"Mrs. Shao, what's the matter with you?" the servant was shocked. She just came in with the boiled soup. Unexpectedly, she bumped into Mrs. Shao and the soup spilled all over the ground. More importantly, some soup splashed on Jian Xiaotong's skirt.

"Young lady, have you been scalded?" the servant was so frightened that he turned pale and stammered.

Jian Xiaotong lowered his head and shook his head. He was about to walk out. Suddenly, his arm was pulled by someone. A low voice with blame sounded, "Why are you so careless?"

In a word, Jian Xiaotong burst into tears. If Lin Jingyun hadn't appeared here, if they hadn't shown their love here, would she have hit the servant and scalded herself?

Now the scalded belly is burning.

Raised his eyes and looked up at Gu sichen's blaming eyes. Jian Xiaotong was about to open his mouth. A high-heeled footsteps came in front of the two. With a slap in the face, the servant was hit on the ground and fell where the soup had just fallen.

Jian Xiaotong was stunned at the scene. Just now Lin Jingyun slapped the servant in the face.

"Miss Jane, maybe you don't know how difficult it is to control servants in a big family. You must establish dignity for yourself and can't be soft hearted, or they will climb over your head." Lin Jingyun stood high in front of Jian Xiaotong.

Big family means she was born in a small family, and why should she, Lin Jingyun, an outsider, bully and beat a servant here? The servant is also a human and has self-esteem. She can beat and scold at will, just because she is Miss Lin?

Jian Xiaotong glanced at Lin Jingyun angrily and sneered, "Miss Lin came from a big family and a noble family,

It's such a upbringing to hit people casually? "

In a word, Lin Jingyun changed her face.

Jian Xiaotong immediately squatted down and helped the servant. He said with concern, "are you hurt?"

The servant was so frightened that his face turned white. He dared to let Jian Xiaotong help him. With a plop, he knelt in front of Jian Xiaotong and said, "young lady, I'm wrong. I really didn't mean to. You should punish me."

"I bumped into someone, and the wrong person is me. Get up." Jian Xiaotong took the initiative to admit his mistake and stretched out his hand to help the servant.

The servant looked at Jian Xiaotong in amazement and was helped up by Jian Xiaotong.

Lin Jingyun was annoyed by what Jian Xiaotong said just now. Suddenly she came to Gu sichen, put out her hand and took Gu sichen's arm, coquettish and shook her way, "sichen, I'm just punishing a servant who doesn't understand the rules for Miss Jane, but look at Miss Jane..."

Lin Jingyun said, glancing at Jian Xiaotong and looking at Gu sichen wrongly.

Gu sichen's face became more gloomy.

Jian Xiaotong just picked up the servant. Seeing Gu sichen's face, he immediately sneered in his heart. Sure enough, the childhood sweetheart has a higher status in his heart. In a word, Gu sichen cherished it.

It's just a matter of beating people, but it can't be so easy. The servant is also a person and has self-esteem. Looking up, Jian Xiaotong said to Lin Jingyun, "Miss Lin, you beat her. Now you make an apology to her."

In a word, let Lin Jingyun and his servant stay there at the same time.

The servant shook his head in fright and said, "young lady, no, No." how dare she ask Miss Lin to make an apology to her.

Although she was wronged, even if she was beaten, Mrs. Shao came to beat her, not an outsider taught her.

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