"Young master Murong, you are a rare guest. I don't know what I want you to come here." Zhong Chenglei said respectfully.

The Murong family is very powerful. It's their honor to go to their door in person.

"I just want to tell you one thing. Isn't Mrs. Zhong in urgent need of blood transfusion?" Murong Su said faintly.

Zhong Chenglei was surprised and said, "does Master Murong know that there is suitable blood? If master Murong can provide it, we will thank you very much."

Murong Su heard this and said with a sneer, "are we Murong family down to the point where we need this money?"

In a word, Zhong Chenglei had a chat on his face. He was so excited that he didn't worry about hurting Murong Su's face.

"Besides, if you really need so little money, do you need Murong Su to come out in person?"

In a word, Zhong Chenglei was even more ashamed. "Murong family is one of the four families in country A. naturally, they don't lack this money. I was wrong, young master Murong."

Then he looked at Murong Su and said, "I don't know what's going on with Murong young master's blood."

His wife's illness worried him.

Wen Yan, this is also the purpose of Murong Su's coming this time. He waved to Zhong Chenglei, who quickly walked over.

When he heard Murong Su's words, his face turned white. He opened his eyes in shock, looked at Murong Su in disbelief and said, "master Murong, what you said is true."

"I Murong Su's words are one and the same. As for whether it's true or not, don't you Zhong family have so much money to check?" Murong Su sneered.

Ignoring Murong Su's ridicule, Zhong Chenglei was stunned. Then he thought, as if he was determined to say, "I'll check it."

Although the Huo family is not an easy family. For example, it is the first of the four families, if the Huo family's young lady is his daughter, he will check even how much risk he takes.

Thinking of this, Zhong Chenglei immediately thanked Murong Su, "thank you, childe Murong, for telling me. I really appreciate it."

Murong Su sneered at Zhong Chenglei. If he knew Fu Kexin's plan, he didn't know whether Zhong Chenglei would say so.

Soon, Zhong Chenglei sent Murong Su out. His wife, Ye Lan, was very weak. Before this matter was clarified, he would not rashly tell Ye Lan the news. He just went to Ye Lan's hospital bed and wrote lightly, "madam, we may have to find the blood that can supply you."

Ye Lan often lies in bed because of dizziness and can't see the sun. Her skin is whiter than ordinary people. Because she is ill, she is even paler and looks haggard.

There was a smile on her cheek. Ye Lan grabbed Zhong Chenglei's hand and said, "Cheng Lei, is what you said true?"

"When did I cheat you?" Zhong Chenglei also grasped Ye Lan's hand tightly.

"Just, can you tell me where the blood came from and where you got it?" Ye Lan asked.

This makes Zhong Chenglei hesitate. Ye Lan is in bad health now. If they don't have their own daughter and make a mistake, Ye Lan can't withstand such a blow at all.

"Oh, you don't have to worry about this. I'll do it myself." Zhong Chenglei comforted.

Ye Lan always believed in her husband, so she stopped asking.

Here, in the office, Chang Qi reported to Huo siting, "Huo Shao, the Zhong family seems to be checking the identity of Mrs. Shao."

Hearing the speech, Huo siting's cold eyes immediately looked at Chang Qi.

Chang Qi was startled and pushed back a few steps.

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