Turning around, she saw jianyaxin pulling her silk scarf in her hand, making great efforts, and a proud sneer on her face.

Jian Xiaotong suddenly became angry. Since Jian Yaxin didn't tell her about sisterhood, why should she read about her family affection and stretch out her hand? Jian Xiaotong pushed Jian Yaxin hard.

Jane Yaxin was wearing high-heeled shoes and clutching Jian Xiaotong's scarf in her hand. When she was pushed by Jian Xiaotong, her body immediately shook. She wanted to grab something around her, but she had nothing.

With a bang, Jian Yaxin pulled Jian Xiaotong's scarf in her hand and fell heavily to the ground.

"Er..." Jane Yaxin groaned bitterly, and the man lay on the ground and couldn't get up.

At this time, there were several onlookers watching the two sisters quarrel. At the moment, they all gathered together when they saw Jane Yaxin fall to the ground.

When they saw Jane Yaxin lying on the ground, they immediately straightened their eyes and looked at Jane Yaxin lying on the ground without blinking.

Jian Xiaotong naturally didn't have time to see Jian Yaxin lying on the ground and tidy up her clothes. At this time, a woman's voice sounded.

"Old and immortal, haven't you seen a woman all your life." a middle-aged woman spoke to her husband.

Then, the middle-aged woman glared at Jane Yaxin and said, "I think you are also a college student. How do you wear the same as..." the woman said contemptuously, "I don't know who lost your family. Do you wear like this, does your mother know?"

Said bah, "it's really... Origin."

Jian Xiaotong smelled the speech and couldn't help stopping. She looked suspiciously at Jian Yaxin. At this look, she knew why the woman scolded Jian Yaxin so ugly.

It turns out that Jane Yaxin is not only wearing cool clothes outside today, but also falling down

Jian Xiaotong finally understood why the woman scolded so hard.

After scolding jianyaxin, the woman directly pulled her husband's ear and said in a harsh voice, "you can see this, and you won't let me go."

Then she twisted her husband's ear and left.

Jian Yaxin, who was lying on the ground, had angry eyes. She wanted to struggle, but she couldn't get up. She could only stare at Jian Xiaotong angrily and say, "Jian Xiaotong, you..."

She scolded and gasped in pain. If it weren't for Jian Xiaotong today, she wouldn't be so ashamed.

Thinking of this, Jian Yaxin's eyes wanted to stare two holes in Jian Xiaotong.

Just as she stared at Jian Xiaotong, Jian Yaxin suddenly widened her eyes.

Seeing the sight of Jian Yaxin on her neck, Jian Xiaotong reacted, quickly picked up the scarf from the ground and quickly wrapped it around her neck.

She was still seen by Jane Yaxin. Jane Yaxin sneered, "Jane Xiaotong, don't pretend to cover up. Where did the kiss ~ mark on your neck come from?"

Jian Xiaotong's look was not flustered, and he sneered, "my neck is not a kiss ~ mark at all, it's a mosquito bite."

Of course, Jian Yaxin doesn't believe it and is about to question Jian Xiaotong.

Jian Xiaotong suddenly sneered, "it's just Jian Yaxin. I don't understand. How can you bite the kiss marks on my neck one by one? Have you been kissed by many people before?"

In a word, Jian Yaxin couldn't answer a word. Jian Xiaotong sneered and walked forward.

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