As they talked, they finally came to the place where the women gathered. Liu Mu introduced Lin Ru. All the women immediately thanked Lin Ru. Lin Ru couldn't hold the enthusiasm of these people. After greeting, she hurriedly pulled Liu Mu to hide.

"Hoo... Finally escaped. My God, these people are so enthusiastic." Lin Ru lay on the lazy sofa and breathed a long sigh of relief.

Liu Mu smiled. "They thank you for saving so many people. All of them are very grateful to you."

Lin Ru was embarrassed and scratched the back of her head. "I just revealed such a news. In fact, I didn't do anything."

"No, you gave them hope." Liu Mu smiled and shook his head, "do you know? The news that a plane can take us away has spread all over the town. "

"Huh?" Lin Ru frowned, "is this... Dangerous?"

If those who don't want to leave know, it is likely to expose the whole base.

Liu Mu also frowned and then said, "believe me, their desire for survival is far more than you think."

Just then, a blonde woman knocked on the door and came in, "excuse me, can I come in?"

Lin Ru said with a smile, "of course, please sit down."

The blonde woman thanked Lin Ru, "I've been here for three years. I've been trying to escape for three years, but I can't help it."

"By the way, do you know Serena?"

Lin Ru was stunned. "Serena... The name seems a little familiar."

The woman shrugged at Lin Ru, "she has organized to escape for a long time. She is very famous among us. Unfortunately, he was caught later."

"She was expelled from the meeting that day."

Hearing this, Linru suddenly remembered, and she suddenly realized, "Oh, that's the woman. I think she's very smart."

"Yes, she is very smart, brave and resourceful. She has mastered the information of the whole town. She is the best of our group. Unfortunately, she was expelled."

The blonde sighed, "I don't know if she can live in the forest."

"Yes." Lin Ru suddenly smiled cunningly.

"Huh?" The blonde looked at her in amazement and shook her head slowly. "They failed to steal the map. They were sold by their own people. Without the map, they couldn't get out of the forest."

"No, they have a map." The smile on Lin Ru's face was deeper, "I gave them a map."


The two women exclaimed, "how possible! Where did they come from? "

Lin Ru smiled mysteriously, "of course I handed it over? I was pushed and hugged by a bear with Serena. Then, by the way, I stuffed the map into Serena's hand. "

"My God! So you were ready! " The blonde covered her lips in amazement.

"Well, I appreciate that Serena. I hope she can get out of the forest safely. As long as there is a map, it should be all right." Lin Ru supported her chin with one hand.

After the blonde left, Liu Mu looked at her in amazement, "how many things have you done behind my back."

"It's nothing." Lin Ru shrugged and shook her head.

Soon, it was time for the group to leave. Lin Ru and Jiang Yucheng got on the plane. Lin Ru looked out of the window of the plane and breathed a long sigh of relief.

She's finally leaving

Jiang Yucheng's medicine has also been found. Everything is perfect!

The first thing to do is to go back to Rulin's villa.

"Ah, I haven't seen Xiao Baobao for such a long time. I really want to die!" Lin Ru rubbed her hands, took Jiang Yucheng's hands and looked at Jiang Yucheng's hands over and over.

Jiang Yucheng pinched Lin Ru, "is that what you think of him?"

"Well, also, I kind of want to meet Xiao He. Is online funny ratio different from reality?" Lin Ru had a smile on her face.

"By the way, have you brought the bear skin and the fruit?"

Jiang Yucheng sighed helplessly, "you've asked this question many times."

"Oh, really?"

The car finally stopped. Jiang Yucheng led Lin Ru to the door of Xiaohe's villa.

Xiao Rui ran out happily in a mini sports car, "ah! Godmother, you are finally back! "

Xiao Rui rushed straight at Lin Ru, and the smile on his face couldn't retreat.

Lin Ru squatted down and held Xiao Rui's soft body in her arms, "ha ha, I haven't seen you for so long. Do you want to miss me?"


Lin Ru pinched Xiao Rui's soft little face and sighed. It's not easy to raise a small domineering president to the point of a little sheep these years.

Xiao Rui put his hands around Lin Ru's neck with a smile on his face. "My little father said you were coming back soon, so I prepared a lot of delicious food for you."

Linru touched her bulging stomach. She regretted eating so much when she came.

"Really? Excellent! I'm a little hungry. "

Xiao Rui immediately opened his arms, "and sugar gourd."

Lin Ru is playing with Xiao Rui here. Jiang Yucheng receives a call from Lu Xun. He looks up at the happy two people over there and turns around to answer the phone.


Lu Xun's voice on the other end of the phone was a little dignified. "There's bad news, boss Jiang, you have to hold on."

"That's not an antidote." Jiang Yucheng frowned slightly and spoke slowly.

"Yes." Lu Xun's voice was low.

Jiang Yucheng was silent for a moment before he said, "is there an antidote to this disease?"

Lu Xun took a deep breath. "Boss, fortunately, this drug has a delayed effect. I may try to find a real antidote by studying it, but it takes time."

"How long." Jiang Yucheng put one hand on the windowsill and knocked on the window with one finger.

Lu Xun shook his head slowly. "I'm not sure. Maybe a few years or months... Boss, I'm sorry for you. I'm sorry."

Speaking of this, Lu Xun's voice choked.

If he hadn't asked Jiang Yucheng to test the medicine when making the medicine, there might not have been such a consequence at all.

At first, Lin Ru's poison was much easier to solve than Jiang Yucheng's. Now Jiang Yucheng's blood is a hodgepodge. If you want to solve one of the poisons, it may cause other poisons.

"It has nothing to do with you. There is another way to solve this matter..."

Jiang Yucheng frowned slightly and slowly said, "why does the medicine in this woman's hand delay the toxin in my body? Does this drug contain antidote ingredients to some extent? "

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