Flash Marriage: The Domineering Wife

Chapter 347 - Meeting her

"So, you see? There's no question of funny business, I mean have you seen Lei Zhao? You should meet the girl too, I invited her to come here" Yan Mei informed Su Bei, tongue in cheek

"That's fast "

"She's lost and alone and needs someone to rely on" Yan Mei replied, suddenly defensive

"So that's what it's about huh?" Su Bei asked, her eyes narrowed but in them was a completely new understanding of the situation. 

It was Yan Mei's turn to look away "I don't know what you mean,"

"She reminds you of yourself" it was not a question but an undeniable statement of fact.

Yan Mei sighed, just a bit disgusted with herself and her vacillating emotions through the day. She had become very emotional later and nausea she attributed to intense anxiety lurked just behind her throat, making her throw up at least once a day "I just wish, I wish that at that point in my life someone had stood by me no matter how unorthodox"

Su Bei got up from her chair to move to her friend and hug her, over her shoulder she said "I'm standing by you now and supporting you through this"


"That also means I would not hesitate to hit you with the truth and save you from yourself" she continued severely

"Thanks again"

"I've got your back Yan Mei and this girl better be good, she may have Lei Zhao tied down by friendship and you by sympathy but I've got nothing holding me back." Yan Mei nodded taking the good-natured threat for the show of love it truly was.

"I appreciate that. So how are things with Leng Shao?" Yan Mei asked her friend.

Su Bei blushed, "Good, he is..." She trailed off as she let out a dramatic sign.

"Perfect. He is so kind, understanding, patience. I know he isn't madly in love with me yet but that's okay. I'm happy with him, he treats me well and that's the most important thing."

Yan Mei nodded in understanding and smiled gently at her friend. "I'm happy for you."

"Me too. Wait you look different." Su Bei raised her brows at her with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"I do?" Yan Mei frowned as she held her cheeks.

"Yes, you look like a pre-"

The brief flurry of voices outside the door directed their attention away from the window as they both turned towards the door of her office. In two seconds, someone barged in with her personal assistant hot on their heels.

She recognized Yue Yan but only after catching that familiar smile. The washed-out guest was far gone, in her place was a prettier version, with perfect make-up, a new haircut, and a million-watt smile. All in all, she looked well-rested, perfectly recovered, and like a socialite. She even completed the look with the several shopping bags she carried the others her nurse carried behind her.

One only had to look to see she was high on retail therapy. "Hey sis" she cooed; her voice impossibly silky

Su Bei's eyebrow arched until it met her hairline but Yan Mei just shook her head covertly at her

"Hey sis," Yan Mei answered before turning to her new personal assistant "it's alright, Su Bei, this is Yue Yan."

"Oh" the harried employee nodded with a tentative smile

Yan Mei continued as if she hadn't said a word "She's very welcome, with or without an appointment"

"Duly noted" The secretary's nod was firm this time.

"Are you hungry?" Yan Mei directed this question at the two women who were making themselves comfortable in one of the couches, strategically placed around the room.

"Famished, being this hot burn a lot of calories" Yue Yan informed them safely and her nurse snorted, in the blink of an eye, the both of them were laughing uproariously.

Yan Mei caught her assistant's arched eyebrow above their head, and turned to catch Su Bei's eye too but subtly shook her head at their obvious confusion. There was no way to explain Yue Yan , one had to just wait and take things as they happened. 

Yan Mei nodded at her assistant after getting everyone's preference before walking over to sink into the couch across from Yue Yan to ask her how she had faced with shopping and re-entering into society.

Immediately she launched into her story, Yan Mei made a mental note to have her assistant cancel every other thing she might have to handle for the day. The glint in Yue Yan's eyes promised she was going to be there for a while.

Nothing like an exchange of fashion to get Su Bei's attention completely, even though she can't afford all those expensive stuffs she loved talking about it. Within minutes Yan Mei was ignored with only the live-in nurse for silent company but that was okay.

She caught the subtle nod Su Bei passed her after a while and allowed the tension to melt away from her shoulders. It wasn't a stamp of approval, it simply said that she understood her reasons for doing the things she had done, to Yan Mei it meant everything.

The group discussion moved from one trend to another trend and Yue Yan I got a huge education on all the fashion trends she had managed not to participate in for three years. Sometimes the conversation devolved into fashion codes that flew over her head but she found she didn't mind, not when the alternative was allowing herself to be lost in her own thoughts, reliving a moment she didn't even want to relive anymore or the alternative.

Yan Mei was exhausted, the idea of lunch made her feel faintly nauseous and her body ached miserably but as she took another look around the four of them and found she actually like it, this camaraderie, the friendship, and easy companionship. She nodded, warmed by the thought before she jumped back into the conversation, a hilarious retelling of the antics of a hairstylist with very particular and very loud ideas about fashion.

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