Flash Marriage: The Domineering Wife

Chapter 323 - Deserves the world

He found so much of her to be perfect, and they meshed together so well. He had never wanted to be so open with another person before, and he knew it was because he thoroughly trusted her.

"We're gross," Ying Sheng giggled as she shook her head.

They were being fairly cheesy, but Liam didn't see that as a bad thing. He figured only really happy couples said those things and meant them. He meant each and every word, no matter how gross it sounded or how easily it could be mocked.

"How about I take you out on that date soon?" He asked her, wanting to take her out and spoil her a little. Then, he would really see that cute and s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e side of her. 

Ying Sheng's face brightened up at his question as she nodded.

"Let's do it," she replied enthusiastically.

"Great, I'll do some planning. Now, go be productive," he told her as he pulled her forward so that he could press a soft kiss to her lips. 

A part of him wanted to drag her into the bed with him, but he stopped himself. Her work had to come first, and he had some things that he wanted to do today too. It was Sunday, so he didn't have that many things on his list of things to do today, but he had a few important ones in mind that required his attention. 

"See you, babe," Ying Sheng stressed the pet name playfully before heading out of his bedroom

Liam smiled to himself as he relaxed back in bed, listening to her go into her room to change her clothes and grab her things. Once he heard the front door open and then close, he hopped out of bed, his mind already starting to race.

He really wanted to make her birthday special, and he knew that he had the perfect chance to this year since her parents seemed to be hinting at doing something for her for her birthday. If he could join his efforts with theirs, maybe they could come up with the ultimate surprise for her birthday.

She preferred experiences over things, which he wanted to keep in mind. Presents were great, but they didn't hold a candle to events or fun activities for her. She would choose to do something instead of to receive something in a heartbeat, which he admired about her. She wasn't materialistic. She lived in the moment.

All of this sounded great in his head. However, if he wanted to team up with her parents, that meant that he had to reach out and talk to them. It made him slightly nervous because he didn't think that they would take the time to talk to him. He was a stranger to them, so they would likely just ignore him. He had to figure out a way to create contact with them that they wouldn't turn away from.

Humming beneath his breath thoughtfully, Liam turned on his computer and plopped down in his computer chair, flinching at the cold leather pressing against his b.a.r.e back. He signed in and started up his web browser, immediately typing her parents' names in to bring up their website for their real estate business. He was glad that they were fairly easy to find because he wasn't that much of a sleuth when it came to tracking people down. 

His eyes shifted down the screen as he scrolled, seeking out a contact form to make an appointment with them. He chewed on the inside of his cheek as he thought, wondering if this was even a good idea or not. Technically, he would be lying a little since he wasn't making an appointment with them to sit down and discuss real estate with them, but it would be the easiest way to ensure that he could have a meeting with them without them turning him away.

Liam didn't usually do sneaky stuff like this. He preferred honesty, but her parents hadn't been the most reliable people on the planet. His ultimate goal was to make Ying Sheng happy, and he knew that involving everyone important to her in her life would make for a great birthday for her. He wanted to see her face light up as bright as Dong Yishan's did at her birthday party.

After a few more moments of debating in his head, Liam decided to take the dive. He would do anything for Ying Sheng . His feelings for her put her at the top of his list, and he knew that she would go above and beyond for him for his birthday too. He typed in his information in the contact form, leaving a vague message about wanting to arrange a meeting to discuss some things before sending the form in.

Hopefully, her parents would arrange a meeting with him soon so that he could talk to them about how to surprise Ying Sheng for her birthday. Despite the bad blood between Ying Sheng and her parents, he knew that Ying Sheng wanted to resolve things. The tension wore her down constantly, and he didn't want that situation negatively affecting her any longer, especially as she got closer to graduation. 

Liam shut down his computer and returned to his bed, lounging across its surface and already wishing that

Ying Sheng was back there with him. He missed her, even if she was only gone for a few hours. She had intertwined herself in his daily life so deeply that he could hardly imagine going more than a day without her.

With a smile, Liam reached out and grabbed his phone, knowing that he had some researching to do for their next date. He wanted to be creative and bold, just like her. Her parents had already disappointed her for the majority of her life, and he wasn't ever going to stoop to their level. She deserved the world, and he was intent on giving it to her.

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