The car behind him was gradually left behind by him. Finally, he stopped the car slowly by the side of the road, opened the window, smoked and waited for the people behind to come. Ten minutes later, these people finally came.

They staggered down from the car one by one. Even people who are not carsick will get carsick on such a steep mountain road.

Jiang Yucheng waited for the crowd leisurely. Seeing that these people had just got off the bus, he rushed to the roadside to vomit. He immediately looked disgusted and rolled up the window.

After those people finished painting, they finally recovered some strength. Seven or eight people surrounded Jiang Yucheng. Among them, two or three people were holding guns. These people were still a little confused.

"Jiang Yucheng, stop!"

The first is a bald middle-aged man in his forties. If he had been so strong before, he would have a heart of fear. Now, his face is abnormally pale and even shaky.

Therefore, in Jiang Yucheng's view, this man is just garbage that can be poked out with one hand.

"Well, I'm right here. What's the matter?" Jiang Yucheng got out of the car and leaned leisurely against the car.

"Come on! Get him! Life or death! "

The middle-aged man shouted. For a moment, the three people beside him raised their guns at Jiang Yucheng.

Jiang Yucheng snorted coldly. Before these people shot, he got on the car. The bullet hit the car body and made a jingling sound, but he didn't hurt the shell of the car at all.

The sports car ran straight forward like a streamer.

The middle-aged man scolded, "Damn it!"

"What are you doing! Don't get in the car and catch people! "

Everyone looked at the car and fought a cold war. The feeling of just taking a car is still fresh in their memory. If they can, they don't want to take a car in their life.

The middle-aged man saw the timidity in everyone's eyes and kicked the nearest man, "don't go quickly!"

"Old boss, this is the way to the mountain. Let's go up slowly and catch people directly on the mountain? If we speed up, we can't beat each other. "

"Yes, boss, we'd better go up the mountain slowly."

The boss frowned and finally said, "OK, slow down, let's save our strength."

After these people went up the mountain slowly, what they saw was a luxurious and exquisite villa. However, the outside of the villa was dark and looked more like a door of hell.

"Boss, isn't Jiang Yucheng in this place? Why, why does he look a little weird? Should we just break in? " A flat headed minion stood beside the middle-aged man and whispered.

The middle-aged man hesitated, "go in."

"But boss, don't you think it's a little strange to have such a villa in such a remote place?"

This sentence reminded everyone that the minions looked around. It was very remote, surrounded by mountains and a fence. It was all dense jungle.

The jungle can't see the bottom at all. Living in such a place, I don't know if I will meet beasts at night.

"How can we guess what the rich people think?" Speaking of this, the middle-aged man bit his teeth, "anyway, we'll die when we go back. Let's fight."


The organizational rules are very strict. If a task is not completed, it is estimated that there will be no chance to make a difference in the future, and will be severely punished.

Several people walked forward in fear. The three men with guns in their hands were confident and walked ahead.

When they approached, they found that the door of the villa was not closed at all. It was half closed, revealing a crack. Through the crack, they could see the darkness inside the villa.

Fear of the unknown enveloped everyone.

The man in charge of the gun shrank a little. He stepped back a few steps and hit the man standing behind him.

The people behind him stepped back and almost rolled into a ball.

"Old, boss, I don't think that man should have gone in. This villa is so gloomy and terrible. How can that man go in alone? I think he should hide in the forest. Let's go to the forest to find it."

The voice of the little flat head was trembling. He stepped back a few steps and didn't dare to get close to the villa.

The rest of the people nodded and hurried back.

At this time, only the middle-aged man stood in front of the door. The gloomy cold in the door kept coming out. The middle-aged man excited and couldn't help but step back.

"I also think he should not be in the villa. Let's go back."

Just as they were about to leave, a slight sound suddenly came from the villa. The sudden sound frightened the people. The middle-aged man listened carefully. The sound was like the sound of footsteps.

"Hum! The man is inside. Let's go in! "

"Wow! Boss, don't try to die. This may be a shady house. " The little flat head scratched the man's leg and wouldn't let him take another step.

"Yes, boss, this house may also be our illusion. Maybe it's an evil ghost who specifically lures us in. Let's not go in."

"Boss, I beg you. Let's go back."

The middle-aged man snorted coldly and kicked the small flat head open, "you get out of here. It's a new age. You don't do those superstitious things for me. Go in and catch people quickly, and we'll leave."

"No! Boss, don't you really think it's weird? Why is there a villa in such a place? This may be the gate to hell. "

The middle-aged man took a deep breath and was about to speak when he heard the footsteps in the door more hurried and clear.

At this time, not only the middle-aged man heard it, but also the little flat head.

"Do you hear me? The boy is inside. He must be looking for a hiding place. Go in quickly! "

With that, the middle-aged man raised his hand and pushed open the door of the villa. When he opened the door, a rapid wind hit the people. Several people didn't react and were almost lifted by the wind.

When they opened their eyes, they found that the villa in front of them was dark and could not see five fingers.

"I, I, are we releasing the devil?" The little flat head trembled.

"Bang Dang!"

The gate slammed shut automatically. Everyone looked at the scene in front of them with a creepy face, and their pupils shrank suddenly.

At this time, Lin Ru had been taken to the secret base by Xiao He. Just after entering, Xiao he plunged into the room and vowed to close the door.

Lin Ru was in a low mood. She held the position in her hand and her eyes were tightly locked on the values of Jiang Yucheng's physical qualities.

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