Flash Marriage: The Domineering Wife

Chapter 268 - Slow and passionately

"No," he answered, "Want to eat Japanese ramen then? It will be our first, too. Together even."

A flush of pink appeared on Su Bei's face. With both of them not trying Japanese ramen yet and with the thought of experiencing it with each other for the first time even, it made her blush—the thought of it as something that they only shared together. 

"Oh, sure!" Su Bei smiled, her eyes smiling along with it. "It will be nice to experience something new."

With that in mind, Leng Shao and Su Bei walked to the outdoor area of Ramen Nagi. 


The staffs of the Japanese restaurant greeted them as one waitress led them to a table. Leng Shao and Su Bei followed and sat down on their seats, the waitress giving them the menu for them to choose and customize their ramen. 

Both of them looked at the menu. They had four different types of ramen which was Butao King, Green King, Red King, and Black King. 

The Butao King is the best seller and the most classic among the ramens. Green King would be a ramen that is usually served with Parmesan cheese, Red King, a little spicy with a ball of ground pork, and then lastly, Black King, a squid ramen. 

With these choices, Su Bei decided to try the best seller instead. She encircled Butao King and proceeded to choose her preference such as her ramen having thin noodles, and the softness being hard. She even added extra char siu and tamago to add more to her serving. 

Leng Shao's eyes were on her. He watched her as she focused on finalizing her customized ramen. When she noticed that she was being watched, she lifted her head up, her eyes meeting his. 

"What's wrong?" she asked, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Oh…" Leng Shao realized that he was staring at her for quite some time. A nervous laughter came out from him, making Su Bei c.o.c.k her head to the side in wonder. "I was just wondering what I would take," he mumbled, but it was enough for the girl to hear. 

"Oh! Then why not we have the same ramen, then? Butao King is indeed the best seller of this restaurant," she suggested, Leng Shao, nodding in agreement as he encircled the same customization Su Bei chose for her ramen. 

"Then we'd have the same."

With their orders finally finalized, Leng Shao called the nearest waitress as he handed her over their order. When the waitress walked away, Leng Shao met Su Bei's eyes, making his heart skip a beat to see how beautiful the girl is in front of him. 

"What's wrong again, Leng-Leng?" Su Bei said, giggling at the same time. "You've been so out of it. Are you okay?" she asked, Leng Shao, shaking his head to tell Su Bei that she has nothing to worry about. 

Leng Shao extended his arm towards Su Bei, tucking some of her hair behind her ear. Leng Shao's eyes had not left hers, Su Bei feeling shy as she felt his stare handsomely tantalizing. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click /book/flash-marriage-the-domineering-wife_16716595005962805/slow-and-passionately_50830189902484615 for visiting.

She then averted her gaze as she shyly bit her lip, Leng Shao's hand now going down as it made its way to hold Su Bei's hand, his thumb caressing the back of her palm. 

"I'm happy I'm with you right now, Su Bei. Would it be an exaggeration to say that I want to spend more days with you like this so I could win your heart?"

Su Bei's eyes widened, her heart racing as she did not expect Leng Shao to say such sweet words to her. 

"L-Leng Shao… you—"

"You're beautiful, Su Bei. The issue before scared the crap out of me—I don't want to lose you," he interrupted, his eyes reflecting his sincere thoughts as he continued to express what he felt. "I'll make you trust me—I'll make you believe in me. I'll make you comfortable and happy so that I could have you."

"Leng Shao…"

Su Bei was obviously at a loss for words. With her reaction, Leng Shao just smiled at her sweetly, his hand still not letting go of her. She shyly looked down on the table, her face heating up as Leng Shao's words echoed in her mind like a music on replay. 

'Then… I'll look forward to the day you'll make me yours.'

The waitress appeared before them, holding their food in her hands as she asked if they needed anything else. The waitress left, when they said no leaving both Su Bei and Leng Shao alone.

Su Bei's heart thrashed in her heart and her stomach swarmed with butterflies when she saw Leng Shao eyes flickering to her lips. She could tell on his face and the way his eyes lingered on her lips that they both had the same thoughts swimming in their head.

Fortunately they were both able to control themselves as they enjoyed the rest of the day together and Leng Shao finally found himself liking another woman for the first time. 

After they day out, Leng Shao dropped Su Bei at her house. 

"So...this is it. We are here." Leng Shao said as he placed his hands in his pockets.

"Hmm...yes. We are." Su Bei chuckled slightly as she replied.

Leng Shao closed the space between them as Su Bei swallowed. He was too close for their own good. She could literally feel the heat radiating from him.

She swallowed as she tried to look anywhere but his lips.  His hands suddenly came in contact with her cheeks. 

Su Bei stood there in a daze as she watched her reflection in his eyes.

"Please may I?" He breathed as he caressed her cheeks.

Su Bei's skin tingled with anticipation as she swallowed.

"I-I" She blushed profusely and looked away. Since she couldn't speak she just nodded.

The moment she did, he crushed his lips into hers. As if he has been waiting for this moment all his life.

Su Bei really couldn't believe she was kissing the man of her dreams. Her heart fluttered in her chest as she closed her eyes and let herself get drown in the warm mouth of Leng Shao. 

She has never felt anything like this. She shuddered the moment he pulled away.

Shy she looked at her feet on the ground. Leng Shao lifted her chin and titled her head upward making her look at him. 

Shy she slowly looked at him and she swallowed at the emotions on his face. 

"Don't be shy, unless of course you regret our kiss?"

Su Bei shook her head.

"I-I don't. It's was….good."

Leng Shao chuckled when he heard her.

"Good. It's been a long time since I kissed a girl so I was worried that my skills has become awful."

Su Bei widened her eyes when she heard him.

"How long?"

Leng Shao rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly at her question.

"Seven years?" He said as he let out a little laugh.

Seeing the surprise look on her face, he quickly added,

"Don't worry it might be a long time since I touched a woman but I'm still good! You don't have to worry about my performance."

Su Bei blushed when she heard him.

"You...what are you talking about?"

Leng Shao smirked at her.

"Nothing just that I'm still capable of making you scream my name. So don't worry."

Su Bei cheeks flushed red as her eyes subconsciously traveled in between his legs.

"Goodnight, Leng Shao. I had fun today." Su Bei said.

Clearly she was running away. She needed to clear her head. She felt like everything was moving too fast.

Leng Shao nodded.

"Goodnight, and if you dream about me know that I like it slow and passionately."

Su Bei widened her eyes as she found herself getting hot just thinking about his words.

"Pervert!" She said as she awkwardly bolted inside her house, leaving a laughing Leng Shao behind her.

Su Bei closed the door and leaned against it to calm her beating heart. This man will be the death of her with his dimples and mesmerizing smile. 

A/N: Thank you guys so much for your support and love this year. You guys made my year special and for that I say thank you very much!

May we all see each other on the other side. Anything you lost in reading my book may God give you more in abundance.

Happy new year!



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