Songhai came forward and held the syringe in doubt.

Ma Junhao nodded and looked a little depressed. "I don't know why. After the last injection, it became like that. Moreover, the space in my little black room has been reduced a lot."

"Maybe it's because of this drug." Lin Ru looked at the medicine and said thoughtfully, "this medicine is very strange. Can you give me one?"

"No." Ma Junhao shook his head. "As you know, number two is very smart. If he wakes up and finds that one of this medicine is missing, he will find it."

Lin Ru looked at the syringe on her hand and smiled, "maybe we can take the opportunity to do something bad..."

"How to do bad things?" Ma Junhao's eyes are shining.

"Are you feeling all right now? I'll take you to meet someone. If you become number two on the road, you'll be embarrassed. "

Ma junhaodun came to the spirit. He moved his muscles and bones. "I feel very good and safe now. Take me to know the man. I really want to make friends now."

Lin Ru nodded, "OK, he's a doctor. He should be able to help you."

"OK, shall we go now? That's great! "

Lin Ru takes Ma Junhao to the car. She wants to take him to meet Lu Xun.

When she came to the hospital, Lin Ru met Jiang Yucheng head-on when she entered the door. She smiled and waved to him, "Why are you here?"

Jiang Yucheng hooked his lips, went forward and took Lin Ru's waist. He looked at her from top to bottom with some worry, "I'll talk to Lu Xun about something. Why are you here? Are you sick? "

"I didn't declare, but Ma Junhao got the medicine that No. 2 often injected. I brought it to Lu Xun."

Jiang Yucheng glanced at Ma Junhao. Ma Junhao immediately stood up straight and clever to Jiang Yucheng's line of sight.

He whispered to Lin Ru, "OK, bring him here."

Lin Ru turned her head and waved to Ma Junhao, "come here quickly. Tell me when you go to the small black house. I'll throw you out as soon as possible so that No. 2 won't find our relationship."

"OK, if number two wants to come in, I'll say it in advance."

Lin Ru played with the syringe in her hand. "I suddenly thought of a very important thing."

"What?" Jiang Yucheng looked down at the syringe in her hand. "What's this?"

"It's the drugs Ma Junhao said. I asked Lu Xun to study and see if he could find anything." Lin Ru raises the syringe in her hand towards Jiang Yucheng.

"Let me see."

"Here you are."

Jiang Yucheng holds the syringe in his hand. The cylinder is not big. It looks ordinary outside, but the shape of the syringe inside is really high-tech.

Lin Ru sighed, "I seem to see these things often recently. The team making this is really an elite in the medical field."

Jiang Yucheng nodded slightly, "yes, but this technology should be foreign."

"Abroad?" Lin Ru frowned, "is it just that the technology comes from abroad, or do those people come from abroad?"

"I'm not sure." Jiang Yucheng shook his head lightly.

"Ma Junhao, is the person who gave you these drugs domestic or foreign? Do you have any impression? " Lin Ru turned to ask Ma Junhao.

Ma Junhao shook his head. "It's not foreign. Although I didn't hear these people speak, it can be seen from their walking posture and behavior habits that they are domestic people."

"That's OK." Lin Ru breathed a sigh of relief. If it is abroad, it is likely to rise to another height.

While talking, several people finally came to Lu Xun's office. Lu Xun was studying drugs in the laboratory. Jiang Yucheng led the way. He glanced at Jiang Yucheng and said with a faint smile.

"Why haven't you left yet?"

Lin Ru came out from behind Jiang Yucheng, "because I'm here."

"Oh, landlady." Mrs. Lu said, "have we met for some time today?"

Looking at Lin Ru's eyes, Lu Xun felt guilty. He didn't know whether boss Jiang had been exposed. He spoke carefully.

"Come and ask you for a favor." Lin Ru took out the syringe and handed it over, "help me test how this drug is made."

Speaking of business, Lu Xun immediately cheered up and took the syringe from Lin Ru. "Where did this come from?"

"What? Any questions? " Lin Ru stared nervously at Lu Xun.

Lu Xun took the syringe in his hand and thought it over and over again. He nodded, "there's a problem. The problem is big. The cost of this syringe is very large. Ordinary people can't make it at all. Look. "

Lu Xun pointed to the button on the syringe. "This button is made of some mixed substance. Moreover, there is fingerprint authentication on it. It is impossible for ordinary people to open it."

"No." Lin Ru looked at him in shock, "this is a very ordinary button."

"No, you see, it's no use pressing." Lu Xun pressed it with his thumb, but there was really no reaction.

Lin Ru was stunned and threw something to Jiang Yucheng, "come on, you try."

Jiang Yucheng pinched the cylinder and scratched a different color at the bottom of his eyes. "I've tried and still haven't responded."

"Why do you press me? Is this thing broken? " Lin Ru was stunned and pressed again, and the needle was pushed out again.

"Come on, Ma Junhao, come and try." Lin Ru shoved the cylinder into him.

Ma Junhao took the cylinder and pressed it on the button. Like Lin Ru, the needle was pushed out.

"How could this happen?" Lin Ru was surprised.

Lu Xun looked at her and slowly said, "maybe your fingerprint has been entered."

"But the key is, why are my fingerprints recorded?"

Lu Xun shook his head. "I don't know. You have to ask yourself."

Lin Ru was speechless for a while and tried several times. The cylinder was as good as her own.

"Did you say that someone is very similar to my fingerprint, so it can be unlocked?" Lin Ru is struggling for herself.

Lu Xiang as like as two peas, "there are no two leaves in the world, and no two people's fingerprints are the same.

"How can high-tech things make such mistakes? Why don't you think about it? Do you know any strange people? "

Lin Ru said, "where do I know strange people? What a ghost. "

Jiang Yucheng came forward and pulled Lin Ru behind him. "Well, that's it. Don't make any noise. Lu Xun, take this liquid to study. Y call me when you have the results."


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