She was about to speak when suddenly her breath stagnated, "cough... Cough..."

Xiao Rui covered his throat and coughed. He was choked by eggs.

Xiao he couldn't care to talk to Lin Ru at this time. He hurried to see his baby son. Xiao Rui's small face was choked and coughed constantly. Xiao Rui was scared enough.

"Xiao He, what's the matter with Xiao Rui?"

"He choked. He wanted to talk when he had a cold and just ate eggs. He choked. Now he coughs constantly. What should I do?" As a single father, Xiao He has never met such a situation. He is too nervous to know what to do.

Lin Ru hurriedly said, "pat him on the back, or drink some water."

Xiao he hurriedly patted Xiao Rui on the back.

Finally, after tossing for a few minutes, Xiao Rui finally got better, but his little face was still red, which made Xiao He fondle it.

Xiao he coughed, "how do you feel now? Are you feeling better? "

Xiao Rui looked up at him with a sad face. "My back hurts so much. Has it been broken?"

Xiao He opened the clothes on Xiao Rui and his back. There were several big palm prints on it. Several palm prints overlapped together. The whole back was red and there were signs of swelling.

"Xiao He, what did you do to Xiao Rui! I will tear you when I come back! "

Lin Ru heard the conversation between the two people on the phone clearly and was furious.

Xiao He touched his baby son's back and said, "it's okay, it's okay, it should be okay."

Lin Ru's tone was serious. "Is your back red?"


"You really expect things like God." The way of the Shaw river.

"Now hurry to give Xiao baby medicine. Well, I'll hang up first."

With that, before Xiao he could speak, Lin Ru directly clicked on Bluetooth and hung up.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Ru lay in bed and looked at the ceiling.

... I always feel that there are still some things I haven't done.

It's broken! She wants to ask Xiao He where Jiang Yucheng is now. How can she forget it?

Lin Ru hurriedly called Xiao He.

At this time, Sarah sitting leisurely in the conference room has two computers in front of her. She plays online games and glances at the monitoring from time to time. The monitoring is the way Linru sleeps.

Xiao He here immediately connected the phone, "Hello, Lin Ru, what did I just want to say to you? How did I forget?"

"Where is Jiang Yucheng now? Can we chat?" Lin Ru asked quickly.

"Jiang Yucheng hasn't arrived at the town yet. The road he chose is much farther than the one you took. He won't arrive until tomorrow. Do you two want to talk? No problem at all. "

Lin Ru pulls up her sleeve and looks at the invisible screen above. There are several call boxes on it, one is her, one is Xiao He, and the other is connecting

Soon, Jiang Yucheng connected the phone. It was a little noisy over there.

"Hoo... Xiao, Xiao ru... Drink!"

Jiang Yucheng's breath was a little short, and then there was a sound of knife cutting into flesh and blood.

"Come on! Cut him! Cut its back! "

"Be careful!"

"Over there! He's gone over there again, boss, catch it! "

"Wait, it's not on my side."

The noise over there is very messy. They seem to be dealing with some beast.

"Yucheng, are you okay?" Lin Ru's worried inquiry.

However, Jiang Yucheng had no time to answer at the moment, and scattered voices came.

"Wait, right away... Over here!"

Xiao He is clumsily applying medicine to Xiao Rui. Xiao Rui covers his mouth in pain, 'ah! It hurts! Can't you be lighter? Did my son get it back? "

"Ha ha..." Xiao he lightened his hands and feet a lot.

Jiang Yucheng finally finished dealing with the rest of the things and breathed a sigh of relief. "We were dealing with things just now. Now we can talk."

Lin Ru was overjoyed and said with a smile, "I'm ready now. Where are you?"

"I'm playing game for the evening. I can go to the town tomorrow afternoon. I'll bring you something to eat then?" Jiang Yucheng's lips were slightly raised, with a smile on his face, "do you want to eat?"

Lin Ru hit and smacked her tongue, "I want to eat. If only there were rabbit meat."

Jiang Yucheng was silent for a moment, "... Just hit the rabbit."

"Ha ha..." there came Xiao He's laughter. "Listen to your news, I thought I was playing wild boar. I was playing rabbit."

Hearing this, Lin Ru couldn't help laughing.

It's funny to think of it now.

Jiang Yucheng coughed softly, "be careful over there. That woman is difficult to deal with. Don't act rashly when I don't have the past, okay?"

Lin Ru nodded, "I know, but doesn't it mean there's no signal here? Why do we still have a signal? "

Xiao He lightly drugged Xiao Rui and replied, "there's no signal here. This nonsense is specially used to deceive those people. For me, as long as the satellite is still in the sky, it's nothing."

Lin Ru sighed, "your means are really terrible. You don't dare to offend at will in the future."

Xiao he smiled. "Of course, does Miss Lin Ru have the idea of changing her boyfriend? I'd like to recommend myself first. My name is Xiao He. I'm 182 tall... "

Jiang Yucheng's leisurely voice came from the East phone, "Xiao He ~"

Xiao He's voice suddenly stopped, "cough... I didn't say these words later. I'm just kidding. It's nothing. Don't worry."

"By the way, Linru, someone is copying your room. Be careful."

Lin Ru suddenly felt a chill in her heart. She heard a sound of footsteps from far to near, "I'll go offline first."

As soon as Lin Ru had set her sleeping posture, she heard footsteps approaching. Lin Ru frowned, sat up and stared at the door.

Soon, there was a knock on the door outside. Lin Ru frowned and looked over there. She hesitated for a moment, stood up and went to the door to open the door.

At this time, Sarah was watching the monitoring of Linru's room. She saw Linru standing at the door and frowned, "who wants to see Linru?"

Lin Ru opens the door. Liu Mu is on the other side of the door.

Liu Mu stood at the door of Lin Ru, feeling a little uneasy. She just took a look. She was not sure that Lin Ru really came to the room.

Hearing Lin Ru's opening the door, he looked up nervously. When he saw Lin Ru, he was ecstatic, "Lin Ru, it's really you. I thought I was wrong. How could you be here?"

Lin Ru shrugged. "That's because we're all the same."

"Ah? Are we the same? You are not... "

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