Jian Xiaotong and Gu sichen joined in order to avoid others' doubt.

In order not to let Jian Xiaotong see the dirty scene, Gu sichen pressed Jian Xiaotong on her chest and asked her to close her eyes.

Seeing this scene, Liushui was so envious that he said to Xu Ming, who looked cold, "Ming, I want to lie in your arms and dance."

Xu Ming gave him an eye knife. If it weren't for hiding people's eyes and ears, he would have pushed away the running water before he was disgusted and let the fake mother touch it.

Seeing Xu Ming's cold face, running water pouted and said, "I don't understand the style." he looked at Gu sichen and Jian Xiaotong with envy.

At this time, the music in the hall suddenly stopped, and the people on the dance floor couldn't help looking at each other. Jian Xiaotong was also a little surprised.

Then there was a sound of footsteps at the door. It seemed that many people were coming this way.

The first two people came in surrounded by the crowd.

Jian Xiaotong was stunned when he saw two people not far from him.

One is that they are looking for Gu Zhongjie. The other is Lawyer Liu. Gu Zhongjie is in a black suit. He looks very handsome. He is wearing a red flower on his chest. Lawyer Liu, wearing a white wedding dress, is holding Gu Zhongjie with a sweet face.

When she saw the two people, Jian Xiaotong held them tightly with her hand hanging on one side, and she could also feel that Gu sichen's breath was obviously different. She looked at Gu sichen. Gu sichen's deep eyes were staring at the two people at the door without blinking, but there was not much expression on her face.

Jian Xiaotong's heart tightened suddenly. Looking at the two people's dress, did they come to get married? She heard Gu sichen say that homosexuals can get married on this island. Is it difficult that two people come to have a wedding?

Just when Jian Xiaotong was thinking, Gu Zhongjie was held by Lawyer Liu, and then walked to the middle of the hall. He took a deep look at Lawyer Liu around him, and then opened with a happy face, "today is the wedding day between Liu and me. Thank you for coming to join us."

Then a kiss fell on Lawyer Liu's forehead, and Lawyer Liu closed his eyes.

This wet kiss made the following applause ring like thunder.

Jian Xiaotong was angry and almost blushed. Gu Zhongjie Mingming married Gu Siyue, but he married Lawyer Liu here. This man shamelessly refreshed her cognition.

After seeing Gu sichen, although Gu sichen had no expression on his face, Jian Xiaotong felt the man's fingers trembling.

Gu sichen should feel bad at the moment. She couldn't help holding Gu sichen's hand tightly. Gu sichen paused, but didn't look at her.

Gu Zhongjie affectionately took Lawyer Liu's hand and walked towards the flower shelf made of lilies in the hall. There, the priest had been waiting there in advance.

Lawyer Liu was led by Gu Zhongjie. He was very happy. Behind him, there were two little flower children holding his wedding dress for him.

The two men went to the priest and said the oath with the priest. Just when they were about to exchange rings, a heart rending voice sounded at the gate, "Gu Zhongjie, you are still not human, and whether your conscience has been eaten by the dog."

Hearing this sound, Jian Xiaotong's heart trembled and looked in the direction of the gate. At the gate was a man in a white suit, but looking at her desperate eyes and the voice just now, Jian Xiaotong recognized it at a glance. The visitor was Gu Siyue.

Gu Siyue came to this island.

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