Li Xiaoxiao's voice was plaintive, and the ending sound seemed to have a long hook, which hooked people's souls.

Lin Ru frowned and looked at Li Xiaoxiao's eyes with some strange emotions. She sat up straight, "well, tell me what that voice is."

Hearing Lin Ru's words, Li Xiaoxiao smiled brightly, "do you want to know? Well, let me out. "

Lin Ru nodded clearly, "I see. You just want to threaten me with this matter? Want me to let you out? "

"No!" Li Xiaoxiao was a little anxious. "I'm doing it for you. That voice is obviously coming for you. If you don't catch that person, there will be more people chasing and cutting you like me in the future."

Lin Ru nodded and thought, "what you said is not wrong, but I don't believe what you said unless you tell me who that person is."

Li Xiaoxiao shook his head, "I don't know. It took me one day and one night to figure it out. Now I'm tired, I haven't dropped rice, and I don't have the heart to think."

Lin Ru sneered and asked someone to send some food to Li Xiaoxiao. Li Xiaoxiao was hungry. She picked up the bread and ate it, as if it were a delicacy.

Lin Ru looked at Li Xiaoxiao gulping food and waited for her to finish.

"Now you can say it." Lin Ru even leaned lazily on the back of the chair waiting for her.

After drinking the milk, Li Xiaoxiao felt that there was food in his empty stomach, and a warm current gradually spread from his stomach to all around.

"I think that person must have done something to me, and maybe it's someone I know." Li Xiaoxiao was smart and soon found the key point of the matter.

Lin Ru nodded. "Think carefully. If you can help me catch that man, I'll let you out."

Li Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up and he went over all the people he had met before, "no, no... neither she nor he..."

Lin Rujing waited for Li Xiaoxiao's answer. After a long time, Li Xiaoxiao sat in a chair with a decadent face, "no, I can't find it. I don't know how the other party did it to me."

Lin Ru is not disappointed. Wang Xin and Yuan Xiaole have no connection at all. What's the connection between Li Xiaoxiao and the three seemingly unrelated people?

Or do the three of them know the same person?

I really can't figure this out.

"Forget it, don't think about it. I won't ask you any more. You should have a good rest here first." With that, Linru got up, turned and left.

Seeing this, Li Xiaoxiao quickly shouted behind him, "Hey, Linru, let me out quickly! I don't want to be here. You said you would let me out. "

Lin Ru didn't return and waved to her, "but you didn't give me any help. If you're talented, it doesn't count."

"Ah! Lin Ru, I'll kill you! "

Hearing this, Lin Ru suddenly turned her head. She smiled and looked at Li Xiaoxiao, "Oh, I finally know now. What you just said is just an expedient measure. You actually wanted me to die, didn't you?"

Li Xiaoxiao was stunned and quickly changed his mouth, "I didn't, I didn't, I really didn't!"

Lin Ru sneered, turned and left.

Leaving the interrogation room, before Lin Ru left the police station, she met with Guo Zhengming.

"Why did you come to the police station?" Guo Zhengming frowned when he saw Lin Ru.

Lin Ru saw his look, and could not help but want to make complaints about it. "Did I make you so surprised? So you don't want me to show up? "

Guo Zhengming shook his head slowly. "Did you come to see Li Xiaoxiao? The woman seems to have some mental problems. The police station is going to find a psychiatrist for her. "

Hearing the speech, Lin Ru frowned slightly, "don't you believe what Li Xiaoxiao said?"

"Do you believe it?" Guo Zhengming's tone finally fluctuated, which should be too stunned.

Lin Ru nodded. "Some things still can't be seen too one-sided. Maybe what this woman said is the truth?"

Guo Zhengming's mental endurance is far beyond Lin Ru's imagination. He nodded and thought, "you're right. Many things can't be seen too one-sided."

Lin Ru noticed Guo Zhengming's plain clothes and asked him casually, "did you change your plain clothes today?"

Guo Zhengming pulled his clothes. "I'm going to see my family before I'm on duty today."

With that, they walked outside the police station side by side. Lin Ru chatted with him, "are you going to see your parents? You're a local, too? It's strange that I have come to the police station many times. Why haven't I seen you? "

Guo Zhengming is cool with his hands in his trouser pockets.

"The last time I saw you, it was my first transfer. I was going to see my family, but I was delayed by you." Speaking of this, Guo Zhengming glanced at Lin Ru and was dissatisfied.

Lin Ru coughed softly. "It seems that I broke your business. I'm sorry."


The other party hummed coldly and didn't go to see Lin Ru at all.

Lin Ru, "..." this is embarrassing.

Lin Ru just walked out of the police station and was ordered home by Jiang Yucheng. She stared at her mobile phone and wanted to stare at a hole in her mobile phone. Did Jiang Yucheng install surveillance on her?

Guo Zhengming glanced at Lin Ru, who had just hung up the phone, with a look of contempt. "This kind of man can conquer you. I understand that he is a peeping maniac and master your movements clearly."

Lin Rubai glanced at him, "I want you to take care of it. I like this feeling. How about it?"

Guo Zhengming sneered and turned away.

Lin Ru returns to Jiang Yucheng's office. As soon as she enters the door, she sees Su MINGYE sitting on the sofa with a sad face.

Jiang Yucheng's face in front of his desk has turned black into carbon.

"Landlady, you're here at last. Have you seen Yao Yao? She doesn't want to see me these days. What should I do? " Su MINGYE has a bitter face. When he sees Lin Ru, he suddenly seems to see the Savior.

Lin Ru turned away and hurriedly coaxed her husband.

"What's the matter?"

Jiang Yucheng's face looked much better. He forced out a smiling face at Lin Ru, "you stand with that man again. What do you two say? You're very happy."

This time, before Lin Ru could speak, Su MINGYE took the lead in exclaiming, "my God! Boss, what did you do to the landlady? We've been sitting in the office just now. How do you know the boss's movements? "

Jiang Yucheng glared at Su MINGYE.

Su MINGYE resolutely shut up. He doesn't want to die yet

"Don't talk if you have nothing to do. Hold it." Lin Ru grinned at him.

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