Flash Marriage: The Domineering Wife

Chapter 317 - Birthday party

Ying Sheng watched him shy away, mentally calling out to him to stop. He was doing so good, but she knew that he was nervous to act that way. She just had to show him that he was doing good, that he was going in the right direction.

Without much hesitance, Ying Sheng gripped the front of his T-shirt and yanked him forward, crashing her lips against his. She was shocked at her own move, but it was too late to back out now, and she didn't want to anyway. His lips were soft and warm, and she easily slipped into the feeling, her lips moving against his gently.

Liam's eyes fluttered shut as he leaned into the touch, his hand tentatively cupping her cheek to hold her close.

All that Ying Sheng could hear was her heartbeat pounding in her head. Her breath was running out, but she didn't want to drag herself away from him just yet. The moment felt too good, and she wanted to keep going. Heat coursed through her in strong waves, prompting her to lean her upper body against his.

Liam steadily leaned back until he was laying down flat, his hands grabbing at her sides as she hovered above him. He tilted his head back to keep their lips joined, his fingertips digging into the skin just below her shirt.

Ying Sheng lightly bit his bottom lip, drawing a pleased breath from him that nearly made her head spin. She drifted her fingers into his hair, lightly gripping the soft strands as her lips continued to brush against his. Her body was willing her to keep going, but her mind was singing a different tune. The time wasn't right, no matter how good it felt.

After pressing her lips to his one more time, Ying Sheng coaxed herself away from him, catching her breath as she crawled off of him. She looked over at him, realizing that he looked completely stunned as he stared at the ceiling.

"You okay?" She asked him, her words laced with a light laugh. It seemed like she had broken him.

Liam snapped out of his daze and nodded, moving to sit up quickly and adjust the slim fit khakis that he wore. He seemed to shift uncomfortably on the spot, a light pink tint adorning his cheeks.

"I'm… good. Very good," he murmured, a bashful smile soon coming onto his face.

"Good," Ying Sheng laughed softly, glad to hear that he was okay after all of that. It had been intense and heated, nearly driving her to do more to him, but that would have to happen at another time. She would know when the time was right, and she wasn't going to speed through her first time with him. He meant too much to her for her to do that.

"I should… get out of these clothes," Liam told her before his eyes widened at what he said. "I mean, they're just dirty from work."

Ying Sheng nodded, withholding a laugh as she watched him get to his feet and then hurry to his room. She grabbed their paper plates and headed to the kitchen to throw them away, her body still tingling and warm from the kiss. It had been one of the most intense kisses that she had ever shared with someone.

She really wanted to do it again, but it seemed like they both needed a breather. With a faint laugh to herself, Ying Sheng headed to her room, hoping to channel some of her happiness into some hard work.


The club was swarming with young a.d.u.l.ts as they danced out on the dance floor, crowded around at the bar, or hung around in the lounges together. Liam lifted his glass of Jack and Coke to his lips, taking a deep sip and internally grimacing at the bold punch from the whiskey. He was sitting in Dong Yishan's private lounge for her birthday, surrounded by Ying Sheng Dong Yishan, and some of Dongother friends.

"Happy birthday to me!" Dong Yishan cried out as she lifted her shot glass to everyone.

"Yeah!" Xing Yue joined in as he lifted his glass, the tequila lightly sloshing over the rim.

Ying Sheng cheered as she downed her shot, wincing a little at the taste before breaking out into a light laugh. She glanced over at Liam with a smile, her eyes having found his throughout most of the night.

Liam couldn't stop thinking about their kiss a few days ago. It wasn't how he pictured their first kiss as a couple, but it had still felt perfect. She was sweet and hot, and he was surprised they hadn't gone further with how the chemistry felt in that moment. However, he was sure that they both realized that it wasn't the right time.

They had been friends for so long now. If they were going to sleep together, it had to be the right time. One bad s.e.x session could potentially ruin their chances together, and he didn't want to be faced with that. He would know when the time was right. He wouldn't be able to deny himself any longer.

"Let's get another round! Liam, you're drinking!" Dong Yishan called out to him from across the circular table in the center of all the padded couches in their area.

Liam chuckled and nodded, figuring he could do one shot for the birthday girl. He was already on his second whiskey, so he might as well keep going. The alcohol numbed most of his nervousness of being out in a chaotic place like this, and having Ying Sheng nearby also helped a ton. He could just look over at her and feel comforted.

"How many rounds has that been for you, birthday girl?" Xing Yue smirked at Dong Yishan as he gestured to all of the empty shot glasses that already littered the table in front of them.

"We'll keep going until we reach my age," Dong Yishan giggled into her hand.

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