Although Lin Zhengguo wanted to grasp Xu Ming's collar, he had to break free from Xu Ming. He was almost lifted up by Xu Ming, shaking his hands and feet like a clown in the air.

Hearing Xu Ming's words, Lin Zhengguo suddenly gave up his struggle. A cold smile slowly appeared on his lips. He said to Xu Ming darkly, "you dream."

Then in Xu Ming's gloomy face, he said word by word again, "you may not know what a wonderful night I spent with Siyue last night. She made me crazy. I never found that there was a woman who was so good to my appetite. Now she still has the smell of madness left by us after we made ~ love."

Gu Siyue has loved him for many years. Now he has such an opportunity. Of course, he wants to turn the fake into true. How can he give it to the man in front of him.

"I think you look like now. You must have never had a relationship with her. What's more, I don't know her delicious, and her appearance of rolling chenghuan and seducing people on me. If I'm in a good mood another day, I don't mind taking a video of us and sending it to you."

When Lin Zhengguo said this, his ugly face should say in front of Xu Ming, "Xu Ming, you can't compete with me. Gu Siyue is mine, and I will be the man who owns her."

As soon as Lin Zhengguo said this proudly, Xu Ming threw the man out.

With a bang, Lin Zhengguo ate shit again. He lay down directly on the ground, his lips oozed blood, and his eyes showed ferocity. Seeing a brick around him, Lin Zhengguo grabbed it, got up, rushed to Xu Ming, and patted Xu Ming on his head.

"Er..." Xu Ming didn't notice at all. He was hit on his forehead and shook his body a few times. Then blood came out of his forehead.

Just as Lin Zhengguo was still in his hands, Xu Ming had reacted, grabbed the bricks in Lin Zhengguo's hands and patted Lin Zhengguo on the head.

"Ah..." Lin Zhengguo howled like a pig, turned his head, was patted in two and fell to the ground.

Xu Ming directly overwhelms Lin Zhengguo on the ground. Lin Zhengguo was born as a childe. He is not Xu Ming's opponent at all. He can only be beaten on the ground.

A driver has noticed the situation here. He hears the car and looks at the tragic scene. He doesn't dare to come over to persuade the quarrel. He quickly takes out his mobile phone and dials the alarm number.

Soon after the call, I heard the siren of the police car.

In the spacious and bright office of Gu's building, Gu sichen just sat down and his mobile phone rang.

After a look, it was a strange number, frowned and connected. A respectful voice came from there, "is it Gu Shao?"

"HMM." Gu sichen nodded faintly, and his face couldn't see any expression change.

"Well, your special assistant Xu Ming..."

Gu sichen's face completely changed.

At the gate of Jiangcheng detention center, several luxury cars just stopped. The leaders who had been waiting immediately greeted them attentively.

The door opened and several stern looking men in black suits came down.

The leader was about to greet each other with a happy face. The smile on his face stiffened. He thought it would be Gu shaolai, but he didn't expect it to be a bodyguard.

But on second thought, Gu Shao would not appear here casually.

Dare not neglect any more, he hurriedly greeted him and said, "you are Gu Shao's bodyguard."

"HMM." one of the leaders nodded, looked around indifferently and said, "Xu te helps others."

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