Lin Ru's threat is useless.

Jiang Yucheng was amused by her words. He smiled a few times before he stopped.

"What are you laughing at?" Lin Ru frowned and shriveled her mouth. She was very upset.

Jiang Yucheng turned his hand and lost Lin Ru's face.

For Jiang Yucheng, Lin Ru's body is like a cloth doll.

His strength made Lin Ru too lazy to resist.

After Jiang Yucheng saw her smelly face, he reached out and scraped Lin Ru's nose.

"I laugh at what you said." Jiang Yucheng explained with a smile.

Lin Ru snorted, "what's funny."

Jiang Yucheng said in a low voice, "should I take it? If you break your throat, no one will save you?"

Lin Ru was silent. Jiang Yucheng then said, "are you afraid of what I do to you, so you say that?"

The voice of Jiang Chengyuan stared at Jiang Yuyuan in a moment of danger.

"What do you want to do?" Her words were wary: "I helped you just now. If you don't repay me, don't touch me."

Jiang Yucheng knew that Lin Ru would suddenly help him. It must be to "repay his kindness".

There is almost only one way to repay kindness, that is money.

How much Lin Ru loves money, and Jiang Yucheng knows that she is always thinking about how to collect money.

But her purpose is for the orphanage. Jiang Yucheng doesn't hate it.

He stretched out his hand and raised Linru's chin: "of course I want to repay you."

Before Lin Ru could ask him how to repay his kindness, she saw Jiang Yucheng hanging her head.

She stared at him and felt the soft touch on her lips.

Lin Ru stared. Unexpectedly, Jiang Yucheng would suddenly kiss her.

Is this what he calls gratitude?

Lin Ru closed her lips to show her resistance.

Jiang Yucheng had a way to make her open her mouth. He grabbed Lin Ru's hand and scratched her waist.

Lin Ru's body trembled, and the strength of her teeth was removed.

Jiang Yucheng took the opportunity to capture Lin Ru's lips.

Lin Ru, who was his opponent, quickly disarmed and surrendered and sank into this kiss.

His kiss was overbearing, as if to take the last ray of air from her mouth.

At the end of the kiss, Lin Ru's body softened, and her peach eyes glistened.

"This... This is not gratitude." She gasped.

Jiang Yucheng smiled: "of course it's not gratitude, but I want to kiss you."

"Come on, how much does the little financial fan want?"

Hearing the speech, Lin Ru glared at him, just because she was moved in her eyes, she had a kind of anger.

Jiang Yucheng was looked at by her and felt soft.

Lin Ru is really a pity girl. In getting along with her, Jiang Yucheng pays more and more attention to and loves her.

"I don't want money this time." Lin Ru opened her mouth and said something that surprised Jiang Yucheng.

He raised his eyebrows: "what do you want?"

Lin Ru sighed: "it's about the orphanage."

As she spoke, her face looked dignified.

The atmosphere between them was also dull.

Jiang Yucheng asked, "what happened?"

Lin Ru frowned and told Jiang Yucheng what had happened.

Hearing this, Jiang Yucheng asked, "do you know who did it?"

Lin Ru sneered: "Feng Qianqian."

"Why?" Jiang Yucheng asked.

Lin Ru lifted up her long hair covering her forehead, and the black and purple wound exposed.

Jiang Yucheng's eyes were instantly attracted, and his eyes darkened.

"What's going on?" His voice was full of storm and ready to go.

Lin Ru said faintly, "this was yesterday when I went back and was beaten by Feng Qianqian."

"She dares!" Jiang Yucheng shouted angrily.

If Lin Ru wasn't in his arms, he would beat the table hard to relieve his anger.

Lin Ru looked at Jiang Yucheng's angry look, and the grievances pressed on the bottom of her heart last night came up.

She had a sour nose and a desire to cry.

Linru hurriedly drooped her eyes and slowed down for a while before she said, "they beat me because of Linchun and Jiangyi. I won't let them vent their anger, so I resisted and didn't make them comfortable."

Jiang Yucheng painfully touched Lin Ru's cheek: "well done, this is Feng Qianqian's reason for dealing with the orphanage?"

Lin Ru nodded: "Feng Qianqian has been threatening me with the orphanage. If I don't do what she says, she will do it to the orphanage."

"This time I let them be angry. Feng Qianqian must be angry, but she did it."

"Shall I help you with her?" Jiang Yucheng asked.

Lin Ru nodded and shook her head: "no, I'm not asking you to deal with her, but asking you to help the orphanage."

"Now the orphanage has been dissolved by the notice above." Lin Ru looked anxious.

She looked at Jiang Yucheng and begged: "can you help keep the orphanage?"

Lin Ru never begged him so.

Before she asked him for help, she always looked like she wanted to help.

Then Jiang Yucheng promised, not to mention now.

He nodded, "yes."

Lin Ru's eyes lit up and smiled: "thank you. Don't worry. I won't let you help in vain."

Jiang Yucheng asked with a smile, "do you want to pay me?"

Lin Ru nodded and Gu Lingjing said, "but Jiang should not be short of money. In this way, you can make a request to me. As long as I can do it, I will try my best."

Jiang Yucheng stared at her with deep pupil eyes. For a long time, he spoke slowly and said, "then I want you, OK?"

Lin Ru was stunned and stared at by Jiang Yucheng. She was a little nervous.

Her smart eyes turned around, but she didn't look at Jiang Yucheng: "well, that won't work. I'm me. How can I give it to you?"

"Play silly." Jiang Yucheng made a two word summary of her reaction.

Lin Ru stuck out her tongue and didn't respond.

Of course she knew what Jiang Yucheng meant, but she didn't mean to be good with Jiang Yucheng.

Jiang Yucheng pinched her fleshy face: "don't tease you. I'm going to Paris fashion week at the end of the month. How about you go with me then?"

Lin Ru's eyes lit up when she heard the speech, and her smiling mouth couldn't close: "really, you want to take me?!"

It is the dream of many fashion designers that their clothes can be displayed at Paris fashion week.

Lin Ru is no exception.

Jiang Yucheng's condition is not a loss for Lin Ru.

He nodded and Lin Ru immediately patted Jiang Yucheng on the shoulder: "it's a deal!"

After the delay, Jiang Yucheng did not discuss the conditions.

He called his acquaintances and asked him to come forward and keep the orphanage.

Jiang Yucheng's identity and reward are there. No one will refuse. The other party agrees.

When he hung up, Lin Ru immediately asked, "how's it going?"

Jiang Yucheng said with a smile, "it has been solved."

Lin Ru breathed a sigh of relief: "great, great..."

In addition to joy, Lin Ru strengthened her determination to become stronger.

If she can be as strong as Jiang Yucheng, this matter can be solved by herself.

These thoughts were buried in her heart in an instant.

At this time, the most important thing is how to get out of Jiang Yucheng's arms.

She stared at Jiang Yucheng discontentedly and patted him on the arm when he looked back.

Lin Ru's meaning is obvious. She is asking Jiang Yucheng to let her go.

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