"Huo family?" Aunt Liu flashed a doubt in her eyes and said, "that Huo family?"

Seeing Aunt Liu's puzzled appearance, Yan shallow sneered, "Aunt Liu, we've been getting along well these days. I don't want everyone to tear their faces. Are you sent by the Huo family? If it's sent by the Huo family, you can leave. I don't want to owe the Huo family anything."

Aunt Liu bowed her head with a guilty conscience. She was not sent by the Huo family, but she was asked to come.

"Miss Yan, wait, I'll make a phone call," said Aunt Liu. She stood up and went outside to make a phone call.

Yan Qianqian waited there. She couldn't think of anyone who would help her except the Huo family.

Soon, Aunt Liu finished calling and hung up. Aunt Liu came in and said to Yan Qianqian, "Miss Yan, there is a brown coffee shop outside our community. He asked you to go there. As for who he is, Miss Yan, you'll know in the past."

It must be Huo siting. Unexpectedly, Huo siting chased the city. What is he going to do.

When she wanted to go out, she suddenly thought of Huo Zixun and looked at Yan Qianqian's expression. Aunt Liu guessed it and said to Yan Qianqian, "Miss Yan, don't worry. The baby will be handed over to me. I'll take good care of it. Don't worry."

Yan Qianqian thought about what Aunt Liu really wanted to do to her and her baby. She would have done it before. She would not stay until this time. After thinking about it, she walked out.

Brown cafe is not far from where she lives. It's across the street. In front of the door, Yan Qianqian took a deep breath, then looked inside and went in.

When he arrived at the coffee shop, he forced himself to calm down and looked at the coffee shop. As a result, he didn't find Huo siting.

Just when Yan Qianqian was confused, suddenly someone waved to her.

Yan Qianqian almost thought he was wrong. It was gong Mohan waving to her.

With many questions in her mind, she walked towards Gong Mohan.

Until he came to Gong Mohan, Yan Qianqian spoke directly, "Aunt Liu was sent by you."

Gong Mohan didn't answer, but waved to a waiter, motioned Yan Qianqian to sit down, and then asked Yan Qianqian what coffee he wanted.

Where is she in the mood to drink coffee? Gong Mo is cold. She has almost no intersection with this man. Why is she so kind to her all of a sudden.

Seeing Yan shallow as like as two peas, he made a cup of coffee for him.

"I'd like to know why I sent Aunt Liu to your place, right?" Gong Mohan said lazily when he saw the waiter put the coffee in front of Yan Qianqian.

"Well, I really want to know why you sent Aunt Liu." Yan Qingqian said seriously. She didn't take a sip of the coffee in front of her.

She was always on guard. What's more, this man did such a thing.

Now, the more I think about it, from the scene in the housekeeping company, the housekeeping personnel said at that time that the aunt she was going to invite just didn't have time. It seems that Gong Mohan did all this. After all, Gong Mohan is the president of the housekeeping company, which is easy for him.

"My compensation to you." Gong Mohan opened his mouth.

"Compensation?" Yan Qianqian was a little confused. What did Gong Mohan compensate her.

"That day, my girlfriend offended you." Gong Mohan said faintly.

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