Songhai couldn't help it. He said to Linru, "give me this baseball bat. I think it's better for me to do it myself."

"Well, here you are. Move faster and move quickly. God doesn't know..."

Before Lin Ru finished her words, she heard a thud. No. 3 had fallen to the ground.

"This, this speed... It's too fast. I haven't reacted yet." Huanxi opened his mouth in amazement and couldn't close it for a long time.

Songhai took back the action of holding a baseball bat and quite handsome lifted his hair. "Now I suddenly feel that it's better for No. 3 to lie here, so the atmosphere won't be embarrassed."

Lin Ru and Huanxi nodded, "now this atmosphere is the best."

Looking around at Ma Junhao lying unconscious on the sofa, and then looking at his hot eye makeup, the whole person was suddenly bad.

"Or I'll throw him in the bathroom and let him wash his makeup."

Lin Ru shook her head. "Compared with this, I want to see if Ma Junhao can recover. This is the most important."

"Well, I'd better wait here."

The three men looked at Ma Junhao on the sofa with six pairs of eyes.

Before long, Ma Junhao finally woke up. He rubbed his eyes and suddenly looked at so many eyes. He was startled, "what are you looking at me for? Emma, people are so scared ~ "


Three people suddenly the whole person is not good.

Wailing around the west, "I'll go. God, why don't you get this goods back? Is Ma Junhao destined to be a eunuch? "

No. 3 smiled and looked at Songhai, "handsome boy, do you like me? Why do you hit me every time? It is said that beating is pro scolding and love. How many times have you beaten me? How much do you like me? "

Songhai waved his baseball bat. "Can I kiss you again?"

No. 3 has bright eyes. "Handsome boy, if you want to kiss me, it doesn't matter how many times you please, but you must be responsible for me, or I'll stick to you all my life."

Songhai thought about the picture of being stuck by this man all his life, and his back suddenly climbed up a burst of coolness.

"Then I'll kiss and close my eyes..."

No. 3 obediently closed his eyes, but his eyes rolled around, as if he was excited. Then matsuhai swung a stick in the past, and No. 3 fell to the ground again.

Songhai took a look at the "corpse" lying on the ground, and turned coldly to leave.

"When did Songhai become so high and cold?" He felt his chin around the West and muttered to himself in doubt.

Lin Ru glanced at Ma Junhao and waved impatiently, "I'm so tired. If he wants to be a eunuch, he'll do it. Maybe he can be more popular than now when he becomes a woman in the future."

"Ah, hey, you're both gone. What should I do?"

Seeing both of them leave around the west, he was anxious and raised his voice.

Lin Ru left without looking back.

Here, Lu Xun made several calls to Lin Ru. Lin Ru didn't get through. Just in time, Jiang Yucheng came to the hospital.

"I called Lin Ru several times, but Lin Ru didn't answer. Is there any problem?" Lu Xun put down his utensils and looked up at Jiang Yucheng.

Jiang Yucheng glanced at Lu Xun lightly, "she has nothing to do. Have you made anything?"

Lu Xun shook his head, frowned a little embarrassed, and poured the light red liquid into another vessel. "Now it has begun to react?"

"No, it hasn't started yet, but just in case, you have to speed up. I have almost half a month to go abroad."

"Half a month? Then I'll speed up and configure inhibitory drugs as soon as possible. "

Lu Xun looked solemn. "By the way, are we going to deal with that man?"

"Don't worry. If he wants to come back, it will take at least half a year. If Xiao He doesn't stop, maybe it will take a little longer. I have to catch the murderer as soon as possible before this."

Speaking of this, Jiang Yucheng rubbed his forehead, a little agitated.

At this time, Lin Ru called. Lu Xun glanced at Jiang Yucheng and turned the phone to hands-free.

"What's the matter? Did you find something wrong? " Lin Ru's anxious voice came out from the phone.

Lu Xun nodded. "I have detected that there are nerve paralyzing substances in this drug, but this is only a general nerve paralyzing thing. Why does it inhibit only one personality, so I don't know."

"Can't you even find out?" Lin Ru sighed, "you can't find out. Who else can find out?"

"I feel that Ma Junhao's No. 1 personality may be taking a drug on weekdays, and the two drugs have worked. Of course, this is just my guess. After all, this person is mysterious. I don't know what he looks like."

"Well, I'll ask again."

Lin Ru sighed. If he didn't let No. 1 come forward, how could he catch the man behind the scenes.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Xun looked at Jiang Yucheng.

"Boss, do we really want to let the boss's wife touch this matter? Is there any danger? "

Jiang Yucheng rubbed his eyebrows and smiled helplessly, "even if there is danger, what can it be? Xiao Ru's curiosity is not ordinary. "

Lu Xun smiled and continued to pick up the utensils without saying anything.

Here, Linru put down Ma Junhao's business and came to Li's group.

Lin Ru went straight to the top floor and came to Li Qing's office.

When Li Qing saw Lin Ru, he hooked his lips. "Why do you have time to come?"

Lin Ru smiled, "can I borrow some people from Mom?"

"To whom?" Li Qing raised her eyebrows.

"I feel uneasy around these days. Can I borrow some of your bodyguards? It won't take long, about half a month. " Lin Ru stepped forward and leaned against Li Qing.

Half a month is not a short time, Li Qing frowned slightly, "why only borrow such a short time? Where are you going in half a month? "

Lin Ru was stunned. "Mom, how do you know I'm going somewhere else in half a month?"

"I don't know you yet. You've never been polite to me. I'll arrange two for you. I used to be a special forces soldier. Later, I retired from the army and came to me as a bodyguard." Li Qing flicked Lin Ru's forehead with her finger.

Lin Ru smiled and came up to Li Qing, "Mom, do you already know where I'm going?"

"Jiang Yucheng will go abroad to talk about business in half a month. I don't know your mind. You must go with him." Li Qing smiled helplessly.

"Are you two really like this? So much time? "

Lin Ru nodded, "of course, thank you, mom. Can I take people away now?"


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