Jiang Yucheng's words were resounding.

As a big player in the industry, Jiang Yucheng guaranteed one person with his reputation, and no one would doubt it.

Ryan took a deep look at Jiang Yucheng and stood up.

"Since President Jiang said so, we won't bother any more. We just hope President Jiang will find out the truth as soon as possible so that we can give the public an explanation." Then he left with his men.

Lin Ru breathed a sigh of relief.

If the official of Paris Fashion Week sends a document saying that she plagiarizes, she really can't do it in the industry in the future.

Jiang Yucheng saw her nervousness and patted her thin back: "it doesn't matter. You don't have to worry. I'll protect you."

Lin Ru nodded silently.

At this time, Jiang Yucheng called his men and asked them to send this matter, focusing on the relationship between Lin Chun and this matter.

The authorities no longer ask them to tell. They have enough time to find out the truth.

At this point, Lin Ru has not been flustered when it just happened.

The panic stopped, and Linru felt a little hungry.

She pulled Jiang Yucheng's cuff. When he turned his eyes, he was a little shy and said, "Jiang Yucheng, what should I do if I'm a little hungry?"

As she spoke, her stomach purred.

Jiang Yucheng laughed at the speech. Lin Ru blushed. She quickly loosened Jiang Yucheng's sleeves and turned her head to one side.

"You can't go out to eat now." Jiang Yucheng didn't laugh at her anymore, but his voice was still with an invisible lightness: "well, I'll bring it back to you."

Lin Ru nodded and looked forward to Jiang Yucheng with watery eyes: "then I want Liu Ji's dry pot with herbal tea."

Jiang Yucheng raised his eyebrows when he heard the speech: "have you come to give me advice?"

Lin Ru shriveled her mouth and shrunk her neck: "can't you?"

When she asked for help, Jiang Yucheng burst into laughter.

He stretched out his hand and shunlinru's long black hair: "OK, I'll buy it for you."

Lin Ru smiled like a crescent moon: "thank you, boss Jiang!"

Jiang Yu became Lin Ru's face changing speed. He pinched Lin Ru's face: "you said, is there any program installed on your face? Your expression changes when you say it changes."

Lin Ru grinned and pinched Jiang Yucheng's chin: "this is a woman's specialty."

"Other women are not as interesting as you." Jiang Yucheng smiled low, took back his hand and got up.

Lin Ru hums and laughs, "that's why President Jiang's requirements are too high."

Jiang Yucheng raised his eyebrows and made no comment.

He turned and went out of the door. Before he left, he specially asked her not to go out easily.

Lin Ru promised, and she didn't plan to go out.

The reporters in front of the hotel looked terrible.

Jiang Yucheng had just left, but someone knocked at the door.

Lin Ru twisted her eyebrows and glanced through the cat's eyes. She found it was a hotel waiter.

She opened the door and asked, "what's up?"

The waiter smiled and said, "the gentleman in your room asked me to tell you that he has something good for you now."

"Ah?" Lin Ru was a little surprised.

Didn't Jiang Yucheng just tell her not to go out?

Why now, let her go again?

Lin Ru looked warily at the waiter: "aren't you lying to me?"

The waiter shook his head, "if you don't go, I'll tell him for you."

"Ah! Wait, I'll go. "

Lin Ru thought that the waiter should not be lying to her.

Maybe Jiang Yucheng went downstairs and suddenly remembered that there was something he didn't tell her. It wouldn't hurt to go and have a look. On the contrary, he was in the hotel and there would be no accident.

So she pulled out her room card, closed the door and followed the waiter.

She didn't see that the kind waiter turned around and looked dark and gloomy.

A ferocious smile on her lips led Lin Ru to the unknown.

Lin Ru followed the waiter and went all the way down to the first floor.

When you come to the hall, you can see the excitement at the door.

The entrance of the hotel is dark and full of reporters waiting for news.

When the waiter arrived at the hall, he went straight to the door.

Lin Ru followed her for a few steps and felt that something was wrong.

She looked around and found two big men approaching her not far away.

Lin Ru knew she was fooled because of her stupidity.

She had no time to regret, only thinking about how to protect herself in this situation.

But Linru couldn't find the answer.

She stepped back. As soon as she wanted to run back, she was caught by two big men, one left and one right.

Their hands were on Lin Ru's shoulders. They looked like helping, but they were actually very strong.

In this way, they took Lin Ru out of the hotel.

After Lin Ru was pushed out of the hotel, the two men and the waiter closed the door together.

If Lin Ru turned back and pushed the door hard, there might be hope of going in.

She was thrown out like a flock of wolves.

Lin Ru's pupils were tight and her fists hanging on her side were clenched. She fixed her legs firmly to the ground with her feet so as not to retreat backward.

She knows she can't escape today.

Lin Ru doesn't want to look too embarrassed on the camera.

She took a deep breath and straightened her back.

At this time, the reporters had gathered in front of her.

Fortunately, what these reporters want from Lin Ru is only intelligence.

It's not a real wolf pack. You should eat its meat raw.

"Lin Ru, is it true that your design is suspected of plagiarism?"

"Lin Ru, did you really copy?"

"Ms. Helen is very angry about this. How are you going to respond to Ms. Helen?"


But most of these reporters' questions are tricky and headache.

Lin Ru understands that in front of the media, more words and more mistakes.

She shouldn't answer some sensitive questions. In case of any omission, it's hard to make up for it later.

She didn't answer the question, and the reporters urged her.

The microphones in their hands had to be plugged into Lin Ru's mouth.

Moreover, in order to grab the big news, they are pushing each other.

Lin Ru was alone. She struggled to keep her balance under the pressing microphone in front of her.

At this time, I don't know who pushed Lin Ru fiercely around her waist.

Lin Ru's center of gravity was momentarily unstable.

She threw herself forward.

In front of Lin Ru, there were countless microphones and recording pens.

Seeing that Lin Ru was about to fall on those microphones, suddenly a violent drink came.

"Catch her!"

His voice made people subconsciously obedient. The reporters who had scattered to get out of the way immediately helped Lin Ru.

Lin rukan calmed down. Her heart beat faster just now because she almost fell down. In the next moment, it jumped more fiercely.

Not because of fear, but because of Jiang Yucheng walking in the crowd.

He has a strong aura. Wherever he goes, the journalists are separated like Moses, making way for him.

He looked at Lin Ru with concern, took a few more steps, and finally came forward and took her hand: "are you okay?"

Being held by Jiang Yucheng's warm hand, Lin Ru has a burst of security in his heart.

The previous panic and tension disappeared, and her cold hand slowly returned to temperature.

Lin Ru nods. Jiang Yucheng sees it and wants to pull her into the hotel.

At this time, one of the silent reporters, convinced by Jiang Yucheng's momentum, said:“ Lin Ru, you haven't replied to the public about plagiarism. How can you leave like this? "

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