"Wang Siyuan?" Guo Gai frowned and thought on his side. He shook his head. "I haven't heard of this man. I don't know."

"Are you early, but I know you. Tell me what this mark and what it represents?" Lin Ru looked at the lid of the pot.

The pot lid head thought for a while. He shook his head impatiently and looked at Lin Ru anxiously. "I can only tell you that this is the mark of a foreign organization."

"The members of this organization are some mindless secondary two patients. However, they have money and power and have done a lot of things that offend people, but no one dares to touch them."

"What offends people?" Lin Ru frowned.

The lid of the pot didn't respond, "shouldn't you ask why no one dares to touch them?"

Lin Ru nodded, "Oh, you can answer both of those two questions. However, I'd like to know what kind of organization this organization is, whether it's evil or not."

Although Wang Siyuan has nothing to do with her, after all, Lin Ru wanted to help him up before. Now she can't help feeling when she sees him fall into this unknown organization.

The pot lid frowned and spoke for a long time, "it's not the right person."

Lin Ru understood that since Wang Siyuan had come to this step, the rest of the road had to rely on him.

The last time her whereabouts were exposed, Linru didn't know whether Wang Siyuan deliberately leaked it, but he and No. 1 merchant wanted to deal with Jiang Yucheng, which made her very angry.

Very angry!

Guo gaitou asked someone to drive the car to the gate of the entertainment company, and then took Xiao Rui back to the secret base.

Looking at Lin Ru's back gradually, she has a complex expression.

"Lin Ru!"

Behind him came the anxious voice of Huanxi. Huanxi was holding a bandage and a medicine bag, which was full of drugs.

"What are you going to do? Who was hurt? "

Huanxi showed an indescribable expression and waved to Lin Ru, "we'd better go to my office to discuss specific things. It's not convenient to talk here."

Lin Ru nodded and followed joy to her office.

After Lin Ru entered the door, she found that there were several people in the room. Ma Junhao seemed to be in a coma on the sofa.

"Hey, how are you? Are you still alive?"

Huanxi stepped forward and patted Ma Junhao's face. This action was extremely rude. Looking at Huanxi's disgusting expression, you can see how much joy resisted this kind of thing.

Ma Junhao woke up vaguely. When he opened his eyes, he saw the dark faced Huanxi, "Oh! It turned out to be a great beauty around the West. I haven't seen you for a long time. How have you been lately? "

Huanxi gnashed his teeth and poked his arm, "ha ha, I'm doing well, how about you?"

With such a poke, Ma junhaodun was excited and almost jumped out of bed, "Oh, my God! It hurts! Didn't you see my arm hurt? Can you be a little compassionate? "

Huanxi smiled and threw all the things in his hand beside him. "The medicine is here. You can apply it yourself!"

Song Hai stood aside with a complicated expression... There seemed to be a strange emotion in his eyes.

Lin Ru curiously pulled Songhai aside and whispered, "what happened? Why is number three injured? "

Songhai smiled. He didn't know how to answer. He came up around the west to gossip with Lin Ru. "This fool No. 3 waved his knife from the palace in the bathroom to learn the set of Oriental invincibility."

Lin Ru couldn't help exclaiming, "what did you say?"

"Look, I had the same expression when I knew it." Shrugged around the West.

Lin Ru looked at No. 3 lying on the sofa and broke away from a pair of ready to apply medicine to herself. "You, you, can you tell me if he has succeeded now? Don't tell me that this boy is going to apply medicine to him... Here."

Huanxi shook his head, "fortunately, Songhai stopped it in time, otherwise the consequences are really unimaginable. I drop a mommy!"

"Oh, my God!"

Lin Ru sighed with emotion around the West.

"Tell me what happened." Huanxi pulled loose Hai's arm.

Songhai cleared his throat. "Although it feels like complaining to the boss to say this, I have to explain the situation."

"When I went to the bathroom today, I heard some strange sounds from the bathroom. I sneaked over, opened the cubicle door of the bathroom, and saw No. 3 holding a knife..."

Songhai makes an expression you both know.

Lin Ru and Huan Xi nodded, "we all know."

"It's so thrilling. If you go a little late, the boy will really cut."

The three whispered here, and the No. 3 over there turned his eyes helplessly, "what are you three talking about? I can hear it clearly here. I don't need to press secretly."

Lin Ru turned to look at him and made a loud voice. "We have to look at him well. We can't let him do stupid things again. Alas, it's really tiring to meet a dead man demon."

Songhai nodded in agreement. "I'm very tired. I have to stare at him all the time."

No. 3 sprinkled medicine on his arm, but the bandage couldn't be tied well. He could only ask Lin Ru for help with a sad face. "Can you help me? Look at my poor... Whining."

"Fuck off!"

Huanxi slapped him, and the palm was about to touch his face. Huanxi stubbornly closed his arm.

"Hoo, it's dangerous!"

"Hoo, it's dangerous!"

The two made a sound together.

Huanxi quickly stopped his hand and looked at the face of No. 3. He was afraid, "you have to participate in an activity this afternoon. If you suddenly have a palm print on your face now, I don't know what those people will say. I will say I abused you."

Songhai smiled, "how is it possible? You are my dearest and good boss. Then, can you tie the bandage for me?"

Looking around the west at Songhai, "go and tie him a bandage."

"But... I'm a little curious. Why is No. 3 Huizhou merchant in this place? Is there any misunderstanding? "

What other misunderstanding can there be?

He rolled his eyes around the West. "In fact, it was when the pine sea went in. He was so scared that he shivered. He accidentally cut his arm. It's so simple."

The third frowned, "you seem to have seen it."

"Are you itchy? Tell me again if you have the ability. " Move your wrist around the West.

Three seconds.

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