Huanxi really couldn't see, "is that why you drove your mother crazy? That's crazy. "

The little gangsters around looked incredible and stared at Zhou Ling. "Sister Zhou Ling, is what he said true? Did you really... Do that? "

Zhou Ling glared at Huang Mao fiercely, "what do you think? How can I do that? Obviously, she can't stand the life in the countryside, and her two legs are broken. What does it have to do with me? "

"Is that true? How do I feel that Wang Jing's psychological quality is very strong and can be calm and comfortable under the strong oppression of Jiang Yucheng? Why can she collapse immediately after going back? "

"I......" Zhou Ling lowered her head with some guilty conscience. "How do I know that she is going crazy? What can I do?"

"She's going crazy herself? Do you feel guilty when you say that? Who's idle and crazy? Zhou Ling, you know what you did at home. "

"And where on earth did so much money come from?"

Zhou Ling stuck her neck. "My husband has money at home. Can you manage it?"

When the temptation was enough, Lin Ru saw several people in black coming towards them from a distance. Lin Ru waved to them, and the three quickly walked towards this side.

"You even brought a helper?"

Zhou Ling looked at the approaching people with a stunned face. Lin Ru smiled, "I'll give you a chance. Tell me honestly how crazy Wang Jing is and where the money in your hand comes from."


While talking, the bodyguards had come over. The tall and strong man looked like carrying a radish and directly carried the trembling little gangsters aside.

"Landlady, are you all right?" The head bodyguard bowed respectfully to Lin Ru, "I'm sorry we're late."

Lin Ru smiled and waved her hand. "It's all right. Go and clean up those little gangsters. They're not old enough to scare."


Two bodyguards went to teach the little gangster a lesson, and the other stood behind Lin Ru to protect him.

"Now be honest. How did you get the money in your hand? Did someone give you money to make you crazy, Wang Jing? "

"No." Zhou Ling took a deep breath and said solemnly to Lin Ru's eyes, "how can I harm my mother? She's crazy because she can't stand life in the countryside. It's easy to change from thrift to extravagance, but it's difficult to change from extravagance to thrift. "

"But what does this have to do with you? Why do you ask me? " Zhou Ling stared at Lin Ru.

Lin Ru chuckled, "so, there's one more thing you haven't explained." Speaking of this, Lin Ru's smile faded and her face was serious. "Tell me honestly how the money in your hand came from."

"I, i... this is me..."

Before he finished, a police car siren came from far to near. A bodyguard came over, "landlady, let's get this boy to the police car station. Are you going to the company or..."

"Let me go to the company with Huanxi."

The police came and took the gangsters into the police car. Lin Ru and Huanxi got into the company car.

After getting on the bus, Huanxi took a long sigh of relief, "why do you care so much about that woman's madness? Why? " Around the west, he came to Lin Ru and asked suspiciously.

Lin Ru leaned back in her chair and frowned slightly. "My intuition tells me that it's definitely not easy."

"Forget it, let's think of something reliable. What should Wang Siyuan do about it?" Around the west, with a sad face.

"Why are you so worried? The Qing Dynasty is self-cleaning. Is it difficult for Wang Siyuan to have a facelift? Or... "

Around the west, Lin Ru glanced, "how can it be? They all say that women have changed in their 18th year of college. I don't think boys have much to let. The boy used to look ugly, but later he didn't know what elixir he took and became more and more handsome."

"Really? Show me the previous photos and let me see them. " Lin Ru was excited and stretched out her hand.

Huanxi secretly took out her mobile phone from her bag like a thief. She looked around and opened the album. Soon, she found some photos of the teenager killing Matt.

Several boys were wearing school uniforms and their hair was dyed in all colors, like pouring a pile of paint on their heads.

In the dim light, several people deliberately put a poss with unlit cigarettes in their mouths, and the picture couldn't bear to look directly at them.

"What about Wang Siyuan? Why didn't I find it? " Lin Ru looked for Wang Siyuan in a pile of blind hair, but she couldn't find it several times.

Finally, Huanxi pointed out a man to Lin Ru. The little boy nestled in the corner, washing, cutting and blowing his hair with a red head. His face was obviously impatient.

"This is it."

Lin Ru immediately felt that she wanted to poke her eyes, "are you sure this person is Wang Siyuan? It's not like now! "

"It may be a light problem. It seems that the skin is a little dark and there is some baby fat on the face. If there were no photos as evidence, I would think Wang Siyuan went to have a look back."

"This, this, this is too scary. I feel incompetent to accept it."

Huanxi smiled, "yes, this photo will be my treasure in the future. There are still some. Do you want to see it?"

Lin Ru nodded again and again, followed Huanxi hehe with a smile. Her smile was a little obscene, "look, you must see. How can there be less of this kind of thing for me?"

The next photos are basically all in this shape. It seems that there is a limit to Wang Siyuan's age to kill Matt.

"These are all my treasures. I can't give them to others in the future." Huanxi held his mobile phone in his arms and couldn't bear to look directly at it.

"Why didn't you pay attention to these things when signing the contract before? It's really hard for us to be passive now... "

Lin Ru sighed and leaned back in the chair.

"At that time, Wang Siyuan responded to the above, but his former agent didn't pay attention to him at all. Who thought he left such a hidden danger. If I had known this, I would never arrange Wang Siyuan for Anli.

"Wait, you mean his former agent knows about it?"

Nodding around the west, "of course I know. This kind of thing is what agents should care about. Before signing the contract, we must ask the artist if there is any black history before."

"Who was his former agent?"


Speaking of this, Huanxi suddenly realized, "Oh, do you want to say that Wang Siyuan is forced to this point and has nothing to do with Anli?"

"What do you think?" Lin Ru gnashed her teeth and said, "who else can it be?"

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