Huo siting didn't leave. The hospital knew he was coming and had arranged the best suite for him. Chang Qi sent him clothes.

That night, the best attending doctor in country a was invited to the hospital by Huo siting's private plane.

Outside the emergency room, Huo siting sat in a chair and stared at the emergency room without blinking.

It was not until dawn that the door of the emergency room opened. A doctor in charge, wiping the sweat on his forehead, came out tired.

I was surprised to see Huo siting waiting outside. I didn't expect that Huo Shao, who was dignified, had stayed for Mrs. Huo Shao all night. It's really rare.

With a smile on his face, he respectfully walked up to Huo siting. Before he opened his mouth, Huo siting lifted his collar. Huo siting hurriedly said, "what's the matter with my wife and children?"

"Hui... Hui Huo Shao..." the doctor began to be nervous because he was dragged by his collar. "Mrs. Shao and the baby in her belly are very good."

Hearing the speech, Huo siting breathed a sigh of relief. His fingers slowly relaxed. The doctor raised his heart. He was relieved to see Huo siting let go of her.

Just then, several doctors came out of the hospital bed. The people on the bed were in the snow-white ward, with thin and pale faces, almost the same color as the patient's clothes.

The bottom of his heart tingled inexplicably. Huo siting quickly came over and grabbed Yan Qianqian's hand.

Yan Qianqian was still in a daze and was pushed to the intensive care unit.

Hearing that Yan Qianqian was safe and sound, a man slowly fell down in the corner. It was Huo Shiyu. It was a thrilling night. Fortunately, Yan Qianqian had nothing to do. She was scared to death.

As soon as Liu Ma heard that Yan Qianqian and the baby in her belly were all right, she burst into tears and hurriedly followed her.

In the ward, the doctor gave Yan Qianqian a good infusion, and then respectfully said to Huo siting, "Huo Shao, if Mrs. Shao has something to do, please call me."

Huo siting made a move and asked the doctor to go out.

Several doctors bowed their heads and respectfully went out. Huo siting brought a chair and sat in front of Yan Qianqian, accompanying her.

"Young master, I wonder if I should tell my wife about the great wedding of my young lady's pregnancy and tell my husband," said Mrs. Liu, who couldn't help laughing with tears in her eyes.

The Huo family has always had few descendants. Unexpectedly, Mrs. Huo was so proud that she didn't marry the young master for long. Unexpectedly, she conceived a child. It would be great if she were a boy.

Compared with Mrs. Liu, Huo siting's face was much more complicated. He said to Mrs. Liu lightly, "don't tell the old lady and Mrs. Liu that Mrs. Shao is still ill. Don't bother too many people until she is well."

After thinking for a while, Mrs. Liu thought that Huo siting was right, so she nodded and said, "young master, I'll go back to Qianshui Bay first and ask the cook to make some tonic Soup for Mrs. Shao."

Liu Ma said, looking at Yan's thin body. If you want the fetus to be healthy, you must first make up Mrs. Shao's body.

Huo siting nodded.

Liu Ma took the door out.

There were only Huo siting and Yan Qianqian in the room.

Huo siting looked at Yan shallow with complex eyes. The little woman was lying on the hospital bed, covered with a snow-white quilt, and her face was almost the same as this quilt.

A touch of heartache flashed across his face, slowly stretched out his hand and stroked his shallow face.

With this touch, Huo siting found for the first time that Yan's shallow face was very thin, and there was almost no meat on his thin cheeks.

A small face is only as big as a palm.

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