"I should ask you this. Didn't you just want to attract my attention when you accosted me last night?"

Lin Ru's face turned red in an instant: "I explained to you yesterday that it was a game between me and my friends, and..."

She suddenly remembered his relationship with Jiang Yi. She didn't want to be involved, and her attitude became a little indifferent: "don't be so self righteous. As long as a woman sticks to you, she wants to seduce you!"

Although Jiang Yucheng does have this capital, both in appearance and life experience, she hates these men who are always so arrogant.

But even if she said so, Jiang Yucheng still didn't let him go. In this place where someone might pass at any time, he vaguely stuck to her body.

She whispered in her ear, "you are already my nephew's fiancee, so was your behavior in the bar last night inappropriate?"

"You!" Lin Ru is also ready. Jiang Yucheng will know her relationship with Jiang Yi, but when this moment comes, she is still a little flustered.

But she soon calmed down: "in terms of seniority, I should call you uncle. I also said it was just a game."

She tried to break away from Jiang Yucheng's control, but failed.

Lin Ru was a little discouraged. She asked, "what do you want?"

She knew that the man in front of her could not be provoked easily. If she fell in, there would be no turning back.

Jiang Yucheng looked down at the woman's changeable expression and slightly bent his lips. He suddenly grabbed Lin Ru's slender hand and put it on his chest: "do you feel it?"

Lin Ru was frightened by his actions. For a moment, she didn't resist. She stammered and asked, "what... What?"

"I'm missing one thing here."

Lin Ru only felt the steady beating sound of his heart coming from his chest, "I didn't feel anything."

After hearing this, Jiang Yucheng directly released her hand, leaned over and approached many more, and whispered in her ear, "I'm missing a bow tie. Should you give it back to me?"

Lin Ru skimmed her face and replied uneasily, "the bow tie is with my friend. I can give you her phone..."

Jiang Yucheng directly interrupted her: "since you took it, I just want you to give it back to me. I'll live in school next, so I'm waiting for you."

After saying this, he left a meaningful smile and left slowly.

Lin Ru looked at his tall back and didn't come back for a long time.

Until his roommate suddenly came forward and patted her on the shoulder, "Lin Ru, why are you standing here in a daze? We have to go to the next class. "

Lin Ru reluctantly smiled, "let's go."

Along the way, my roommate around the West has been chattering about what happened in class just now. She is also worried that Lin Ru will be suspended because she offended the professor this time.

However, her topic soon changed.

"Do you know who will substitute for our design course?"

Lin Ru shrugged and said she didn't know.

So he looked mysterious around the west, "do you know Jiang Yucheng? The famous Chiang family, our design class is his generation. "

Huanxi talked endlessly and didn't find Lin Ru's increasingly ugly look at all.

"Jiang Yucheng is the successor of the Jiang family. Originally, he was so busy that it was basically impossible to teach in the school. But I heard the grapevine news that he seemed to come to choose the right person. There were only one person who could directly enter his company when he graduated."

"This is very competitive." Lin Ru tutted.

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