This terrible makeup looks like a fairy in No. 3's eyes, looking at the mirror happily, "how am I so beautiful? Should I go to the beauty contest? Oh, it's so beautiful. What can I do? "

Lin Ru resisted the impulse to throw Ma Junhao out and asked coldly, "how did you appear? Be honest. "

Ma Junhao shook his head and looked innocent. "I don't know how I appeared. Even if I suddenly appeared, I don't know."

Lin Ru knocked on the table, "did you do anything on you?"

"No, I don't know. I don't know anything. Can you stop asking so many questions?" No. 3 covers his head and has a splitting headache.

Lin Ru said with a smile, "well, I won't ask. You have a good rest. Let's go first."

With that, she made a look at Huanxi, kicked No. 3 and followed Lin Ru out.

"This person is really annoying. Only the master can make me less annoying with three personalities." Around the West.

Lin Ru nodded. "This matter is a little troublesome. I'll ask Lu Xun to come and see the situation."

Lin Ru took out her mobile phone and called Lu Xun.

Lu Xun frowned when he got through the phone? I'll come and see the patient. "

"Lu Xun? Is it the man who treated boss Jiang before? " Huanxi asked suspiciously.

After Jiang Yucheng was dazed before, he was the attending doctor.

Lin Ru felt that this matter might not be so simple. There should be no problem with the medicine given by Lu Xun. However, Ma Junhao not only failed to cure, but also had an additional personality. There must be something wrong.

"You stare at Ma Junhao here." Lin Ru is opposite Huanxi road.

Nodding around the west, "yes, but I still don't understand one thing."

"What's the matter?"

"Today, do you know where we found Ma Junhao? Oh, no, number three. "

"Where?" Lin Ru was intrigued by the mysterious words around the West.

"In... A club."


Linru subconsciously thought of the club she chased Jiang Yucheng to before. Is it a club?

"In which club?"

"It's very famous here..."

Lin Ru quickly interrupted her, "I see. Who notified her to pick up? What was number three doing when you went? "

Huanxi shook his head, "I don't know. You can ask Ma Junhao's agent, but now Ma Junhao is already in our company. Ma Junhao's former agent is discussing the termination with Ma Junhao."

"So it is. What was ma Junhao doing when you were in the past?"

Huanxi thought, "when I went there, Ma Junhao was sleeping in a private room. His clothes were neat and slept soundly."

Lin Ru Bai glanced at her. "Excuse me, is this the point?"

"Oh, by the way, at this time, we should discuss why Ma Junhao went to that place."

"Well, did you find it? Did someone take him there, or did he go there himself? "

Huanxi thought, "I investigated the monitoring last night and checked Ma Junhao's Caller ID and social software such as wechat. I found that Ma Junhao really wanted to go alone."

"And I haven't contacted anyone."

Lin Ru frowned and rubbed her chin. "Don't you think it's strange? No. 3 should not have the current memory. Why can he still find the club? "

Huanxi added, "moreover, from the video, his goal is very clear. He doesn't walk in casually. He knows where his destination is."

"That's even more strange."


While they were talking, Lu Xun finally came. Lu Xun came with his medicine bag.

"Where are the people?"

Lin Ru took Lu Xun to the door of the lounge. "It's right here. Come in and have a look."

Said, Linru directly pushed the door and entered. Ma junhaodun's face turned black and was about to abuse. When he saw that it was Linru, he quickly stopped his voice, "Why are you here again? Aren't you already gone? "

He put his eyes on Lu Xun, "you even brought a doctor."

Lin Ru frowned, "do you know he's a doctor?"

"The smell of the disinfectant in the hospital is killing me. Let's go, handsome boy. Do you want to treat me again? Forget it. I'm not sick at all. You all think I'm sick. You're sick yourself. "

Lin Ru sneered, "you are my artist now, and you must be responsible for my interests. If you are like this, you will only make me lose more money."

"Oh, it's all about yourself. I thought you were the one who really cared about me." No. 3 tilted his mouth. It seemed that there was a bit more yin and prey on the messy face.

"Hurry up and let the doctor show you." Lin Ru patted the sofa.

Lu Xun came up and put the medicine bag on the table. After opening it, there were all kinds of medical equipment in it. No. 3 subconsciously shrunk, "what are you trying to do? I don't want to check, I don't want to check! "

"If you don't want to check, you have to check. You look like a sick drug addict. When can you return to your previous state!"

"I can't go back!" No. 3 was angry by Lin Ru's words. He looked at her stubbornly, and his voice was a little cold.

Lin Ru recovered and winked at the bodyguard. The bodyguard came up and pressed No. 3 on the sofa.

Lu Xun drew some blood from No. 3. No. 3 couldn't open, so he could only abuse, "you stinky woman, what do you want to do! Do you want to experiment with me? You really took great pains! "

"Of course, I took great pains. I promised the Lord personality before that I would cure you. I can't break my promise. Now that I have promised, I must do it well."

Linru said to Lu Xun, "check it carefully. We can't let our partners down."

Lu Xun looked serious and checked No. 3. "It's strange that all kinds of indicators are normal, but why does a third personality suddenly appear?"

"There must be something different."

Lu Xun read it in pieces and leaned around Lin Ru. "Do you think today's No. 3 is a little strange?"

"He? I feel nothing strange about him. " Lin Ru shrugged and stared at number three without blinking.

No. 3 was pressed on the sofa by the bodyguard and yelled, "Hey, hey, can you stop pressing me? I'm very uncomfortable when you press me like this. Look at your big and thick appearance. Are you sick?"

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