Chapter 89 How Can I Don’t Give Face

   "Wait a minute."

  Wen Ran smiled at him, got up, walked to the bed, opened the drawer, and took out a planning book from it.

   A gleam of light flashed under Mo Xiuchen's eyes, he squinted his eyes, lowered his head, and put the egg into his mouth.

When Wen Ran returned with the planning book, the smile on her face was a little unnatural. She returned to the sofa and sat down, spread the planning book on the solid wood coffee table, and introduced to Mo Xiuchen: "This is from Xiaoxiao's father's company. She asked me to show you this plan. It doesn’t matter what the result is, as long as you read it."

   Watched by Mo Xiuchen, Wen Ran smiled stiffly, as if she was afraid that he would be angry. She expressed her attitude from the beginning, not necessarily that he and Xiaoxiao’s father’s company must cooperate, but just to give them a chance.

  Mo Xiuchen's body is slightly sideways, his eyes are faintly looking at her, Ying's eyebrows can't see emotions.

  The smile on Wen Ran's face faded, and she pressed her lips lightly. It might be because she was too close to him. She felt a breath pressure, and she became nervous inexplicably.

  Mo Xiuchen just looked at her, did not speak, but gave a strong sense of oppression.

  After a long time, Wen Ran couldn't resist his oppressive calmness. With a small hand, quietly stretched out to the coffee table, ready to get back the planning book, and explain to Xiaoxiao tomorrow.

Beside   , Mo Xiuchen suddenly opened his mouth, and asked in a low, magnetic voice that has nothing to do with the planning book: "You and Bai Xiaoxiao are very close?"

Suddenly hearing him speak, Wen Ran was about to touch the hand of the planning book. She shrank in fright and suddenly raised her head. When she met his deep eyes, she nodded quickly: "Yes, Xiaoxiao is my favorite. Good friend, when something happened to my family, she was the only one who stayed with me and stayed with me."

  "Mo Xiuchen, I didn’t want you to agree to cooperate with Uncle Bai’s company, but Xiaoxiao found me. I think, you can see, I really don’t want you to promise anything, I promise!"

  In order to show her sincerity, she even raised her small hand and looked at him solemnly.

Mo Xiuchen's expression eased. Every time he saw her nervous and cute look, he couldn't help but feel soft. He raised his hand and rubbed her hair, gently saying: "Put it back on the bedside table and wait for me to eat. After finishing this bowl of noodles, look at it carefully."

   "Would you like to watch?"

  Wen Ran's eyebrows burst into a happy smile. The minute he was silent just now, she thought he was angry.

Mo Xiuchen looked at her bright smile, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but tick off, and said with a smile: "You said, Bai Xiaoxiao is your best friend, how can I not give face, but, I just promised to see, if the final result is not satisfactory, don't blame me."

  Wen Ran waved his hands again and again: "No, you are willing to watch, I am very grateful, Mo Xiuchen, thank you!"

She might not know Mo Xiuchen before, but since he suddenly appeared in front of her that day and asked her to marry him, she deliberately searched the Internet. The rumors about him from the outside world are not only inhumane, but also cruel and merciless. On the field, he is even more shrewd and wise, with sharp means...

  That’s why she is very grateful.

  Mo Xiuchen swallowed the noodles in his mouth, and asked with concern: "Are you on a business trip tomorrow, are all your luggage ready?"

   Wen Ran nodded, pointed to the small box at the end of the bed, and said briskly: "Ready, I have checked it twice, and there is nothing wrong."

"when's the flight?"

   "At nine o'clock, Xiao Xiao will go with me."

   "Well, I'm going to the construction site tomorrow morning and I don't have time to take you off. In the morning, let Xiao Liu drive you to the airport. When you get to City F, call me back."

  Mo Xiuchen's gentle arrangement, Wen Ran smiled and said that he didn't need to send it. He asked her about the preparations for the drug fair, and Wen Ran answered them one by one.

After Mo Xiuchen finished eating the noodles, Wen Ran took the initiative to send the bowl downstairs. She wanted to wash the dishes, but Zhang Ma actually waited in the living room and snatched the bowl from her, asking her to go upstairs to sleep. .

Wen Ran deliberately spent a few minutes downstairs and returned to the bedroom. Mo Xiuchen was already on the bed, leaning lazily on the head of the bed, her long fingers with distinct joints, pinching the planning book, she walked to the bed, he Close the planning book and call her to sleep.


  Wen Ran obediently responded, without asking him the result, climbed onto the bed, and let him into his arms.

  But when she was about to fall asleep, she heard Mo Xiuchen say something in her ear. She didn't hear clearly and was too sleepy, so she didn't open her eyes and fell asleep in his arms.


  Early morning, the Mo family

  Xiao Wenqing got up early and personally prepared breakfast for Mo Jingteng and Mo Zixuan.

An accident flashed through Mo Jingteng's eyes, and his eyes stopped for a second on her smiling face: "Why did you cook yourself?"

  Xiao Wenqing smiled softly, walked towards him, and said: "I haven't cooked for you and Zixuan for a long time. The breakfast you made this morning is your favorite breakfast."

  The voice paused slightly, she chuckled, and softened her voice, “I shouldn’t have quarreled with you a few days ago, Jing Teng, don’t be angry with me.”

  Mo Jingteng sighed lightly. In the past few days, because of his busy work and late socializing, he did not sleep with her.

She took the initiative to apologize now. Of course he would not get angry. He explained in a lightly manner: "I am not angry with you. It is because you are too busy these days. Seeing that your face is red and you are still wearing a silk scarf. Come on, I will remove it for you."

  As soon as he raised his hand, Xiao Wenqing's eyes changed, and he took a step back, and said in a sharp voice, "No, I am not hot."

  Mo Jingteng narrowed his eyes and looked at Xiao Wenqing suspiciously: "What are you nervous about?"

Xiao Wenqing realized his gaffe again, a smile suddenly appeared on his face, raised his hand to touch the silk scarf around his neck, and explained: "I am not nervous, but, I specially matched this outfit today. You didn't notice it. Do the clothes match the silk scarf well? If you take the silk scarf, there will be no such effect."

Mo Jingteng looked her up and down and asked what he wanted to ask. Mo Zixuan just came down from the stairs. Xiao Wenqing saw him and immediately changed the subject and shouted at Mo Zixuan: "Zixuan, I was about to go upstairs and call you. Hurry up, today mom made your favorite breakfast. Jingteng, you and Zixuan will go to the restaurant first, and I will serve breakfast."

  After she finished speaking, she turned and walked towards the kitchen.

  Mo Jingteng looked at Xiao Wenqing's back as he walked quickly toward the kitchen, and a hint of doubt flashed through his eyes. Behind him, Mo Zixuan's voice suddenly sounded: "Dad, I have something to tell you."

"what's up?"

  He put away the doubts in his heart, turned around, glanced at Mo Zixuan, and walked towards the restaurant.

   Entering the restaurant, Mo Zixuan filially opened the chair for Mo Jingteng. After he sat down, he opened the chair beside him and sat down.

   "Go ahead, what's the matter?

  Mo Jingteng looked at Mo Zixuan’s Gongqian, and asked gently.

  (End of this chapter)

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