Out of a section of the road, Huo Shiyu didn't intend to drive and kept walking forward. Chang Qi kept a distance from her not far or near. Out of a section of the road, Huo Shiyu suddenly turned back and saw Chang Qi standing ten meters behind her.

"I said hey, how can you protect me when you are so far away?" Huo Shiyu ordered.

Chang Qi frowned, stood in place for a while and quickened her pace.

They walked one after another, but Huo Shiyu, who was walking in front, could feel Chang Qi following behind, and they almost walked together.

"Miss Huo, don't you need a ride or let the driver drive over?" Chang Qi said with doubt.

For the first time, he found that Huo Shiyu could walk so well. Moreover, Chang Qi glanced at Huo Shiyu under his feet. Huo Shiyu even wore such a pair of high heels.

"Why, can't you walk?" Huo Shiyu immediately stopped and looked at Chang Qi with his eyebrows.

Chang Qi was going to go. When she saw Huo Shiyu suddenly stop, she quickly stopped to avoid being hit.

However, his words were actually concerned about Huo Shiyu. Unexpectedly, he didn't know the good people, so he said coldly, "no, Miss Huo, I just care about you."

Huo Shiyu was stunned when he heard that he cared about this sentence. Then he walked into Chang Qi and said, "Chang Qi, then you carry me."

The tone of a little woman.

Chang Qi doesn't talk about carrying women, but rarely touches women.

Startled, he quickly stepped back. His face was a little unnatural and said, "Miss Huo, let me take a taxi for you."

Then he stopped the car when he came to the roadside.

Chang Qi was tall and serious. She walked to the roadside and blocked several times, but she didn't stop a car.

Huo Shiyu couldn't help laughing and said, "don't stop the car. If you stop the car, people thought you were robbed."

In a word, it makes Chang Qi's face even worse.

"Well, I'm kidding you. I can still go. Let's go." Huo Shiyu said and walked forward.

Sure enough, only when she goes shopping with women can she show that women are powerful. Although Chang Qi was born as a special forces soldier, she went crazy around the mall, and people almost collapsed.

Huo Shiyu was very interested, but he kept talking excitedly, but when he walked up, he limped.

After looking at Chang Qi carrying the package behind him, a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

Until he returned to Repulse Bay, Chang Qi put down all the big and small bags and was about to leave.

"Chang Qi, where are you going?" Huo Shiyu came down with a glass of water in his hand. When he saw that Chang Qi was leaving, he immediately opened his mouth.

"I have something else to do." he must go back so late.

"I think you have to go." Huo Shiyu said discontentedly, "my brother asked you to protect me. Now the villas in Repulse Bay have been sent to the hospital. If something happens to me in Repulse Bay, how can you ensure my safety."

In a word, Chang Qi hesitated.

"I'd better call Huo Shao," Chang Qi said.

If Chang Qi said it, it must be exposed.

Huo Shiyu quickly shouted, "don't fight. Can't I say my brother's order? Chang Qi, in your eyes, I'm not the master at all?"

In a word, he was stunned by what Chang Qi said.

Seeing Chang Qi stunned, Huo Shiyu's eyes flashed and continued, "it turns out that Chang Qi is in your heart, my brother is the master, and I'm nothing at all."

In a word, Chang Qi lowered his head and said, "Miss Huo, I don't mean that."

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