"I see you're still making claims you can't back," Yan Mei replied as got into a fighting stance.

Gu Zhi scoffed then rushed to her again, this time he dove towards her and changed direction midway as he dropped low and sneaked a brutal punch under her guard.

The brutal blow drove the air from her lungs and drove her back two steps, Yan Mei barely allowed herself time to experience the pain before she dove back with a punch that snapped back his head.

Gu Zhi snagged her hands and used them to wrenching her forward, then connected his knee to her sternum and simultaneously kicking her back "had enough little kitty?"

"You bore me" she answered with a smile, exposing blood-stained teeth.

The two of them took a second to catch their breaths before jumping back into the fray. The two of them traded blows, most were blocked and the few that landed were brutal, punishing, and filled with such vitriol no one in that warehouse was under any illusion. It was a fight to the death and it was a match between two equally match death dealers.

Yan Mei aimed a kick at Gu Zhi's midsection but he darted back with just a hairsbreadth of space between them to escape the vicious blow then he kicked out her leg from under her and grabbed her by the throat "hello little kitty"

Yan Mei took his moment of distraction to knock his left arm wide, delivered a flurry of blows to his midsection, and finished the masterpiece by kneeing him in the balls, distracted by pain, his hands loosened around her throat and she quickly darted back.

"F.u.c.k you bitch" he g.r.o.a.n.e.d, his eyes promising dark revenge, she dared him with a smirk. 

Then she moved in for the kill, all expression gone. She darted in a knee to the underside of his jaw, two well-placed punches to the trachea, another punch that drove the air out of his lungs in a loud whoosh before she delivered another kick to his groin.

He landed hard on the floor, then she moved in on him. She rained blows all over his face as she straddled him, his body jerking with the force of every blow as the blood started to spurt from his lips and every cut she inflicted on his face.

On and on she went until her anger drained away suddenly, Yan Mei staggered to her feet, dizzy in the aftermath of the adrenaline that had fueled her.

She looked down at the pathetic creature wheezing on the floor and oozing blood, she spat at him and walked away. She was done with this her men could take care of the rest, right now she wanted to go into the arms of the man she loved and be held.

As she walked forward, aches and pains made themselves known across her body, indicating that she didn't walk away unscathed but that was little compared to the euphoria of freedom coursing through her.

Then Wang Lu started running towards her, his eyes wide with fear as he crashed into her and spun her around, then they started crashing to the ground slowly

A second was all it took for her to understand what happened, while her back was turned Gu Zhi used his final weapon and Wang Lu had taken the blow from her.

An intense rage descended on her, blacking out the last of her restraint and conscience. A red haze filled her vision while thunder crackled in a halo around her. Yan Mei matched back to him, her eyes promising death.

For the first time in his life, Gu Zhi knew fear, the enraged demoness marching for him was nothing like he had ever seen, nothing like the broken creature he had like to you with. For the first time in his life, he opened his mouth to beg but she didn't give him a chance.

Yan Mei pointed her right hand at him then squeezed the fist; the first snap of breaking wet bone filled the room before he started screaming. The noise was like fuel to her dark need to see him extinguished she squeezed and squeezed until all that remained on the floor was a mangled lump of flesh that faintly whimpered.

Kneeling beside him, she drove her hand into his c.h.e.s.t cavity, wrenched out the heart pumping sluggishly before she dropped it on the ground and smashed it into the floor.

"Let me see you come back from that." She dared the rapidly cooling body in front of her.

Lei Zhao finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw his wife was okay. He wanted to be the one to get rid of this psycho but he knew his wife had been waiting for this moment for a very long time. And he has to say he was proud of her

"How is he?" Yan Mei voice snapped Lei Zhao out of his thoughts.

"He will live, don't worry. How are you?"

Yan Mei flashed him a warm smile.

"Better than I have ever been." 

Lei Zhao lips curled into a smile and nodded.

"Good. Now let's go home and let get you clean up wife."

Yan Mei nodded, "Yeah, home, I like the sound of that. I could use a cold shower too. Will you accompany me?"

Lei Zhao chuckled and shook his head helplessly. 

"You know we have a dying man right on the floor we need medical attention right?"

Yan Mei snickered and shrugged

"Oh, I'm sure he will live."

Unbeknownst to them two figures were standing in the shadow looking at them.

"The master will be so proud of the young miss." A voice said in the shadow.

"Yeah. She has grown a lot in the past few years. Such a shame the master isn't around to witness her growth."

The leader of the two men furrowed his brows as he sighed.

"It seems that woman has finally decided to strike now that the master isn't around to protect the young miss. Shadow you must be vigilant and focus on protecting her at all cost understand?"

"Yes sir! I will protect her with my life. After all she saved me."

The man nodded with satisfaction.

"That…where is the master? I haven't seen him since he saved the young miss husband."

Shadow asked the question that has been brothering him nut unfortunately, he didn't get the answer he wants.

"Let's go!"

His leader said ignoring his question.

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