Ding Mi's eyes turned red, "thank you, thank you..."

Wang Siyuan put down his mobile phone and patted Ding Mi's arm. "Sister Ding, you don't need to say thank you to me. Zhou Li is gone. This is what I should do."

After talking for a while, Wang Siyuan completely forgot that the phone was still ringing. When he remembered, he had hung up.

Wang Siyuan looked at his mobile phone and wondered whether to call back. Ding Mi hesitated when he saw him. He said, "there must be a need to ask you to go back around the West. Don't worry. Let's go after dinner."

When Wang Siyuan saw the large table of food on the table, he smiled and said, "well, you've cooked such a long time. I'll try it."

Ding Mi said with some regret, "I'm sorry, I'm not good at cooking. It took me so long to get together a table. Are you busy?"

"I'm not busy. There's basically no work these two days. It's a blank window for work."

On the other side, Huanxi was so angry that he trembled, "this, this... Wang Siyuan dared not answer my phone. He became more and more daring. When something so big happened, he hid and acted as a shrinking turtle."

Lin Ru frowned and called Wang Siyuan.

This time, Wang Siyuan quickly answered the phone. Lin Ru frowned and asked, "Wang Siyuan, where are you now?"

Wang Siyuan's voice hesitated, "I, I'm on sister Ding's side now."

Lin Ru was angry and smiled, "you are still in the limelight. Don't you know yourself? You spent five hours with Ding Mi? And the curtains are drawn so tightly that I'm afraid others will see it. "

Hearing Lin Ru's words, Wang Siyuan was shocked and exclaimed, "landlady, you actually followed me!"

Lin Ru sneered, "am I following you? Your current situation has paparazzi broadcasting in real time. I don't have that free time to follow you. Wang Siyuan, you really disappoint me more and more. "

Wang Siyuan blushed. "I, we really don't have anything. I just came to see sister Ding. What are these damn paparazzi talking about?"

"Look at the Internet. Paparazzi are everywhere. Wang Siyuan, think about what to do next. There are other more important things to deal with in the company."

Wang Siyuan was stunned. "You, what do you mean? Is the company going to give me up? How can this be? I signed a contract with the company. How can you say "give up and give up?"

Lin Ru's voice was still cold and not softened at all. "Wang Siyuan, the company has given you too many opportunities, but you haven't cherished it at all. Instead, you keep bringing trouble to the company. Do you know how much the company has spent to press down your headlines during this period of time?"

"I, i..." Wang Siyuan hesitated, speechless.

Lin Ru replied, "since signing the contract, the company has made three million yuan on you, but at least eight million have invested in you. This time, it has spent three million yuan on hiring a Navy or something."

"Wang Siyuan, I thought you were a potential stock before, but now, I suddenly think you should be a Dou who can't help you."

After saying these words, Lin Ru hung up the phone directly. She turned to Huanxi Road, "you can withdraw people from the public relations side. Since Wang Siyuan doesn't get our love, we don't need to spend too much effort on him."

Such a vigorous and resolute treatment immediately surprised Huanxi, "really, just give up?"

Lin Ru nodded. "Although the Chiang family doesn't need money, they can't always waste it on such people. Let them pull it. The company unilaterally announced their relationship."

This is the end of Wang Siyuan's star road. In the future, Wang Siyuan can't increase the exposure rate and can't stir up gossip. Even CP can't casually gather together. In terms of human design, if you increase the setting of infatuation, you may suck some powder.

But that's the only way.

Lin Ru rubbed her eyebrows and was a little tired. "Why didn't you find Wang Siyuan so ignorant before?"

Huanxi's spirit was depressed, "I actually sympathize with this child. He hasn't seen Ding Mi's real nature clearly."

"What if you can see it clearly? It's not like being cheated around. Alas, if only Wang Siyuan could be half as smart as Songhai, at least we don't have to worry about it. "

Nodding around the west, "well, although Songhai has a little more heart, at least we don't have to worry so much."

When Wang Siyuan hurried to the company, he met Songhai before he reached the Huanxi office.

The two met head-on. Songhai stared at Wang Siyuan's neck. Wang Siyuan didn't want to pay attention to him, but Songhai's eyes were too naked.

He frowned slightly. "What's the matter?"

Songhai pointed to his neck, "I suggest you change your clothes and come again, on your neck..."

Wang Siyuan walked towards the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror. The red mark on his neck was particularly abrupt, "this is..." Wang Siyuan was shocked. He didn't know when he got it.

In particular, there was an unclear lip print on his white shirt collar.

"You have a girlfriend, Siyuan? Is it the one on the Internet? " At this time, the little assistant came out of the bathroom and stared at the kiss marks and lip prints on Wang Siyuan's neck.

Wang Siyuan frowned and rubbed the marks on his neck with his hands. "No, there are many mosquitoes recently. This is mosquito bite. Don't talk if you don't know the truth."

The assistant glanced. Now he didn't respect Wang Siyuan as much as before. He thought for a moment and hesitated, "brother Siyuan, don't do this in the future. That Ding Mi must have another plan for you."

During this time, too many people told him that he couldn't do it. Wang Siyuan waved impatiently, "I know."

Seeing that Wang Siyuan was still indifferent, the assistant knew that his painstaking persuasion just now was of no use at all. If it was true, it would be clear to the onlookers.

"By the way, brother Siyuan, the company has arranged for me to work in other places. I may not be able to accompany you all the time in the future." After washing his hands, the assistant looked at Wang Siyuan seriously.

Wang Siyuan was stunned. From his debut to now, he has been accompanied by his little assistant, but now, the little assistant suddenly wants to leave.

"Why! Will I have a new assistant? Our two partners are very good. There is no need to change others. " Wang Siyuan was worried, "no, I have to find the boss and sister Huanxi. What is this for?"

The little assistant grabbed Wang Siyuan's arm. "Brother Siyuan, no one handed over the work to me. It seems that... The company won't arrange an assistant for you in the future."

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