you." Can't wait to take you back to do what you like.

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