Flash Marriage: The Domineering Wife

Chapter 256 - Meeting with the rival

"Why? You already slept late last night, and now you're not going to have a spa day with me?"

Yan Mei was starting to feel annoyed with what was happening already. They arrived on the island together with the thought of enjoying the alone time they have. 

They came to this island for their honeymoon. However, Yan Mei could not help but feel that Lei Zhao came here to work!

Yan Mei crossed her arms in front of her chest, "How could you leave me alone and have a spa without you? Are you sure that you're not keeping anything away from me?"

With Yan Mei's tone, Lei Zhao could not help but furrow his brows in worry. He heaved a small sigh, then put both of his hands on her shoulders, his thumb caressing her skin.

"I'm sorry, but as I promised you, I will try to finish this as quick as I can so that all my time will be yours, alright?"

Hearing this, Yan Mei pouted like a child. She even narrowed her eyes at Lei Zhao, the man chuckling as he playfully pinched the cheeks of his wife. 

"I promise you that I will be done with this, alright? I have to meet someone to finish this case. Only then will my attention be given to you with no problems and hindrances."

Yan Mei still had her eyes narrowed at Lei Zhao. After a few seconds, she heaved a sigh, shaking her head in the process as she crossed her arms in front of her chest. 

"Fine. I will let last night and today slide, alright?" A smile then appeared on her face, remembering that she will be having a spa day alone to herself. "I'm excited about the half-day spa session. It's been so long since I had one."

"Yes, yes!" Lei Zhao enthusiastically nodded as he planted a kiss on top of Yan Mei's head, "I envy you in having a spa date to yourself, but you deserve this hard work as well. I will make sure to finish earlier so I could make it up to you, alright?"

"Okay, okay!" Now Yan Mei could not help but giggle. She nodded as she playfully rolled her eyes at her wife, already letting this slide. "Then I'll be on my way then. I'll enjoy it today. You better make it up later!"

"Of course, Wifey!" Lei Zhao had a smug grin on his face, "I will make it up to you in bed as well."

"Oh, you!" Yan Mei playfully rolled her eyes at Lei Zhao. "I'll be off then. I'll see you later."

With that, Yan Mei kissed Lei Zhao on the cheek. As she left the house, Ye Xing appeared on the veranda. He secretly arrived at the villa before Yan Mei woke up to accompany his boss in the meeting with Wang Lu. 

"Where did you say that Wang Lu is waiting?" Lei Zhao asked seriousness etched in his voice.

"He's already in the restaurant. He arrived here early in the morning with the help of the bodyguards that I sent to fetch him," Ye Xing answered, Lei Zhao, nodding in approval as he looked at himself in the mirror. 

Lei Zhao was wearing a classic Hawaiian shirt paired with cargo shorts. Despite looking so simple, his looks are unparalleled. 

"Let's go meet him then," Lei Zhao said, a light passing through his eyes as he wanted to get down to business for them to get to the bottom of this issue. 


In the restaurant found on the island, Wang Lu watched over the sea as he waited for Lei Zhao to come over. He was in an area of the restaurant that was overlooking the sea. 

Wang Lu had a deadpan expression on his face. He felt the breeze kiss his skin as he watched the waves crashing on the shore, a scenic appearance before him as he somewhat appreciated the view before him.

At first, he did not want to come. How could one come to his ex-wife's husband's invitation? His hands at his sides balled into tight fists as his eyes reflected malice, remembering the hatred and jealousy he felt towards Lei Zhao. 

Wang Lu hated everything about Lei Zhao. He could not help but be jealous of how Yan Mei is so happy with him. He wondered if Yan Mei was ever this happy with him. He thought if Yan Mei was better off with Lei Zhao than with him. 

With his thoughts running wild, Wang Lu could not help but be irked. Wang Lu started comparing himself to Lei Zhao. He then noticed that in terms of success, Lei Zhao is better than him. 

Other than that, his looks were even above him. When it comes to handling Yan Mei, he could not help but compare how her smile is with him compared to when she is with Lei Zhao's. 

In conclusion, Yan Mei is happier with Lei Zhao, and that Wang Lu is almost nothing compared to Lei Zhao. 

Wang Lu gritted his teeth. He found himself stupid for coming here when it was clear to Wang Lu that he hated everything about Lei Zhao. 

Yet, why did he come? Why did he stay? Why is he waiting for him now?

Even Wang Lu could not understand it. He felt that he should come. He thought that he should take his invitation and see what they are going to discuss. 

Another thing, with Wang Lu knowing that Yan Mei is also here, the hope of seeing even just a glimpse of her lingered in his heart. 

Yes, he hopes to see her--even just from afar. Even though years passed already, Wang Lu could not help but miss her as he considers her the best woman that came into his life. 

Yes, the memories of the past that had happened five years ago hunted him, but still, he could not help but let his feelings linger and cling on to the love of Yan Mei. 

At the same time that Wang Lu turned his back, his whole body froze when his eyes landed on that familiar figure. It was a figure that he once loved--no--it was a figure that he still loved until today. 

That brown wavy hair that cascaded at her sides looked so perfect. Wang Lu could not help but gawk at her from afar, appreciating her beauty. 

Those eyes that reflected beauty itself, those luscious lips that looked perfect every time she smiled--yes, it's her. It's her, alright. 

Yan Mei--Feng Mei. 

She was his. Yan Mei was his until that unfortunate event happened right before his eyes that made him question his feelings towards her. 

Soon then, pain and hatred appeared on his face. However, his heart betrayed him. The organ in his chest was erratically beating as if he had fallen in love again. 

How could he feel so angry and, at the same time, feel so in love?

Yan Mei was wearing a tank top and plain black dolphin shorts. Everyone's eyes were on her as she walked going to the spa. 

Even with those eyes on her, she walked proudly--not caring as if her man was there with her to protect her even though he's not around. 

Yan Mei carried herself out so well. Wang Lu had never seen her this way before. 

Could Lei Zhao have something to do with how Yan Mei is acting right now? Why was Yan Mei not this way when she was with him?

'Am I... am I useless?'

"Stop gawking at my wife, Wang Lu."

The expression on Wang Lu's face suddenly changed. He instinctively turned to where the sound came from, and the moment he did, his eyes met Lei Zhao and his secretary behind him. 

Both of them glared at each other. If looks could kill, then they would have started murdering each other already. 

There was an overbearing aura between the two. Even Ye Xing, who was behind his boss, Lei Zhao, felt like he couldn't breathe with how heavy the atmosphere between them is. 

"Lei Zhao," Wang Lu coldly said his name, the eyes of the man before him not leaving him. 

"Wang Lu," Lei Zhao replied, the two still glaring at each other. 

Wang Lu raised a brow at Lei Zhao as he tried his best to mask his insecurities. He discreetly cleared his throat, his gaze not leaving Lei Zhao in front of him. 

"Why were you so adamant about me coming here? If it weren't for your secretary's persuasive skill, I wouldn't have come."

"Oh?" Lei Zhao scoffed a little, "Are you sure you came here because of my secretary's skill? Or you came here because you know that my wife is here with me."

Wang Lu's eyebrow twitched as he felt annoyance course through his body with how Lei Zhao emphasized the word wife. His hands at the sides turned into fists again as he spoke, doing his best to control his temper. 

"You asked me to come here, didn't you?" He gritted his teeth, "Let's get this thing over with then so I could leave you alone."

A smirk appeared on Lei Zhao's face. He then walked to a nearby table, already sitting down as he looked up at Wang Lu, gesturing for him to sit down. 

"Then let's get to the bottom of this. Quickly."

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