Although she really worked hard, it was of no use.

Why did she suddenly want to laugh?

"Lin Ru, are you here to steal?" Sarah squatted by the pit and looked at Lin Ru with a smile. Her green eyes became clearer. Obviously, she was in a good mood.

Lin Ru asked curiously, "why do you say that?"

"The easiest way out of my office is here. I dug a hole here. Every time someone plotted against me, I can use this hole to catch people."

"That's really a coincidence. I just came out and saw the big tree. I felt warm. I wanted to touch it, but I didn't expect to step on an empty foot and fall down directly."

Speaking of this, Lin Ru still could not help but want to make complaints about it. "You woman is really a black heart and black lung. Even a big tree is not let go."

Sarah raised her eyebrows. "What do you say?"

"Look, this tree was alive, but you have to take off people's clothes. Do you like nudity so much?" Lin Ru patted the big tree next to her and shouted for it.

Sarah's smile remained unchanged. "Miss Lin Ru, have you ever heard a word?"

"Before I say that again, I just want to ask, can you get me out? It's really hard to say here now. "

SA stretched her hand. "OK, I can get you out, but you must tell me what you stole from me?"

Lin Ru rolled her eyes. "Can you still understand people? When did I steal from you? Do you think your room is full of babies? I'll pay you for it. "

People who have money are wayward.

Lin Ru suddenly felt that when she went back, she would be very keen on making money.

Sarah suddenly laughed, "you are really an interesting woman. I seem to..."

Before she finished this sentence, she was interrupted by Lin Ru. Lin Ru covered her chest and made a defensive action, "I tell you, don't make my mind. I'm not grinding the mirror."

Seeing Lin Ru like this, Sarah was more determined, "you don't really love Jiang Yucheng at all. What you want is his money."

Lin Ru was stunned. In other words, where did you come to this conclusion? I just said I'm not a mirror grinder, not a lily, not a lesbian. Is there a problem?

Why is it about whether she and Jiang Yucheng really love each other?

How strange!

"Why do you say that?" Lin Ru stared at Sarah.

Sarah smiled triumphantly, "don't think I don't know anything. I heard everything you said with Liu mu in your room. I installed a camera in your room, ha ha."

Lin Ru was stunned and immediately understood that this matter had something to do with Xiao He.

So... What did Xiao he do on the surveillance video when she was talking to Liu mu in the room? Why did Sarah have such a big misunderstanding?

Seeing Lin Ru stunned, Sara became more proud and thought she had guessed right.

"Ha ha, am I right? What's the matter? If I give the surveillance to Jiang Yucheng, do you want to know Jiang Yucheng's reaction? "

Speaking of this, Sarah shrunk her neck and shook her goose bumps. "The mountain has no edges, the heaven and the earth are united, but she dares to be with you. What the hell is this? Lin Ru, how dare you cheat! "

Lin Ru looked confused. I also want to know what the hell this is.

How did this classic line come to her? So... What did Xiao he do!

"When did I cheat?" Lin Ru rubbed her eyebrows. Her face was black and white. She looked very embarrassed. "You should make things clear. Don't go if you can't make it clear."

Sarah laughed, took out her mobile phone, found out Jiang Yucheng's phone number in front of Lin Ru, and directly sent the video to the mailbox.

Lin Ru looked calm.

Because... Jiang Yucheng is now fighting 300 rounds with rabbits on the edge of the forest. He has no mind to look at his mobile phone.

Oh, no, Jiang Yucheng's cell phone had left when he was arrested. They both use the invisible computer given to them by Xiao He.

The invisible computer can be attached to the arm and automatically integrates with the color of the skin. Even the electronic sensor can't sweep it out.

Like the Bluetooth on their ears, this computer is attached to the body. It is not only harmless and radiation-free, but also can't be smelled by hunting dogs. It's a necessary tool for home travel.

"Why didn't you respond?" Sarah frowned slightly and was dissatisfied with Lin Ru's reaction.

Lin Ru raised a smiling face at her, "I'm a little curious. What kind of surveillance video can make you misunderstand me so much. Can you pass the surveillance video to me?"

"Don't you know what you've done yourself? Do you want me to say? "

Lin Ru shrugged and said she really didn't know anything, "but can you pull me up first? Cheating is all floating clouds. You'd better pull me up. "

"Hehe, you really have a big heart."

Sarah pulled Lin Ru up. Then she tied Lin Ru up with a rope. "Miss Lin Ru, you stole something from my room. You have to tell me."

Lin Ru stared in surprise. "You have to be legally responsible for this. First, do you have evidence? Second, do you have witnesses? "

"I don't think you are that kind of unreasonable barbarian. We are all civilized people. You can investigate and monitor, or ask someone. I'm ok."

Seeing Lin Ru's clothes so flat, Sarah frowned and took Lin Ru to the house, "come with me and I'll catch the monitor to have a look."

Lin Ru was pulled by her without fear, and she had no guilty mood at all.

Sarah frowned more tightly. She came to the computer and found the previous surveillance video. The surveillance has been completely tampered with by Xiao He without any defects.

She saw Lin Ru swaggering in from the front door through the monitoring. She hesitated for a moment at the top of the stairs, and finally went outside. From beginning to end, Lin Ru didn't enter her room at all.

As Lin Ru said, she just came in for a stroll.

The more you watch the surveillance video, the darker Sarah's face becomes. Finally, it can be described as black as the bottom of a pot.

"I have a hundred million households now. Why do you come to me at night? What is your purpose of sightseeing, purely mine? " Sara held a knife in her hand and stared at Lin Ru.

This look

Linru subconsciously hugged her arm.

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