"Call an ambulance? No way. " Lin Ru shook her head decisively. "Ma Junhao is now a famous second - and third-line singer in the industry. If he goes to the hospital, he will be concerned."

"What should I say if the doctor asks him how he passed out? If I say he stepped on a pool of water when he went to the bathroom and slipped and fell into a coma, he should go to the hot search every minute. "

"At that time, Ma Junhao's disease will be cured and his face will be lost."

Several employees admired him. "It's really worthy of being the boss. Considering things is comprehensive."

Lin Ru waved modestly, "where, where, too modest."

Lin Ru patted Ma Junhao's face. The man was still not awake. She had no choice but to take the worst policy, "I'd better splash it with cold water."

Suddenly, Ma Junhao got excited and suddenly sat up. He covered his nose and shouted in pain, "ah! Who pinched me! "

Everyone was silent and looked at Lin Ru.

Lin Ru waved, "since everyone is all right, you are busy. Thank you today."

Ma Junhao rubbed the people with a bitter face and a sad face, "what have I experienced? It hurts to death!"

Lin Ru looked innocent. "I saw you in a coma, so I helped you pinch people. I didn't expect it to be very useful."

Ma Junhao touched his obviously swollen man and wailed, "are you sure you want to save me, not murder me? I can tell you, I'm not afraid of you. "

"Fool." Lin Ru glanced at him faintly, and the cherry lips opened gently, calmly spitting out a few words.

Ma Junhao rubbed the pain and exhaled, "my God! Why am I so sad? I have encountered such a thing. Heaven, earth, is there any fairness in this world? "

"Howl what, howl, I took your clothes."

This sentence immediately worked. Ma Junhao immediately stopped. He looked at Lin Ru warily and wrapped his clothes tightly.

"What do you want to do? I tell you, good men don't fight women. I can't fight you. I just don't want to see you."

Lin Rubai glanced at him and took Xiao Rui outside. When Xiao Rui passed Ma Junhao, he spit out a few words coldly, "fool."

Linru deeply felt that she had brought a five good baby crooked. She quickly explained to Xiao Rui.

"Xiao Baobao, those two words just now are swearing words. You can't say them in the future. Do you know?"

"I see, but that uncle was really stupid just now. He even slipped a pool of water and passed out in a coma. It's the first time I've seen such a stupid man."

Lin Ru is embarrassed. In fact, what you just wanted to say is a stupid mortal.

"You can't be so stupid. How can you be my mother? In this way, my future daughter-in-law will be stupid, and I don't like it. "

Lin Ru expressed her powerlessness to Xiao Baobao, who was thinking about her daughter.

"Don't worry about it. My daughter will come out two years later."

"Two years..." Xiao Rui counted the time with his fingers. "Two years later, I will be eight years old. Alas, I seem a little old."

Lin Ru, "..."

Teenage boy, you haven't even had the awesome birth. Did you find your boyfriend, or is it a small one? Is this efficiency very powerful?

Lin Ru leads Xiao Rui to the Huanxi office. The shameless Ma Junhao comes over again.

"Lin Ru, thank you. If it weren't for you this time, I might not be able to get out of the small black room."

Xiao Rui looked at Ma Junhao suspiciously. "This uncle is really strange, as if he were two people just now."

"Of course, your uncle, I'm a jade tree facing the wind and pressing the Begonia. There's a flower on the branches in the forest. How can I compare with that clever man?"

"Uncle, you lost something." Xiao Rui solemnly pointed to the ground.

"Hey? What's that? Money? " Ma Junhao really believed it and looked everywhere on the ground.

"I lost my face."

Ma Junhao's action of looking for something was a meal, and the whole person stood frozen in place, messy in the wind.

So, was he just fooled by a five or six-year-old child? And he was mentally crippled and looked for it on the ground for so long.

Lin Ru couldn't help laughing, directly covered her lips and laughed.

Ma Junhao blacked his face and glared at Xiao Rui fiercely. Xiao Rui looked innocent, "does uncle feel very ashamed?"

Ma Junhao turned his head with a cold hum. "Whose little boy, hurry to carry it back. Don't harm people here."

Lin Ru held Xiao Rui's hand. "What's the matter with my family?"

"You!" Ma Junhao counseled shanglinru's cold eyes decisively, turned a corner to his mouth and went back, "OK, you're powerful, you won, come on."

"Ha ha." Lin Ru looked at Ma Junhao contemptuously and passed him.

"Ha ha." Xiao Rui also despised Ma Junhao and made a face on the way, which made Ma Junhao feel distressed.

"Lin Ru, wait, didn't number two say what's going on here?" Ma Junhao quickly followed Lin Ru and asked loudly.

His voice was not small. Many passers-by heard this and cast puzzled eyes.

Lin Ru was about to be defeated by the IQ of the goods. She took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down. Before she could speak, Xiao Rui took the shortcut.

"Are you stupid? If you don't say you've changed a person, you don't even have memory. Do you have two souls in your body?" Xiao Rui supported his chin and looked at Ma Junhao thoughtfully.

Hearing this, Ma junhaodun blew his hair, "what are you talking about! What nonsense is this! How can there be two souls in a person's body! "

"You think too much, absolutely you think too much."

"Really?" Xiao Rui stared at Ma Junhao without blinking. His clear eyes were full of questions.

Ma Junhao wiped a cold sweat.

Lin Rubai glanced at him, "is your brain eaten by the dog! If outsiders know about your situation, it will cause a great wave. Do you know? "

"Your loud voice is still talking here. I really don't know how long your brain is."

Ma Junhao actively admitted his mistake. He bowed his head like a golden hair abandoned by others. "I'm wrong, I'm really wrong. I don't dare to say it loudly in the future."

"Sorry, I'm guilty. I'll review."

Lin Ru took a deep breath. "Well, what's the use of saying this now? Just pay more attention in the future. Do you know?"

"I see. I will definitely listen to you in the future." Ma Junhao's attitude is extremely sincere. Lin Ru can't scold even if she wants to scold.

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