Well, more like my parents did," Ying Sheng told him. His lying didn't help, but it all came down to her parents. They ruined everything, and she wished that she could just let the thought of them go. She wished that she could forget about them, but their voices were stuck in her head.

Liam gave her a pointed look, like he didn't believe her words.

"I kept something from you… something that I should've told you. It was your business in the first place," Liam started to say, a guilty look crossing his face.

Ying Sheng glanced down at the floor, unable to look into his eyes for the moment. He looked so upset, and she couldn't help but not want him to be. No matter what had happened between them, she still wanted him to be happy. It was a natural hope for her to have for him.

"I just don't understand why you didn't tell me in the first place," she murmured, wondering what discouraged him from opening up to her. She thought that they told each other nearly everything, but that must've been one of the things to slip in between the cracks. It didn't fly well with her because it was something pertaining to her.

"Honestly… I was afraid of breaking the bad news to you. I knew it would crush you because you wanted to make things right with your parents. You had been so happy lately that I just couldn't bring myself to put an end to that. I wanted you to have at least another week of happiness before you found out,"Liam admitted, hanging his head slightly as he spoke.

Ying Sheng felt a small tug on her heart as she listened to him speak, hearing the sadness in his voice. She could tell that he felt bad about the situation, that he regretted his actions. At least he was genuine. She was grateful for that.

"You don't have to try to protect me like that. I need to be able to handle things like that on my own," Ying Sheng sighed, wishing that she was actually strong enough to do that. She had doubts about her own strength. Her parents had knocked her down one too many times, and it was getting harder and harder to get up.

"Of course I want to protect you. You mean everything to me," Liam replied, gazing at her like she should've already known that.

Ying Sheng blinked a few times in surprise, warmth burning at her cheeks. She had never heard someone say such sweet words to her before, and she knew that he meant them. She hoped that he wouldn't lie about that.

"I shouldn't… you could find someone so much better for you than me," she told him. He had made a mistake, but he was still one of the most special people that she had ever met. Even after everything, he had staged this bakery-like celebration for her since she wanted to own her own bakery. She didn't miss the little details and the thought that he had put into this.

Liam took a moment before reaching out to take her hands.

"I wish you knew how important you are to so many people in your life. I know you don't feel that way. I know you feel like a burden. That's all your parents told you growing up," Liam murmured softly, gently taking her chin in his free hand when she tried to look away from him. "They're wrong about you."

Ying Sheng felt her eyes start to burn, her emotions starting to soar. She wanted to believe him and his sweet words. The source of her insecurities had been her parents, who made her feel worthless. Liam seemed to think that she was worth everything.

"How do you know that they are?" She asked. Maybe he was just biased, and her parents were right.

"Because they don't even know you. They don't know who you are or what you can accomplish. I know you and everything that you can do. I know that your bakery is going to be a success. I know you,Ying Sheng " Liam explained to her, his fingertips lightly grazing her cheek.

Even if she didn't want to believe him, she did. He did know her better than her parents, who had never even tried to get to know their own daughter. If anyone could determine her worth and her future, it would be someone who was close to her, who had an idea of the path that she was heading down. There was no one more knowledgeable on that than Liam.

I know you do… like I know you. I should've never doubted that you cared for me. You're the most important person in my life," Ying Sheng admitted as she reached up to place her hand over his. She could feel words demanding to be said, and she refused to hold them back any longer. "I love you."

Liam stared at her in shock, a smile steadily crossing his lips as he fully registered her words.

"I love you too. I wanted to tell you again  sooner, but I was nervous," he murmured as his thumb lightly stroked her cheek.

"You're always nervous," Ying Sheng gently teased him, but she found it to be cute. He wasn't full of himself like her parents. He was humble and kind, and everyone knew how smart he was. He didn't have to boast about that for people to be impressed.

"Especially around you, but it's a good type of nervous," Liam mused as his other hand reached out to rest on her waist, pulling her body closer to his. "My heart races… and it feels like every inch of my skin is tingling."

Ying Sheng could feel her body warming to his touch. She couldn't help it. She loved to be touched by him, whether it was physically or emotionally. He knew just how to calm her and how to show her the truth. Her parents filled her head with lies, and he had been trying to tell her the truth all along.

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