"I've revealed enough. You just listen to me. It's absolutely right. Where we're going, there are no signals, and there are few means of transportation. If you want to escape, there's a way to eat."

"Within 48 hours after I entered the mountain village, you can escape anytime and anywhere. We will eliminate all traces of your escape. Therefore, as long as you enter the blacksmith shop, Congratulations, you are safe."

"After 48 hours, there will never be a second plane, and all the people in the blacksmith shop will be evacuated."

Lin Ru took a sip of water, stood up and stretched. "There's only one chance. You can control it yourself. That's all. Think about how to escape in the future."

With that, Linru got into the tent to sleep, and the remaining women looked at each other.

"You said... Can we believe what she said?" A small woman opened her mouth carefully.

The Yellow haired woman hooked her lips, "do you think we have a second choice? She said the man was from the police. I think I'll go. "

It was the next day when Linru woke up. At dawn, Linru came out of the tent, surrounded by endless plains and sparse grasslands.

The sun gradually rose from the horizon and lit up the whole world.

She breathed a long sigh of relief and hoped it would go well this time.


At night, the bandits chose to camp in a very unsafe place, next to the forest.

The roar of beasts kept coming to my ears, and the moisture in the forest gradually spread, making people shiver.


The delicate man shivered with cold and hid quietly beside Jiang Yucheng.

"Get out." Jiang Yucheng stared at him coldly, "get out!"

The man sniffed and whispered, "it's cold..."

"Wu Zeyang, if you come closer to me, I will let you feel what life is better than death again."

Wu Zeyang shrunk his neck and dared not move on.

At this time, the bandits were already setting up tents. All the men they tied were tied hands and feet and thrown aside. They were wearing thin clothes and could not keep out the cold at all.

Jiang Yucheng glanced at the goose bumps on his arm and frowned slightly.

"Hey, come here!"

Looking at Jiang Yucheng, a middle-aged man with a black nose and a swollen face suddenly fought a cold war, "do, do, do what?"

"I saw a lot of winter clothes on the car that can keep out the cold. Take some."

The strong man hesitated and looked at the leader, "boss, we..."

Before he finished, he saw that Jiang Yucheng had untied the rope in his hand and hurriedly called several other bandits to surround Jiang Yucheng.

Jiang Yucheng regarded them as nothing. He went to the roadside, opened the carriage, took out some thick clothes and stuffed them into the poor men who were shivering with cold.

The men quickly put thick clothes on their bodies and trembled, "thank you, thank you..."

After all this, Jiang Yucheng frowned, "are you camping here?"

The leading bandit nodded, "yes, we're going into the mountain tomorrow. This is the best camping place we found before. The humidity in other places is too heavy."

Jiang Yucheng nodded slightly, "well, everyone move. In order not to freeze to death, you start a fire, and you, you, you are responsible for picking up some firewood nearby."

"That's right." Jiang Yucheng turned around and asked the bandit boss, "how many more days do we need to go after we enter the mountain?"

The bandit boss thought, "about four days. If there's an accident in the middle, maybe."

Jiang Yucheng Yang said, "find more firewood. We'll try our best to save resources."


Listening to Jiang Yucheng's orderly arrangement, everyone obeyed, but no one objected.

After ordering, Jiang Yucheng turned and looked at the bandit boss, "don't you have a gun?"

The bandit boss obediently replied, "yes, the domestic guns and ammunition are strictly checked. We can't bring them in."

"Well, you follow me into the mountain to play some game."

"Ah?" The bandit boss scratched the big naked head, "are we going to go in and play game? We still have some food here, biscuits and so on, which can last. "

Jiang Yucheng flashed a dark light at the bottom of his eyes and then hooked his lips. "Now the temperature is too low. We must eat high protein to provide enough energy for the human body. Do you think it's really OK to eat only biscuits?"

"I know how dangerous it is in the forest..." the bandit boss hesitated.

Jiang Yucheng frowned and said, "I'll go in alone."

The bandit boss immediately raised an objection, "no, I'll go with you."


After the two discussed, Jiang Yucheng took the bandit boss to the forest. Another little bald head quickly grabbed the boss, "boss, are you crazy? It's night. Do you really want to go into the woods? "

"Can you stop him?" The boss looked at Jiang Yucheng.

The little bald man didn't speak. He could only watch his boss walk into the forest under the leadership of Jiang Yucheng.

The rest of them also looked at Jiang Yucheng. They gradually disappeared into the night. For a moment, people in the whole camp were palpitating.

After contacting for so long, he could not feel that only Jiang Yucheng and the boss have the highest strength in this place, and both of them have strong leadership ability.

Without the leadership of these two people, can they really get out of this forest?

At this moment, the bandits and the kidnapped people work together.

"What are you doing? Hurry up and do what you're doing. When the boss comes back, how can you eat game." The second in command of the robbers asked the people to keep busy with what they were doing.

However, everyone's mood was a little depressed, they were absent-minded in doing things, and they kept staring at the place where they disappeared.

Can they really come back?

"Ow ~ ~"

Just then, there was a wolf howling in the forest. Everyone fought a cold war. Did the two people in the forest meet the wolves? Then the chances of survival are smaller.

Ten minutes later, the branches of the forest near the camp trembled. When everyone was nervous, the bandit boss ran out of the forest.


Several bandits hurried forward to stop the boss. The boss fought two battles and stared in horror at the trembling woods outside the forest. He was too nervous to speak.

"What about the man? Why didn't you come out? " Someone asked.

They all set their eyes on the trembling tree outside the forest.

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