Dinner was a light affair, Yan Mei smiled across the table at her husband. Gone was the tense stranger from yesterday; replaced by the more familiar figure of her easy-going lover but even that was a deceiving mien.

He was a billionaire real estate mogul who was at home in a suit in just the same way he was at home in faded jeans and a band print shirt. All his facets made her fall in love with him even more.

"You're looking good husband" she called across the dinner table, battling with the beginnings of d.e.s.i.r.e.

Lei Zhao smirked, the only indication that he had heard her before he plucked a glass of wine and downed half the contents. Every movement was deliberate and with a curious grace that was aimed at enticing, across the table he could feel her gaze. When he finally looked up to meet it, he saw in her eyes, a hunger that needed more than a meal.

"You're looking good wife" he finally countered, enjoying the blush that suffused her face but loved that she didn't drop her eyes either.

Then he waited for her to make the next move, the glint in her eyes promised they were going to miss the rest of the meal and probably incur the wrath of his temperamental chef.

But he was a man who was in love with his wife and in that moment, he wanted nothing more than to give in to the smoldering d.e.s.i.r.e between the two of them.

Across the table, Yan Mei  read his intentions but dropped her eyes anyway and picked up her cutlery, her actions greeted by a soft chuckle. She raised her gaze to eye the man seated across from her, a promise in her gaze.

Not now but soon.....very soon.

Lei Zhao nodded.

Lei Zhao didn't think he'd ever get tired of the sound of her voice, the elegant motions, or learning every detail of her body and how he could make her shatter in p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e. For what seemed like hours they sat at the dining table, toying with dinner while chasing down tiny bites down with delicious wine. 

By the time they had abandoned the illusion of eating, Yan Mei was tipsy, at least enough to openly devour him with her eyes across the table, at that point though he admitted he was doing some serious looking of his own.

"I think I'm a little intoxicated," she said in a low voice, but her eyes showed she was drunk on more than wine. When Lei Zhao came to stand next to her he saw that her body hummed with barely suppressed d.e.s.i.r.e.

The first touch of his skin slithered between the two of them and she slid to her feet in a single move, pushing the chair back as she moved closer into his arms.

Their kiss was a slow sweet seduction that quickly segued into something stronger and darker, the passion rising in a slow boil before yanking the both of them into the maelstrom.

They unanimously decided to skip dessert as he picked her up and carried her into the bedroom, urgency firing his blood. The entrance to their room was more than a few feet away from the dining room but Lei Zhao didn't feel the distance as he climbed the stairs and walked through the open door into the hallway leading to their bedroom and slid open one of the doors. 

His lips quirked he was going to answer that but first, he wanted to commit the image of her in this very moment into his memory. Her hair was slipping out of the loose bun she'd haphazardly put it in earlier, the soft waves framing her face, it brought to mind all the images of the time he had watched her sleep, her natural curls splayed out over the pillows. 

He'd never thought of ears as being perfect but somehow hers were and they were not pierced. It was almost unheard of for the CEO of a jewelry company not to wear so much of them but she kept it to a b.a.r.e minimum.

Her huge brown eyes were framed by long thick eyelashes and a nose that was as perfect as her ear and the rest of her. Her mouth was full and lush, lips that were meant to be kissed, to be tasted and relished, and he leaned down to do just that, pouring all his passion and promise into one kiss.

His eyes went down the line of her throat and then lower until he got to the swell of her b.r.e.a.s.t. She'd unbuttoned the top two buttons earlier and his hands ached to unbutton the line running the length of the dress until she lay before him n.a.k.e.d. 

She read the d.e.s.i.r.e in his eyes clearly, her hands moving to the buttons of her dress to undo one more before she whipped the offending material over her head.

Her hands moved to her bra but he trapped them, raising the both of them above her head where he trapped them while his other hand moved to explore the rest of her. 

Anticipation and more than a little l.u.s.t made him shaky as his hand hovered inches above the uncovered flesh. Biting his bottom lip, he lowered his hand until it rested just at the curve of her h.i.p.s, tracing it until his hands ghosted down her skin as it ran down the length of her t.h.i.g.hs. He didn't know if the roughness of his hands made her skin seem that much softer or if she did feel like satin.

Impatient, she freed her hands from his and leaned up, into his kiss, above her, he rolled his h.i.p.s and she broke away from the kiss to take in a deep breath, her eyes clouding in passion. His lips left her mouth and ran down her throat leaving her panting and even more frantic

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