Lin Ru chuckled, "your psychological quality is not as good as Wang Siyuan. When I came in just now, I saw Wang Siyuan's calm and terrible."

Huanxi sighed, "this boy is the material for doing big things. He will be popular in the future."

"By the way, Qian Feng contacted me two days ago and said that he had a script in his hand and asked me to help find an actor. I think Wang Siyuan is more suitable. Let me recommend it."

Lin Ru suddenly thought of what Qian Feng had called her two days ago. In this tone, she said that Jiang Yucheng's investment in him was really ironic. Obviously, he is 40 years old, but he doesn't have the same character at all.

"Director Qian Feng contacted you? But I think you are too eccentric. All the good resources are given to Wang Siyuan. " Glanced at her around the West.

"I'll show you the script. You can see who is more suitable and choose by yourself. I don't care." Rulin was a glorious shopkeeper.

She took out a stack of thick scripts from her bag and put them in front of Huanxi. "Well, I'll leave it to you."

Huan Xibai glanced at her, "you know to arrange work for me. There's no way. Who makes me your man." Then he turned over the script on his hand around the West and said in surprise.

"Eh? It's actually a suspense detective. It's very pleasant to choose the role. Director Qian Feng said, "which role do you want to give us?"

Lin Ru held the cup in her hand. "Qian Feng said that the characters in it could be chosen at will, but he didn't pass the audition. He didn't have the patience to audition for the second time."

Hearing this, Huanxi couldn't help but say, "it's unexpected that director Qian Feng, who is famous for his integrity, has learned to go through the back door. Boss Jiang's face is really great."

Lin Ru smiled and didn't answer.

This matter really has nothing to do with Jiang Yucheng. Qian Feng sent it to the door himself and said that he apologized for Li Xiaoxiao. If it weren't for his carelessness and being bewitched by Li Xiaoxiao, Li Xiaoxiao's trouble wouldn't be between Lin Ru and Jiang Yucheng.

Although Lin Ru has explained countless times that this matter has nothing to do with Qian Feng, Qian Feng gave her the script in order to apologize.

After reading the script around the west, the plot turned in my mind, "it seems that only Songhai and Wang Siyuan are suitable candidates for the male leader. Their appearance is more consistent, but their acting skills... Have to audition."


"The man we met last time?" Lin Ru thought of the man she saw last time. Songhai seemed to belong to the sunshine type, but Lin Ru always felt that this was not the real him.

Compared with Wang Siyuan, this Songhai is more dangerous.

"Yes, in fact, I don't like him very much. He is... Gloomy, like a demon that has been sealed all the time."

Lin Ru nodded and agreed with the statement of Huanxi. Huanxi was a little tangled. "However, Songhai's acting skills are really good. There have been several works before. Unfortunately, it is always pressed by the protagonist. Although her appearance is relatively high, she can't get angry."

"If I give him this script, maybe he will become famous."

Lin Ru frowned slightly. "The pine sea is red. Is it a good thing or a bad thing for us?"

To tell you the truth, she doesn't believe this man.

Huanxi took the script on the table, "think about it first. This man is an unfamiliar white eyed wolf. I'm not sure when he can turn back and bite you."

Moreover, the white eyed wolf knows that they want to directly give the script to Wang Siyuan. It is estimated that they can directly explode in situ. Maybe they will do something directly to Wang Siyuan.

Not surprisingly, now Songhai is provoking Wang Siyuan.

Wang Siyuan's air pressure is very low these two days. As soon as he came out of the corner with a straight face, he saw standing at the entrance of the stairs and looking at his pine sea.

"What do you want from me?"

Wang Siyuan looked at him expressionless.

Songhai looked at Wang Siyuan from top to bottom. "Wang Siyuan, what do you think is better than me? Why does the landlady like you so much?"

Then he guessed first, "is it because you were the only one who held your ground when boss Jiang had an accident some time ago? What does that mean? That means you're smart, not loyal to the company. "

Wang Siyuan gave him a cold look and said, "who are you, please?"

Songhai's sarcasm was immediately blocked back. When he came to the company, he only occasionally met Wang Siyuan once or twice. Both of them are new people, but Wang Siyuan's popularity in China is much higher than him.

"Brother Siyuan, his name is Songhai. He is a newcomer who has just signed a contract with the company." The little assistant replied in a quiet but heartbreaking voice.

Songhai barely kept calm. "Wang Siyuan, we were alumni in high school. Have you forgotten me?"

Wang Siyuan looked at Songhai carefully and finally shook his head. "I don't remember you. Even if I'm an alumni, I don't need to know all my classmates. You say yes."

Songhai swallowed a mouthful of old blood, turned his eyes around Wang Siyuan and recovered his previous look, "I didn't expect that you still have such a bright day. It's a pity..."

He tut tut twice, turned and left. The little assistant couldn't see it and whispered, "what does this man want to do? He's not polite at all. Is he here to play prestige and demonstrate?"

Wang Siyuan sneered, "don't worry about him. He's just an unknown minion."

The little assistant murmured, "brother Siyuan, I think this man is very hostile to you. Maybe he did it last time."

Wang Siyuan took a thoughtful look at the direction Songhai left and lowered his voice. "This kind of words can't be said indiscriminately, which is easy to cause unnecessary trouble."

"Oh, I know."

After discussing with Huanxi, Lin Ru finally decided to show the script to both Wang Siyuan and Songhai. Who can get the role depends on their own skills.

Huanxi cleaned up the things on the table and took the script in his hand. "I'll find Wang Siyuan and talk about it. I'll find someone to send it to Songhai."

Lin Ru rolled her eyes. "You still say I'm biased. What about yourself? So obviously, I'm not afraid that Songhai hates because of jealousy? "

There is some entanglement around the west, "but I still want to tell Wang Siyuan something. I made a major discovery today. I already have several suspects for the person who stole your mobile phone and called."

"The six people you said?"

"You doubt even the cleaners? That's ridiculous. "

Huanxi looked serious, "sometimes, you think the more impossible people are, the more likely they are to be bad people. Isn't that often the case on TV?"

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