"Tell me, has our boss decided to take Lin Ru as his adopted daughter? Why are you so intimate? "

"Actually, I think Lin Ru looks like her boss."

"What are you talking about? Why didn't I see it? "

"It's just... I can't tell. Look, if our boss smiles, he is really a bit like Lin Ru."

"The key is that you've seen the boss laugh?"

"I saw it last time. The boss smiled at Lin Ru. They usually don't look alike, but they smiled together. They were really alike."


After the two passed by, several employees whispered gossip.

"What are you talking about!" Just then, a gloomy voice came from behind several people,

Suddenly, everyone's voice stagnated, turned around awkwardly, and saw Zheng Wei standing behind them with a black face.

"Hey, hey, nothing, nothing. We're just talking." The employee smiled awkwardly.

Hearing this, Zheng Wei snorted coldly, "I'd like to hear you say, do Lin Ru and Aunt Li have a picture of your mother and daughter? Why don't I know? How did you see it? "

Everyone was embarrassed and speechless.

Zheng Wei looked at Lin Ru over there snuggling up to Li Qing and talking and laughing with her. The jealousy in her eyes almost overflowed.

"Damn it! I'm aunt Qing's adopted daughter. What are you, Lin Ru? "

With that, Zheng Wei stamped her feet and chased the two people over there.

Behind him, several people who talked about it seemed to click the start button and immediately talked about it.

"Lin Ru has the style of the Li family. It's not like her. It's no use always mixing with us. Even if she pleases us, the boss won't accept her as an adopted daughter."

"Let's have a look at these things. Don't think so much. I suddenly feel that the boss doesn't accept Zheng Wei as an adopted daughter for a reason."

"Yes, Lin Ru has the temperament of everyone's scholars and women at a glance. It's not like Zheng Wei. There is a strong smell of the market all over her."

However, Lin Ru didn't know anything about the employees' discussion, but Li Qing knew it but didn't stop it.

"Lin Ru!"

Lin Ru was talking to Li Qing when suddenly there was a sound of rage behind her.

Lin Ru turned her head and saw Zheng Wei with red eyes. She was wearing a white skirt. Her thin body seemed to be blown away by the wind at any time.

what the hell! Don't you know Li Qing's hobbies?

Lin Ru glanced at Li Qing with Yu Guang. Sure enough, Li Qing has frowned. As a strong woman, she will never like a weak woman like dodder.

"What can I do for you?" Lin Ru smiled friendly at her.

Seeing the elated smile on Lin Ru's face, Zheng Wei wanted to go up and tear Lin Ru's face.

"Aunt Qing, have you really decided to take Lin Ru as your adopted daughter? What should I do? I'm about to be married by the woman of the Zheng family. I, I don't want to marry now. "

Zheng Wei looks at Li Qing, crying pear blossom with rain.

Li Qing didn't care about flowers. She just looked at Zheng Wei coldly and said, "do you still want to use me now?"

Hearing Zheng Wei's cry, she looked at Li Qing in a daze, flashed a touch of guilt at the bottom of her eyes, and muttered, "no, no, I'm not using it, I just really have no way..."

Lin Ru looked at Zheng Wei and sighed, "when will you learn to rely on yourself? This matter is easy to solve. Go and talk to the man. Maybe they don't want to marry you. "

"Impossible! Their family is so poor, how can they not want to marry me? "

Hearing Lin Ru's words, Zheng Wei immediately stared at her fiercely, with a strong smell of gunpowder in her words.

"A woman of your temperament, which man can stand it, that man may still think that if he marries you, he must be restless in his house, and he is suspected of wearing a green hat."

Lin Ru looked at Zheng Wei's affectation and despised it.

"Nonsense! Impossible, absolutely impossible! Who would despise me? I'm so beautiful. I've seen that man. He's very ugly. "

Lin Ru was speechless to the woman. "If you don't want to marry, you can say it. It's hard for you to talk to the mother of the Zheng family and say you don't want to marry?"

"I......" Zheng Wei hesitated. She was afraid that if the woman was angry, she would drive her to the small mountain village where birds don't shit again. At that time, her life will be over.

Lin Ru saw her eyes twinkle and immediately knew what she was thinking. This woman really didn't know anything about herself.

"Let's go." Li Qing took Lin Ru's hand and took her outside.

Zheng Wei bit her lips and quickly followed, "Aunt Li, can I go with you?"

Li Qing footsteps a meal, "later, you are no longer protected by the Li family."

Hearing this, Zheng Wei turned pale for a moment and lost her blood for a moment, "I, I, why do you treat me like this? Aunt Li, I've been with you for so many years and haven't got anything. You... "

Before she finished her words, Li Qing interrupted, "you're with me just to give you something? Zheng Wei, how can I accept you as an adoptive daughter? One day, someone can give you more benefits, and you can betray me every minute. "

Zheng Wei was speechless. Li Qing knew her very well.

"Zheng Wei, don't come to me in the future." The cold light in Li Qing's eyes blocked Zheng Wei's words in her mouth and couldn't say it.

"I, i... really..." she wriggled her lips and couldn't say anything.

Li Qing took Lin Ru to the garage and looked at their backs. Zheng Wei's eyes flashed low and blankly, and then turned vicious.

"I'm terrible, but is Lin Ru so perfect? Aunt Li, I'll let you see. Lin Ru doesn't want you to see such purity and beauty on the surface... "

Here, Lin Ru looked back and Zheng Wei was gone.

"Mom, I always feel that Zheng Wei has no good intentions for you. Such people like to insert a knife behind their back. They must hide in the future."

Li Qing looked indifferent. "He's just a small man. He can't turn over any big waves. You'll be my daughter in the future. You can't be soft hearted in doing things."

Lin Ru nodded and smiled, "I was not a kind-hearted person."

Hearing this, Li Qing nodded with satisfaction, "that's good. Zheng Wei must find a chance to deal with it." Lin Ru saw it clearly. When she said this, Li Qing flashed an obliteration in her eyes.

However, Lin Ru didn't feel afraid, but she had a few more expectations in her heart.


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